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Start the trial reform of provinces directly lead the counties two county-level cities of Jilin straight tube

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/14 3:16:12 Browse times: 309 Comment times: 0

Start the trial reform of provinces directly lead the counties two county-level cities of Jilin straight tube(吉林启动省直管县改革试点 两个县级市直管)

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Start the trial reform of provinces directly lead the counties two county-level cities of Jilin straight tube pilot Jilin | | | _ news

China News Agency, November 14 (He Baoqing Chen Boyi) 14th, the Jilin provincial government information Office news release, gongzhuling, meihekou two county-level cities in the province, "provincial pipe" by launching the "provinces directly lead the counties" system reform. Local official says, it's going to be all over China managed County by province "," decentralization is the most thorough, most aggressive reform.

"Managed County by province" is the district-level administrative bodies across the city, directly from provincial administrative organisations. 18 Party Congress had raised the need to "optimize administrative division at the administrative level and setting, there are conditions where you can explore the direct administration of the province and County (City)". Just closing the 18 session of the plenary, made to a comprehensive reform of administrative management system deployment.

At present, China has 10 provinces, like Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Liaoning managed County by province "," reform. The pilot of two county-level cities in Jilin province gongzhuling, meihekou city, ranking the County economy in this province, ranking second and third, respectively.

Jilin provincial party Committee, Deputy Director of finance Shi Minglei introduced pilot relate principally to the household registration system, urban and rural construction land use, urban and rural security system, reform of the personnel system. Specific policy measures are under development.

The core of this reform is decentralization. To this end, the Jilin provincial delegation of more than 400 total number of administrative permission to the district level. And develop appropriate measures to make them real decentralization of power, relaxed the burden as pilot areas. (End text)

(Original title: Jilin started "provinces directly lead the counties" reform two county-level cities straight tube)

(Edit: SN091)November 14, 2013 China News Network(吉林启动省直管县改革试点 两个县级市直管|试点|吉林|直管_新闻资讯

  中新社长春11月14日电 (贺宝庆陈博宜) 吉林省政府新闻办14日发布消息称,将省内的公主岭、梅河口两个县级市变为“省直管”,正式启动“省直管县”体制改革试点。当地官员形容说,这将是中国各地“省管县”简政放权最为彻底、力度最大的一次改革。





(原标题:吉林启动“省直管县”改革试点 两县级市直管)


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