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Central financial and economic leading group officials told Congress decided to draft revised

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Central financial and economic leading group officials told Congress decided to draft revised(中央财经领导小组官员讲述全会决定起草与修改)

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Officials told the central financial and economic leading group of the plenary decided to draft and revise | decision of the central financial and economic leading group | | Modify _ news

  --Visiting Deputy Director of the Office of the Central leading group on finance and Yang Weimin

Xinhuanet, Beijing, November 15 (reporter Han Jie)-18 consideration of the third plenary session of the party by the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision, proposed a comprehensive reform of the overall goal, the General directions, schedules, and reforms to make system deployment.

First open the plenary session Communique outlined how the reform roadmap? Many new references, new window, behind the new initiative, which unleashed important reforms signal? Xinhua interviewed participants in the decision of the drafting group of the central financial work leading group Yang Weimin, Deputy Director of the Office.

  "A theme of six main lines of" locking the broad direction of reform

Yang Weimin: 18 set by the third plenary session topic is comprehensive reform, which is 6 times since the third plenary session of the third plenary session was different. Despite the previous plenary session focusing on reforms, but the theme is only one aspect of the reform, this plenary position deepen reform, including economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization and construction of national defense and the army, the party system, and many other reforms. Determine theme, the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, "five in one" the overall layout is adapted to or commensurate with the current reform situation, storming the reform period and the Sham Shui Po District, only by adhering to the comprehensive reform in order to continue to deepen the reform.

Plenary noted that comprehensive reform's general objective is to improve and develop the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promote the modernization of national governance and capacity, overall orientation is adhering to the Socialist market economy reform. Plenary 6 "focus", which are economic, political, cultural, social and party construction in 6 areas of ecological civilization, reform of the main line, reflects the 6 areas of the basic ideas of reform.

With economic reforms in the area of, for example, the plenary "closely around the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources to deepen economic reform", means that the basic economic system, market economy, tax and finance, land, macro-control in all economic areas, such as reform of the system, all around the "make market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources," the main line to expand and advance. Plenary that each area has its own particular thread and orientation, deepen reforms not only overall direction will not get lost, each area's reforms will not be biased.

  Economic reform "loco" traction effect

Yang Weimin: while the plenary topics is comprehensive reform, but insisted that issues guiding principles, deepening reform of the economic system as a comprehensive focus, emphasizing the traction of the reform of the economic system reform in other areas. This is the decision of the drafting process is to grasp the important principles. The decision identified 15 areas of reform, 6 are economic, one closely related to the economic system of ecological civilization, accounted for nearly half of all reform tasks.

Emphasis is focused on economic system reform, because our country's most prominent development is the most fundamental issues. China is in across the "middle-income trap" stage, the next development faces many challenges and risks, changes in conditions to support rapid growth in the past, only to speed up economic reform in order to free up more momentum in the field.

  "Comprehensive reform leading group" + "reforms timetable" reform efforts unprecedented

Yang Weimin: reform initiatives there will always some worry that it is difficult to put in place. The plenary adopted a number of strong initiatives to show that the new Central leading collective firm commitment to reform, and implementation and reform "do not talk big."

A central set up comprehensive reform leading group, responsible for the overall design, integrated and coordinated, holistic reform process, to monitor the implementation. Reform distribution of benefits has been adjusted to the current critical period, a Department push for comprehensive reform alone are hard to come by, you need a high level body to grasp the overall situation, making decisions, integrated and coordinated all aspects of condensed reform consensus to implement supervision and inspection to prevent reforms "talk big".

Second was crystal clear on "by 2020, the decisive results on reform in important fields and crucial links" timetable. This means that the remaining 7 years must complete the reform put forward by the decision of the tasks, the timetable set for the various departments and local reforms last border and bottom line, shows that these reforms be inspections, assessments, can be implemented.

After more than half a year drafting, and survive the decision sentence after sentence is to reform, Word by Word. About 20,000 words of space, 15 60 specific tasks in the field, is to reform everything, or a direction of reform, and or a goal, or a reform initiative, implementation of significant influence in the development and institutional mechanisms in this field, some of them even brought about fundamental changes.

