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Lujiang, Anhui television political officials have come to light in each phase adjustable post

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/3/24 3:45:48 Browse times: 387 Comment times: 0

Lujiang, Anhui television political officials have come to light in each phase adjustable post(安徽庐江县电视问政每期都有官员被曝光调岗)

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Lujiang, Anhui television political officials of each issue is exposure adjustment post | | property publicity _ news administrative efficiency of TV politics | information

  Why shave, a central County "effectiveness of storms"

Reporter: Wang Lei

Inherent impression of parents, opened the company up, has always been a lengthy process.

This spring, the work of rural youth took time out to return to their home towns for many years in lujiang County, Anhui Province in preparation for a run electric vehicle parts company. In order to run procedures, he took a week off, "I thought to myself, a Department runs a day, at least three or four days. ”

"We never imagined, one day to prepare the material, and the next day brought together the 3 cards. "How much it makes him a bit of a surprise, and show his entrepreneurial hopes in their hometowns.

That afternoon, in the same County Administration Center, lujiang, Song Wei staff for a construction company, "one-off" set construction permits. "In the past, not the less material, and is missing the CAP several times ran down my legs become weak. ”

Administrative Services window, often observe ecological and administrative efficiency in a county official's best "cuts". In an interview with China Youth daily reporter learned that more and more overseas businessmen and local people after the procedure a few times, there is a new feeling: "lujiang changed faster. ”

Such a change attributed to push up and down the County a year ago, "effectiveness of speed" campaign, because it measures the intensity and density, is known to locals, "effectiveness of storms".

To rate a four team leaders, cadres to be appointed under section property publicity and TV political, to the recently released leading cell phone number ... ... Just a couple of years, lujiang County Government have hit a combination of boxing, hit the key, let the "dull, lazy, bulk, and sumptuous" ills to hide.

"If officials do nothing, it will slowly slide towards corruption, there are a lot of things to do, they'd have no energy to corruption. "In lujiang County Party Secretary Wang Minsheng, lujiang practice was" systematic ", is the construction and effectiveness of anti-corruption," Unicom ", with the aim of both cadres to" see "and work their" tone ".

  "The Business Council chapter in the Administration window to"

Lujiang is not slow.

As a city with a population of 1.2 million, in Central Anhui Province town, lujiang County is an agricultural County. In the new period of development, "farming culture" the negative impact is magnified, on the mental state and the efficiency of the public service. In 2012, the County was found a nest of corruption case, former member of the jailed, but also for the entire civil service system alarm.

In August 2011, the adjustment of Anhui, lujiang County transferred to the provincial capital of Hefei. Opportunities are evident, challenge ensued, several lujiang lianxian led civil servants were, sort of, "can't keep up" the rhythm of work and efficiency of the capital city. Lujiang, hoping to "in cooperation with" speed of Hefei, this urgency prompted County County through a decentralized approach to improve efficiency.

One thing happened after the County realized that administrative approval has reached a point cannot be modified.

In 2012, as an ordinary junior middle schools in the County, "Fu Yuan middle school" 4 characters often appear in large and small about the performance of the construction documents.

It turns out that in order to create a new canteen, the school staff in the County "to run for six months, built over more than 70 seal." It became a typical example.

"Administrative services centre provides one-stop services why not? This is a system! "Today, Wang Minsheng was suppressed fire," this shocking ".

To that end, the County require County development and Reform Commission made a flow chart, "see, approving a construction project which links are going to the canteen. ”

Subsequently, the County, each sector was asked to "Fu Yuan middle school" project approval, for instance, "find a guilt question, achieved through self-jiechou self-revolution".

Beginning in 2013, stationed in lujiang County, "district administrative service center" 32 units of administrative approval items all clean, cancel item 30 of the delegated item 13, 3 change the way of managing projects, frozen item 1, the merged item 16. Furthermore, ways needed by two or more authorities to approve matters submitted by the focal points, according to the "accepted, simultaneous approval, limited to handle" requirements, the implementation of parallel approval.

China Youth daily reporter view the County Government's Web site found that approval process every day at Home on the publicity and accept the supervision of society at large. As we have learned, over time, also does not handle the sector, will be severely punished.

"Centralization of administrative examination and approval, is to put all ' business ' was delivered to the administrative services center to handle of the window, never go to the authorities or face accountability. "The District Administrative Service Center Director Jiang Lisheng said," it's a seal, is behind the powers of various departments, the County for real, so pay up within a month. ”

"In the past many issues were in charge of the Commissioner personally, window we can now decide. "Chen Xianfeng, said of the County's Civil Defense Council staff, Windows knows, can be a telephone consult with leaders. "If he does not agree, must give the reasons. ”

"At the time, leading business trip or meeting and signature could not be found, can only wait. "He smiled and said," if we take the initiative to call rush led to wonder if someone asked. ”

"Power, responsibility, make a mistake, you want to take. "Zhang Xiaoqun worked for 6 years in the window is responsible for industrial and commercial registration, now when confronted with a new problem," holding the phone and never give up. "

"The past is the resting place of the window, sent with top business now, but we also want to shift out. "A staff member showing themselves.

  "TV politics is the best form of exposure"

In recent times, lujiang County, a document from television programmes produced by the political fires up at the local of lujiang, people not only read the "qi", even many grass-root civil servants also call "fun". After the broadcast, the program "community sewer blockage" or something "old" issues have been resolved.

"The video right on the Government website the next day Home Shang, came to the Office in the morning, title music can be heard everywhere, everyone is talking about. "An analysis of government workers," county seat was just as big, the Secretary who everyone knows, you'll be on the spot, then broadcast to, face more ashamed. "In his view, which is" too sharp "program is undoubtedly challenging," human society "bottom-line.

