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9 joint deployment of rectification “pseudo-base station“ catch believed

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/3/25 23:04:17 Browse times: 278 Comment times: 0

9 joint deployment of rectification “pseudo-base station“ catch believed(9部门联合部署整治“伪基站”抓获千余人)

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9 joint deployment of rectification "pseudo-base station" believed captured | pseudo-base station | | public security organs _ news

Website Beijing March 25 electric for current illegal production, and sales and using "pseudo base station" equipment illegal crime activities increasingly rampant of situation, this year yilai, Central propaganda, and central network letter Office, and supreme law, and Supreme seized, and Ministry of public security, and industrial and information Department, and security, and business General, and QC General, 9 sector in national range within deployment carried out combat regulation special action, strongly law severe combat illegal production, and sales and using "pseudo base station" equipment illegal crime activities, Strongly remediation problems affecting public communications order according to law, safeguard the fundamental interests of the people. So far, the initiatives achieved significant results, according to destroy "false base station" equipment producing dens 24 and seized "false base station" devices more than 2,600 employees, destroying the illegal production, sale and use of "pseudo-base station" equipment 314 illegal criminal gangs, 3540 uncovered fraud, illegal operation and other kinds of criminal cases and captured the main suspect 1530.

It is understood that the "pseudo-base station" device is a lack of network access license for telecommunications equipment and radio transmission equipment type approval of illegal radiocommunication equipment, to search and seize within a certain radius of cell phone information, arbitrary use of others ' phone numbers forced to mobile phone bulk SMS messages to the user. "Pseudo base station" equipment volume small, and easy carrying, outlaws General in city CCP, and airport, and station, flow intensive of places, risked with others phone number or camouflage into communications operators, and bank customer service, even is justice, and administrative organ, forced to not specific crowd sent SMS, illegal operating advertising business, or sent false advertising, even implementation fraud, crime activities, gets huge interests. Illegal production, sale and use of "pseudo-base station" device not only disrupt normal Telecom order, endanger public safety, and disturb the market order, but also seriously harm public interests in property, violations of citizens ' personal privacy, harm to society seriously. Incomplete statistics show that each year through "false base station" device sends SMS, such as fraud, gambling, selling, won nearly qianyitiao, has become a major nuisance.

For severely combating illegal production, sale and use of "pseudo-base station" illegal and criminal activities of equipment, effective regulation and standardize the order of public communications, in February of this year, net information Office, the Ministry of public security jointly with the relevant departments of the central campaign to establish joint mechanisms to strengthen the Organization and coordination of special operations. Ministry of public security in conjunction with supreme law, and Supreme seized, and security specifically introduced has on law handle illegal production sales using "pseudo base station" equipment cases of views under, clear on illegal production, and sales, and using "pseudo base station" equipment crime acts, law to illegal operating sin, and damage public telecommunications facilities sin, and fraud sin, and false advertising sin, and illegal gets citizens personal information sin, and damage computer information systems sin, and disrupt radio communications management order sin, and illegal production sales spy dedicated equipment sin, charges held criminal ;, Knowing that such other persons to commit the illegal production, sale and use of "pseudo-base station" crime equipment, providing them with funds, space, technology, equipment, and other help, be punished as complicity; organization and command, illegal production and sales of used "false base station" ringleader of the device, active criminals, and so, be focused on combat, severely punished according to law.

Under 9 Department special operations General Organization and deployment of public security, the national public security organs to act quickly, carefully organized, in-depth investigation of cases leads, strengthen measures to investigating and solving criminal cases, national synthesis of linkage, fighting, quickly set off a siege "false base station" of the case against battle. The Ministry of public security held a number of meetings, strengthening command and control, strengthen key areas of giving direction to the harmonization, in key cases listing supervision, organization of central collection and network operations. All "sources, pound the dens, indestructible network" as the key, equipment research and development, production and sales, using link for chain-wide combat and successfully destroyed a large number of "false base station" illegal and criminal gangs. Shandong province Qufu police organ uses technology means precise combat, detected Sun a illegal sales "pseudo base station" operation software case; Hebei province hengshui police organ through source track, and series and investigation, destroyed Court a, people illegal production sales "pseudo base station" groups case, seized equipment more than 70 over sets; Liaoning province Dandong police organ detected Lee a, people illegal using "pseudo base station" sent advertising marketing SMS case, the groups Trojan mass SMS 200 million article, years sales more than 7 million Yuan ; Yizheng city, Jiangsu Province, the public security organs successfully cracked the Wang and others use "false base station" fraud case for social security pensions, involving hundreds of thousands of dollars. Those criminal gangs were successfully removed and deter the Commission of such illegal and criminal activities.

The Ministry of public security official said, "false base station" crime is rapidly spreading in nearly two years of a new type of illegal and criminal activities, any production, sale and use of "pseudo-base station" device is illegal, the public security organs will further step up efforts to combat, to organizations to carry out combat operations continuing to strengthen network and market regulation of clearing. At the same time, adhere to the fountainhead management, system management, comprehensive management, and governance according to law, actively in conjunction with the relevant departments to further establish and improve the fight against regulation of long-term working mechanism to squeeze "false base station" illegal space, resolutely safeguard public communications order and vital interests of the masses, constantly improve people's sense of security. Police also hope that public support in reporting crime clues, to the public security organs in a timely manner and 12321, malnutrition and a spam reporting centre, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom customer service complaints, resolutely resist against "false base station" illegal and criminal activities.

(Edit: SN095)15:53 March 25, 2014 The website(9部门联合部署整治“伪基站”抓获千余人|伪基站|公安机关|基站_新闻资讯

  新华网北京3月25日电 针对当前非法生产、销售和使用“伪基站”设备违法犯罪活动日益猖獗的情况,今年以来,中央宣传部、中央网信办、最高法、最高检、公安部、工业和信息化部、安全部、工商总局、质检总局等9部门在全国范围内部署开展打击整治专项行动,坚决依法严厉打击非法生产、销售和使用“伪基站”设备违法犯罪活动,坚决依法整治影响公共通讯秩序的突出问题,切实维护人民群众根本利益。截至目前,专项行动取得重大成效,依法捣毁“伪基站”设备生产窝点24处,缴获“伪基站”设备2600余套,摧毁非法生产、销售、使用“伪基站”设备违法犯罪团伙314个,破获诈骗、非法经营等各类刑事案件3540起,抓获主要犯罪嫌疑人1530名。






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