Participation in the drafting and revision of the decision, remembered two important principles: first, write only when drafting the reform, especially written for substantial reforms, development in principle, not write; second, modifications, might undermine efforts to reform unless there is sufficient reason, generally does not change. Increasing task of reform, there is a certain consensus, as long as there is the greatest common divisor are written on. Heard many participants say didn't think were very surprised that reform is unprecedented, fully reflects the party dared to adhering of reform determination and courage, the courage to acting.

  Market in the allocation of resources from the "fundamental role" with the words "a decisive role"

Yang Weimin: communiqué from the market in the allocation of resources in the past, "an essential role" with the words "a decisive role" change of two words, is of great significance, is the decision the biggest bright spot and major theoretical innovations, is the connotation of socialist market economy in China "quality" enhance and deepen economic restructuring and reform in other fields in the future the basic guidelines. Impact their future would be as much as 14 plenary session target of establishing a socialist market economic system.

Why do we have to change? Capture the essence of socialist market economy--with few resources to produce as many products as possible. Past emphasis on market allocation of resources in the "fundamental role" in bringing the market in the allocation of resources under the State macro-control function, but cannot maximize marketing efficiency. The Word change, has held the most deep-seated problems of China's economic system reform, means that the allocation of resources on the issue of other actors such as Governments, can influence and guide the allocation of resources, but the decision can only be a market.

Two main line and the road map is clear economic system reform. Now everyone is looking for a breakthrough in the reform of, the bulletin to bring the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, defined the next breakthrough in reforms and the road map. All economic sectors of the future reforms is to play a decisive role as ruler of the market in resource allocation. This year, promoting some reforms, including economic growth in the first half, outsiders are looking forward to the Government, but did not move, embodied the role depends on stabilizing financial markets.

Third, captures the root of China's real economic problems. Although more than 30 years of reform, initially established a socialist market economic system, but the current economic system is far from perfect in so many ways, the core issue is the Government's direct allocation of resources too many excessive and unreasonable intervention. Overcapacity, severe urban disease, excessive use of farmland, local government debt risks, environmental protection, etc, to a large extent related to government intervention. Adhere to market-oriented reforms, is at the root of solving the economic problems.

  Clearly define the functions and the role of Government

Yang Weimin: stressed markets play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and by no means negate or weaken the role of Government. In the modern economy, the market and the role of Government as important, but a different connotation. Allocation of resources is concerned, Government's role is to guide and influence the allocation of resources, rather than directly to the allocation of resources.

Meanwhile, only define the functions and role of the Government, the Government ONSide, to make the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, we can solve the current issue coexisting responsibilities offside, vacancy, is not in place by the Government. The decision clearly defines the functions and role of the Government, can be summed up as 5 functions, 20 characters: the macroeconomic control, market supervision, social administration, environmental protection, public services.

In addition, relative to the party's top 16, the plenary did not mention economic adjustment, since the concept is too broad, and leave room for government intervention in the allocation of resources, conflict with markets determine the allocation of resources.

  Promote the modernization of national governance systems and governance capacity made new goals

Yang Weimin: highlight communiqué was presented to the plenary promote the modernization of national governance systems and capacity to govern new target, this is a brand new concept and formulations. We used to say building a modern, separately from the economic, political, cultural, and social development perspective, new target will be made in terms of institutional modernization, enriching the connotation of China's modernization.

National Administration is testing whether a social institution more perfect, more stereotypes important symbol system construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics put forward higher requirements.

Bulletin with "community governance" to replace "social management", reflects the pluralism of. Difference is that governance is governance and management of Government, market and society organization, party, national people's Congress, the Government and the CPPCC with plural subjects, such as the governance of the country, rather than just relying on a force, which was an expression of democracy. Bulletin on "advancing the institutionalization of deliberative democracy widely multi-layer development", national governance is important part of the system and its governance capacity.

A mature social system has to rely on the law. Communiqué cited a need to improve the system in various areas, suggesting that future state governance would be the rule of law, is no longer a simple command or administrative means alone.

  Define authority to act as the Central and local fiscal system reform priorities

Yang Weimin: plenary, finances are the foundations and pillars of governance, identifying tax system as an important part of national systems will be the next focus of reform. After nearly 20 years of tax reform, gradually exposed some deep questions of financial and taxation systems, such as scarce resources tax protection, taxation cannot give better play to adjust income gap, lack of sources of financing for land is the only way ... ... To crack the problem, you need to design the system reform of finance and taxation, and establish a scientific and financial and taxation systems.

