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Online channel 51: Zoo animals are 99% people

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/5/3 9:48:02 Browse times: 271 Comment times: 0

Online channel 51: Zoo animals are 99% people(网友吐槽五一:动物园99%的动物是人)

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Online channel 51: Zoo animals are 99% people | | tourists _ 51 | Zoo news

51 small holiday on the first day, the weather, Nanjing more spots appeared crowded, people watched the pomp, including Furubayashi Park, due to open on the first day, setting a record one-day passenger flow.??150,000 people flocked to the Zhongshan mausoleum, sits a little wait in line three has not yet come ... ... Modern Express Reporter Liu Weijuan Yu Le Wu Yi Xiang Fenghua Hao Duo Hu Yumei interns Cai Xuejie Sun Shen Ding Liqiong

  Furubayashi Park

Free on the first day, the highest one-day traffic record

Yesterday was Furubayashi Park free first day up to 4 o'clock in the afternoon, tourists of 24,000 people in the Park, a record one-day traffic record. Staff members said yesterday at around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, park visitors reached 15,000 people, but we ordered for fun, without crowding, so that the Park is not limiting.

Free admission, plus Peony, Peony flower exhibition, starting from yesterday at 8 in the morning, Furubayashi Park East Gate is a hive, it was carrying a sketchpad, someone moved the BBQ food, carrying the tripod, it was pushing a buggy family. Less than 9 points, only 50 parking spaces in the park full, several traffic police guided traffic at the front door.

Park's Peony and Chinese peony flowers bright big, attracted tourists stopped photographing. However, many of them shuttling among the flowers, some open at the side of Peony, Paeonia lactiflora under drooping his head, and some petals are bare. Volunteers from the Nanjing Academy of fine arts from time to time by speaker, remind visitors to take care of flowers. Volunteer students said a trickle of tourists taking pictures when twisting flowers opposite the lens, which especially affects spending.

In addition to the flower show, barbecue has also attracted large numbers of tourists. Yesterday at 8 o'clock in the morning, visitors with fresh ingredients to the table. Less than 10 points, there are already four or five tables tourists ate. At 12 o'clock noon, Dongdaemun also kept tourists coming in, and some even brought two large boxes of barbecue food.

Suggestions: tension of park spaces, we recommend travel by bus to. Or to South Park Arts Street.

 Sen's mausoleum scenic area

See sea, three small train hasn't come

Yesterday, Sen's mausoleum scenic area 150,000 passenger traffic. Looking ahead, on cemetery road, piled up a line of vehicles. From clover Park subway station to u-the Pavilion, usually just one or two minutes, Shandong visitors to Mr Wang spent 15 minutes yesterday. At the donggou parking spaces, at least 10 minutes. However, since the main road traffic control, the overall order is good. Underwater world contrary to stop more, many vehicles are posting tickets.

Clover Park, next to the Metro station, thousands of tourists waited in line for trains. "Already made 3 trips, such as train, still didn't turn to me. "A visitor said with dismay, however, when he saw on the Boardwalk full of people, have decided to wait. Mausoleum old you just become Visitor Center parking lot, filled with people. There are many visitors transfer to tourist cars, there are quite a few people from the hills after burial site, choose the rest here. To the steps of the Festival Hall, tourists almost every inch to form filled up, shouting at someone hasn't climbed to the Festival Hall and tired.

Suggestions: scenic areas surrounding many parking lots full to bursting, visitors enter the mausoleum, it is best to travel by public transport. Area there are currently some 2000 parking spaces, the main car parks are as follows: donggou parking lots, parking, Ming Xiaoling mausoleum, linggu Temple car park, station road car park of stone pillars, White Horse Park your car at the car park, sports park, Golden Square (clover Park subway station) car parks, Sea World parking lot. Post Office road, linggu Temple, Ling Road, West Road and other places to increase unilateral about 500 temporary parking spaces.

 Confucius Temple

Blood Bowl of duck fans, looking for 20 minute seating

Yesterday, the Confucius Temple area welcomed 300,000 visitors, the emergence of the "adult head, kids butt" overcrowding.

At 12 o'clock noon, Confucius Temple around parking lots, licensed vehicles in the field very much. Zhan Yuan Lu to squeeze into Confucius Temple, Eyeful, all are human. Qinhuai snack city, long line right up to the curb. A tourist wants to eat duck blood fans, waited 20 minutes, holding a bowl looking for seats. Wende tourist mojianjiezhong on the bridge, bridge slowed pace.

At noon, in the Confucius Temple Grand Hall and Southern blot out the side door, there are still many people waiting to buy tickets. Counted the number of journalists, outside the Hall of great accomplishment in line for 35 people, Jiang Nangong homes up to 65 people.

Proposal: the current area is being upgraded, blot out the street half enclosed construction, combined with tourists coming, blot out the street, pingjiang road, the car parks are all "car" overflowing. Today and tomorrow, two days before we go to this area, you can choose Chinese Gate near the parking lot.

