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Summary: night of Lido, March 24

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/3/25 23:07:45 Browse times: 249 Comment times: 0

Summary: night of Lido, March 24(综述:丽都3月24日之夜)

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Roundup: Lido | Malaysia Airlines the night of March 24 | | cosmopolitan _ lost flights newsTitlevidOpen adsMedia sourcesVideo screenshotCCTVAddressMalaysia Airlines confirmed no survivorsThe 1292743160CCTV news channel1 of flight launches fullThe 1292678530CCTV news channel flight has crashedThe 1292674130CCTV news channel to calculate flying to India OceanThe 1292989970SINA podcast

"Night of the Lido"

On March 24, the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 lost its 17th day. As usual, Malaysia, traffic, or in the 5:30 P.M. held a press conference, declaring that Australia found two suspicious objects-a message has appeared several times.

Everything is as usual. Until 9:22, Malaysia Prime Minister published on twiter news Beijing time at 10 o'clock in the evening, he will be in Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur on relevant developments relating to lost airliner MH370 held a press conference. While United Kingdom Skynews said Malaysia Airlines will also be in Beijing held an emergency meeting with the families of the lost airliner passengers.

CNN breaking news warning also, content is the part of the families of the passengers were asked to attend the Conference in Beijing. Description according to the media, we have to pray for good news at the same time, a disturbing atmosphere is gradually filled.

Breaking news, 21:33, United Kingdom Skynews reported that the families of the lost passengers of flight MH370 were invited, will take Charter flights to Australia.

Subsequently, a number of media persons exposed to family members and members of the media got the message, message says "MH370 disappeared in South India Ocean, everybody on Board could have survived. "(Below)

Text messages received by the families of the passengers.

Family's mood turned to panic, some instincts of family members questioning sources, that number are located in Hong Kong, families of moods smooth.

  21:59 news confirm that "Malaysia confirmed MH370 flights in India Ocean crash" Malaysia Prime Minister Najib said at a press conference, "we are deeply mournful tell you that MH370 in South India Ocean ' end '".

Domestic media continuously reported passenger family news:

…… Malaysian Airlines flight families grieving. Heard about Malaysia to announce MH370 fall India Ocean News, grief to the families of passengers in Beijing Lido Hotel. Reporters at the scene saw, there are several female relatives collapsed, medical staff at the scene. A lot of male family members broke into tears ... ...

…… Tonight, the Lido Hotel in Beijing, heard after Malaysia announced news of the MH370 crash, family members crying. Several female relatives collapsed, medical staff at the scene. Many families wishing to visit Australia, to at least some closer to the family ... ...

…… SINA reported back to the front, in Malaysia to announce news of the crash, in deep sorrow to the families of Beijing Lido Hotel ... ...

…… SINA news back to the forward from Beijing Lido Hotel, after the crash was announced, some family members without further before the message should not be about visiting Australia or Malaysia ... ...

…… Reporters saw in the Beijing Lido Hotel, courtyard full of ambulances, the hotel staff has been part of the family and called the emergency services ... ...

  "Outside the Lido"

# # The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said China had learned that horse to this announcement. We are highly concerned about this. China has asked Malaysia to further draw this conclusion all of the information and evidence provided.

# China # "will send more ships to South India Ocean" China Communications News News: Malaysia Prime Minister issued "Malaysia Airlines aircraft MH370 in South India Ocean crash" latest news, overnight China's maritime search and rescue Center is research programme, China will increase the search power, additional vessels to the South India Ocean continues wreckage search and salvage.

# # "United Kingdom air crash investigation agency: to not comment on the crash," Ma said, United Kingdom aviation accident investigation Bureau (AAIB) has never been used before the latest methods and technologies have come to the conclusion of the Malaysia Airlines crash in the South Pacific. Reporter called the AAIB, the Agency said Malaysia Airlines would not comment, not to publish a statement, everything is subject to Malaysia to release information.

# # "France investigators: use a submarine search MH370 not yet," Agence France-Presse news, France investigators say current use of submarine search MH370 "too early." France accident investigators has long been involved in MH370 search for work, who has extensive experience, looking for wreckage of Air France flight 447 crashed by 2009.

# Query # "media lost four asked Malaysia Airlines flight" new site tweets, from ① crash data analysis? There is no other corroborating evidence? ② United Kingdom aviation accident investigation Board called "never previously used the latest methods and technologies for" what is it? ③ What aircraft returned to the South? ④ When airliner can be found, and the black box? Search and rescue cannot be stopped, the truth cannot be absent! This is the best explanation of life!

# Query # "IP: data analysis confirmed the plane alone," crash "? "Lost the 17th day, Malay 24 night the Prime Minister issued a statement, announced that under the United Kingdom air crash investigation agency from data analysis, Malaysian Airlines MH370" flight ended in South India Ocean. " Most of Sina weibo users to such statements indicated that he did not understand why "rely solely on data analysis leads to the conclusion"? Announcement of results, questions and more.

# Query # "user analysis-the Prime Minister was careful" ended "instead of" crash, "" user @ analysis on Guan Xin Sam, Prime Minister says flights "ended in the Southern Indian Ocean", "ended" (flight ended with) very carefully worded, media translation language is the Prime Minister of "crash" is not really accurate. Although it was most likely the case, but did not say crash, plunge even ditch (landing)

# Media # because Sina weibo users there is even frequent refresh message "message reading busy." CCTV news was issued at 22:38 "# # Malaysia Airlines plane crash" no goodbye goodbye "tonight, silence for life in vain! "100,000 netizens forwarding. CCTV announced around 23:50, to about 24 points to 1 point between one-hour live special episode.


Passengers and crew members on flight MH370 a total of 239, parts lists for the victims, the flowers:

(Edit: SN067) 00:35 March 25, 2014(综述:丽都3月24日之夜|马航|失联航班|丽都_新闻资讯标题vid是否打开广告媒体来源视频截图是否联播地址马航确认无人生还1292743160CCTV新闻频道1航班坠毁发布会全程1292678530CCTV新闻频道航班已经坠毁1292674130CCTV新闻频道如何计算飞向印度洋1292989970新浪播客









  21:59 噩耗确认【马来西亚确认MH370航班在印度洋坠毁】马来西亚总理纳吉布在发布会上说,“我们怀着深深的悲切告诉大家,MH370客机已在南印度洋‘终结’”。














  #质疑#【网友分析-马总理措辞谨慎 "ended"不等于"坠毁"】网友@管鑫Sam 分析,马总理说航班"ended in the Southern Indian Ocean","ended"(飞行终结于)措辞非常谨慎,有媒体翻译马总理的措辞是"坠毁",其实并不准确。虽然那是最有可能的情况,但绝没有说过crash、plunge甚至ditch(迫降)





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