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Reported that Super 60% young people have sex before marriage,

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/3/24 3:46:47 Browse times: 238 Comment times: 0

Reported that Super 60% young people have sex before marriage,(报告称超6成年轻人有婚前性行为,)

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Reports of Super sex 60% young young people have premarital sex | | | report _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, March 23 (reporters Zhou Ting and)-nearly 10 years ago, the young average age of first-time sex early, was delayed for nearly two years while the average childbearing age. 21st in the experts concerned, "Chinese women's reproductive health promotion project" pointed out that at the start, my existing family planning service system covering unwed people, young men's contraceptive needs are far from being met.

2013 world contraception day China survey shows, 37% the young, first-time sex before the age of 19, 64% young people have sex before marriage. While at the same time, young people aged 15 to 19 years of age sexually experienced, more than 70% had unprotected sex.

"The lack of contraception knowledge and services, network information varies greatly, touch off a young man due to improper contraception and abortion and the very serious problem of repeated miscarriages, it is imperative to strengthen reproductive health education, elimination of women's health. "Qin Guoying, Vice Secretary-General of the China Women's Development Foundation said," Chinese women's reproductive health promotion project "by expanding family planning services and education touch points such as schools, hospitals and so on, women's reproductive health services are extended to all women of childbearing age.

Current projects with the establishment of the National Centre for population and family planning Commission of science and Technology Research Institute for the Committee of experts, drugstore quality pilot construction and funding for family planning services counters; also launched "Science Kit for contraception."

National population and family planning Commission, Wu Shangchun, a researcher at the Institute of science and technology, said, "Science contraceptive Kit" includes official website on world contraception day, health contraceptive hotline, and uses a cell phone APP, Twitter, micro-young man is more popular with new media tools such as letter, "leading experts" in addressing reproductive health issues in his pocket, but also very good protection of privacy.

15:42 March 23, 2014 The website(报告称超6成年轻人有婚前性行为 |年轻人|性行为|报告_新闻资讯







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