The show has been airing a 7, "political" one Bureau, Education Bureau and the Directorate of 7 major "power departments". Political units and jointly identified by the County Commission for discipline inspection team, reporters make unannounced visits to the sector's authorities in advance and Windows, exposure management issues, made short films.

Prior to recording the show, everything is kept private.

Recording the scene, short exposure in question under leadership must accept the facilitator and representative of the sector inquiries, and explanations on the spot, and put forward rectification opinions.

"Without any prior preparation, questions caught off guard, in addition the light sweat down. "A head who had participated in the program said," this is the test of the level of understanding of departmental business, some sections have just been moved from the Township, on the job as well. ”

"If the official story put me off, I will not hesitate to interrupt him, reminding him the Chase. "Producers and presenters Regnum residence said," spectators not satisfied with response officials, can be pursued. ”

"TV politics is the best form of disclosure, exposure, official site is equal to my own. "As the show's producer, lujiang County Commission for discipline inspection, said Chen.

"Each episode is ' beautiful ', was removed from his post, had been returned. "Regnum residence admitted that team did against pressure.

To maintain secrecy, they had to focus on other locations in Office, unannounced visits to reporters dare not appear in public, early in the editing process, do not use a paper presentation ... ...

Even so, when there's a leak. In one case, a bulk SMS text messaging to all staff requiring "against holding" no journalist found problems. The result, the show had to defer to the sector's "political action".

In the County, Regnum residence became the focus of pressure all of a sudden, he, along with many "political" section Secretary were friends, but on the show, its not giving each other face, "a subtle change in the relationship to each other. ”

"We are on the issue rather than the person, over time, they will understand. "Before every taping, Regnum residence intercede without receiving phone calls," in the past, they direct, not broadcast, and now they want to, can I just ask the political content is a range. "However, the Regnum residence just answered," is the piece that you're in charge of. "

In his view, "this is a change, stated we began to accept it, and there is consensus. ”

It is understood that the lujiang County the political lujiang programs include participation units clean, professional climate appraisal, public affairs annual appraisal.

Due to their innovative effectiveness inspection form, the show has also been enshrined in 2013 in the County's Government work report. In this regard, the Regnum residence and team members were "happy and proud".

  "The Secretary of County numbers released will bust you? ”

"None of these reform initiatives were provincial and municipal requirements is our proactive exploration, are not fully mature, perfect. "Wang Minsheng, reform, after full investigation, evaluation, demonstration, then boldly pilot.

This year's Spring Festival, posted on the Government Web sites including the lujiang County, County magistrate, 142 principal leading cadres, including telephone numbers, followed by specific assessment methods were introduced requiring all Department heads at all levels "at any time" for public complaints, requests for assistance, advice.

"Taking into account the workers return home for the new year, they encountered may be the first to find the person responsible. "Wang Minsheng, information-rich society, the crowd just wanted to find the number for the leadership, we will be able to find. "We take the initiative to publish out. ”

Numbers published on the leadership, would have been ringing, and the resulting burdens outside work? For this reason, assessed the County specifically, conclusion at that time was negative. Wang Minsheng explained, "because we did a lot of work over the years, information channels between the cadres and the masses is still very open. ”

"These numbers really? If they have another number? "Announced the beginning of media and citizens yesterday, many officials have received a call from them," test the phone ". Even as far back as Thailand, and Singapore in lujiang the Wanderer "official" got a call just to talk to some homesickness. In addition, these numbers also facilitates some of the sales people.

However, over time, curiosity cools, information channel functions hosted by these numbers stand out.

"It will take 10 calls per day, although sometimes it is siesta time, generally were able to bear. "In lujiang County Diao Jirun opinion," the people are not to the point where there is no way, not came calling, calling, is for their trust. ”

According to the statistics, those calls tend to focus on social security, education, family planning, rescue, demolition, etc. If you are in the Office, Diao Jirun will write them down, then assigned by the relevant departments. "But sometimes in the car, listening to exactly, and not something to remember, really anxious as hell. ”

These phones can sometimes bring unexpected surprises.

Local exploitation of mineral resources, but law enforcement officials every time there are "head-bashing". Not long ago, the whistleblower Diao Jirun phone directly into the phone, exploitation of the results, "has finally been done".

"Another time, a work in the field of lujiang, who called the county highway traffic signs ' upside down ' and then I was assigned by the Department of transportation. "Diao Runji, those calls became the work of another hand.

"In fact, leadership announced the phone was not our initiative. "Admits Wang Minsheng, lujiang, most of these initiatives are from local reality, draw on their experience.

"Learning" to reform, not because of it's "non-original", while on the intensity and effects of discounted. Looking at the facts, some initiatives, lujiang more solid, and stick to it for long. For example, many districts are tried to be appointed under section cadre property publicity, however, lujiang, starting in July 2011, persisted until today, and the publicity objects "breakthrough" to proposed section cadres, it did Hall of the County Government moved from the public Internet.

However, Wang Minsheng, lujiang, "effectiveness of storms" is not "into the reform of the Sham Shui Po District", it is not broken at all, did not involve adjustment of interests.

"Is not so much the reform, rather than return, we were on the return to the origin of the work of the Government, cadres should be doing things. "He said.

(Edit: SN069)09:02 on March 24, 2014 China Youth daily(安徽庐江县电视问政每期都有官员被曝光调岗|财产公示|电视问政|行政效率_新闻资讯


  本报记者 王磊










































  因其创新了效能督查的形式,这档节目还被写进了2013年该县的《政府工作报告》中。对此,王政和团队成员感到“欣慰和自豪” 。


















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