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Li keqiang meets with International Monetary Fund Chief Executive Christine Lagarde

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/3/25 23:06:16 Browse times: 271 Comment times: 0

Li keqiang meets with International Monetary Fund Chief Executive Christine Lagarde(李克强会见国际货币基金组织总裁拉加德)

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Li keqiang, Li keqiang meets with International Monetary Fund LaGarde | | | world economic situation _ the International Monetary Fund news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, March 24 (reporter Tan Jingjing)-Premier Li keqiang met on 24th with Lagarde, President of the International Monetary Fund [Twitter], on the world economic situation, China's cooperation with the International Monetary Fund for such exchanges.

Li pointed out that the current world economy can be summed up in three and three, but: one is the new change in the overall situation, but still complex. Developed countries also should pay attention to the spillover effects of its policies. Second, emerging market faces difficulties and challenges, but remains a major force for world economic growth. Third, national macro-policy coordination difficulties, but should carry forward the spirit of solidarity to cope with the international financial crisis. Should be consolidated and strengthened in the international community under the framework of the Group of 20 of dialogue, coordination and cooperation, promoting the building of an open world economy, global economy along the path of strong, sustainable and balanced development.

Mr Li said China attached great importance to the role of the International Monetary Fund. Hope Fund to continue to promote the strengthening of macro-economic policy coordination, early screening and research found there may be significant risks in the world economy; improving the international financial system, advancing implementation of International Monetary Fund shares and governance reform, upholding multilateralism, oppose trade protectionism and promote the globalization of the economy, and strive to achieve common development. China is willing to continue to maintain close cooperation with the International Monetary Fund.

LaGarde agreed with Li's views on the current world economic situation, said joint efforts in various countries, positive developments in the growth of the world economy, there are risks also have room to grow. China's successful reforms, make an important contribution to world economic growth. IMF highly appreciates China's reform initiatives, will strengthen the cooperation with China, and to work with countries, strive for early implementation of fund shares and governance reform, promote positive developments in the global economic governance, promoting the steady growth of the world economy.

Related news: interview with Sina finance Christine Lagarde: China's role in the global economy may be reduced slightly

21:35 on March 24, 2014 The website(李克强会见国际货币基金组织总裁拉加德|李克强|国际货币基金组织|世界经济形势_新闻资讯







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