Outside concern Central and place of purse strings and authority relationship problem, Central is received authority also is put purse strings, plenary made established authority and expenditures responsibility phase adapted of system, meant with Central and place of authority will will more clear defined, and according to authority determines General expenditures responsibility, achieved financial and authority relationship of overall balance, in this a process in the future should reduced arbitrary set special transfer paid.

  "Regardless of their boss, Dick" more equitable treatment of all sectors of the economy

Yang Weimin: at present some obstacles in the development of the private economy, "glass doors", the root is ideologically we did not put the non-public ownership economy in equal status with the public-owned economy. Plenary session in a major breakthrough and innovation to improve the basic economic system, that is more equitable treatment and awareness of all sectors of the economy.

Is the plenary-State-owned economy and the non-State-owned economy is an important component of the Socialist market economy, an important foundation of China's economic development. We will be complemented by individual economy and private economy in the past, later admitted was an important part of the Socialist market economy, but added the "prescribed by law" within the premise of. Plan plenty of non-public ownership economy as an important component of the Socialist market economy, but not with the public-owned economy put together about it. Put together about this time is an important part of very clear, indicating that either there is no boss, Dick.

Second, protection of property rights, the use of production factors, to participate in market competition, legal protection, market access, supervision according to law, and other areas, have stressed that all sectors of the economy, such as equality, equity, justice, unity key words.

Third, introduce positive and mixed ownership economy. This is not a new concept, but with new meaning and orientation. Future development of State-owned capital controlled mixed-ownership economy, but also encourages the development of non-State-owned capital controlled mixed-ownership economy.

In addition, the decision on deepening the reform of State-owned enterprises and State-owned assets also has lots of new ideas, new tasks, the next step is bound to set off a second wave of reform of State-owned enterprises.

  First systematic interpretation system of ecological civilization

Yang Weimin: tighter resource constraints in China at present, serious environmental pollution, ecosystem degradation, the situation remains grim, behind this reform in place, the system is not perfect, not the deep structural causes mechanism is not perfect. In this issue, the Government is not intervening too much, but too little intervention, not offside, but the Government is far from in place.

Plenary are centered around building a beautiful ecological civilization of China to deepen reform, for the first time establishes a system of ecological civilization, from the source, course and consequences of the whole process, according to the "sources, processes, strict management, the consequences of severely punishing vice versa", elaborates the Constitution and reform of the system of ecological civilization, major tasks.

Sources against system is to prevent damage to the ecological environment at the source of the Act, including sound natural resources asset property right system and use control systems;

Strict management system, is in the process of development and exploitation, set up a system of local and Enterprise behavior, including delineation of eco-line, resources paid use and ecological compensation system, give full play to leverage of tax and price;

Consequences and severely punish the regime, is to establish a system of strict liability for damage compensation. For violations of laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the Act, many of the punishments of the past are symbolic, irreparable damage to ecological environment and people's health in the long-term. Future local leaders of eco-environmental damage caused by lifelong responsibility for enterprises to be severely punished, local pay lost "chops" costs that companies pay real money, make them afraid to damage the ecological environment in the future.

  Eventually deepen reform to benefit the entire population

Yang Weimin: plenary session made it clear that reform should be "to promote social fairness and justice, to promote the well-being of the people as the starting point and ending point." This guideline suggests that comprehensive reform must ultimately benefit all the people.

Now the decision on deepening reforms of the education, health care and other social programs was not published in full, many people were looking forward to. Our current system does have some unfair and unequal system, such as natural monopoly industries, stakeholders needs to be adjusted, market access liberalization, allowing capital into other areas. How good development of the cake, the bulletin has clearly "more equitable benefit all people" of reform.

18, the decision was adopted at the third plenary session of the new session of the CPC Central Committee to mobilize the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to deepen the reform of the programme of action and the bugle call. Under the current situation, only a comprehensive reform, to lead the country's development across the "middle-income trap" stage, overcoming social contradictions and risks promoting overall construction of well-off society and promoting the Chinese dream of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

(Edit: SN064)November 15, 2013 The website(中央财经领导小组官员讲述全会决定起草与修改|中央财经领导小组|决定|修改_新闻资讯











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