 Tourist bus broken trees

Zhonghua Road area last night jam

At 8 o'clock yesterday evening, a tour bus from Zhan Yuan lu out, Zhonghua road, just turned and smashed into trees, tore the Tong is a law, almost half a Crown to the road, causing traffic to a standstill. Until about 10 o'clock in the evening, traffic is very congested.

This bus is a licence in Shanghai last night, tourists visit take this car to the Confucius Temple, snack, visit ended when heading back to the hotel, because the drivers are not familiar with the road conditions, broken trees. Fortunately, no one was injured in the accident.

(Ding leads charge 50 Yuan)

Xuanwu Lake Park

Want to go boating on the Lake, to wait for half an hour

Xuanwu Lake Park free for a long time, there is also sentiment yesterday, a total of more than 140,000 visitors. 12 o'clock noon, reporters entering the Xuanwu Lake Park Gate, on either side of the Lake, are all cruise ships. Cruise ticket office is lined up to the right of nearly 10 meters long. Many tourists holding tickets, standing on the shore, anxiously waiting. Miss Zhang waited for nearly half an hour, only to cruise ships. Some impatient waiting for tourists, had to leave with regrets.

 Hongshan Zoo

Animals are the most memorable person

At noon yesterday at around 11 o'clock, Hongshan Zoo entrance, ticket crowd lined the long lines. Performing Arts Pavilion, the second large Circus Festival coincides with the program, outgoing music sound, noises and applause from time to time, attracts a lot of tourists craned his neck to see, teams ECT at the door had a very spectacular.

A Netizen named "@ Zhang Lei Lei" you're done after Zoo, slots on Twitter saying, "today to red mountain animals, animals is one of the most deeply impressed, not only a wide range of shades, and large in number, almost all animal 99.99% ... ..."

 Southern Bo

15,000 visitors

Yesterday, after the extension of the Nanjing Museum free ushered in the first "51", open at 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, about 15,000 passengers were tourists.

This afternoon, some even rented a wheelchair visit, who lives in Xian Yang Lin is a. She told reporters and friends at 10 in the morning, take the kids to Bo in the South, line up took more than half an hour, "now has two more before we finished art and non-Heritage Museum, too tired to take a wheelchair, History Museum and the Digital Museum tomorrow."

South Bo Liu Wentao, Director of the Office said the extension of Bo in the South after the maximum capacity was 20,000 visitors, visitors don't have to worry about anything.

  Elsewhere in the province, bursting with attractions


Dinosaur Park was closed,

Thousands of people

Yesterday, 8:20 A.M., modern Express Reporter went to the Changzhou global dinosaur town gate, at this time, 10 minutes from scenic area to welcome guests, the main entrance has been around thousands of people.

Global dinosaur town planning personnel, due to the new project "Neverland," opening May 1 day visitors more than in previous years, for which the dinosaurs 3 entrances were open yesterday, staff members to guide the visitors queued for more than 3 hours, ensuring the comfort of scenic spot.

Popularity the same hot spring flooded city scenic spots. It was revealed that the number of visitors to Twitter micro-letter yesterday at around 8 o'clock in the morning, scenic has appeared in the box office lines.

Modern express reporters gexiaolinwen/video cameras


Zoo traffic

Last 3 times

Wuxi Zoo · Joy Park, in Taihu Lake staff Zhu Hao told reporters, said yesterday was the hottest day in the Zoo since its opening, the "amount is 8000 on May 1 of last year, more than 25000 people this year, an increase of more than twice times. ”

In the interview, the reporter found, before almost every opening in the stable is very neat. For example, dozens of crocodiles lying on the grass in the Sun, someone Crocs throw things from time to time, from oranges to apples, from water bottles to plastic packaging, everything. In the elephant Park and bear Park, the same situation on the campuses. Zhu Hao reminded the public that the breeder animals fixed every day and enjoy the food and ask tourists not to feed them, if they are eating plastic bags, water bottles, etc, may give rise to danger.

Modern Express Reporter Kuang Li


Shajiabang, the humble Administrator's garden the most crowded

Yesterday, the most crowded scenic spots of Suzhou Changshu Sha Jia bang, followed by the humble Administrator's garden.

Traffic Police reminded, small holiday period, maximum traffic to one of the scenic tiger in Suzhou old city, and the second is the humble Administrator's garden. Self-drive and coach of the Tiger and the humble Administrator's Garden, be sure to first go to play Tiger, after the end of play, at the main entrance of the Tiger Hill, visitors may take a free shuttle to the humble Administrator's Garden, visit back Tiger again for my car at the end.

In addition to scenic spots, historical and cultural blocks in pingjiang road, shantang Street, tourists are also mojianjiezhong.

Modern Express Reporter he Jie

May 02, 2014, 08:34 Modern express(网友吐槽五一:动物园99%的动物是人|五一|动物园|游客_新闻资讯

  五一小长假第一天,天气给力,南京多个景区景点出现了人挤人、人看人的盛况,其中,古林公园因首日免费开放,创下了单日客流历史最高纪录。15万人涌向中山陵风景区,坐个小火车排队等了三趟仍未排到…… 现代快报记者 刘伟娟 余乐 吴怡 项凤华 郝多 胡玉梅 孙申 实习生 蔡雪洁 丁丽琼











































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