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Water price in Beijing to adjust public transport fares in the second half, is studying the feasibility of adjusting the heat prices

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/3/20 6:30:59 Browse times: 277 Comment times: 0

Water price in Beijing to adjust public transport fares in the second half, is studying the feasibility of adjusting the heat prices(北京下半年调整公交票价水价,正研究调整热价)

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Study on adjusting water price for bus fares are adjusted in the second half, Beijing heat price | | | Beijing Metro subway fare adjustment system _ news

  Subway fares will be adjusted in the second half will be multi-vote

May promissory note will process the weekly pass, monthly pass, convenient commuter passenger flow

Legal evening news (correspondent Mr Zhou Xie Lu) this morning, "focusing on reform of the emotional ties to the people's livelihood" situation and policy report will be held.

The NDRC official said, the city's daily consumption of eggs or meat dish can hold up to 500 trains.

Deputy Director of the municipal development and Reform Commission thinking and said that the second half of the municipal bus system to be adjusted water prices to adjust the heat price adjustments in the study.

6 years in the city of Beijing public transport passenger volume increased by 66%, has reached 7 billion people. Metro has more than 3 billion people, close to the total of 40%.

Thinking, take the subway from the shortest distance of 400 metres to a maximum of 88 km is 2 bucks, it is difficult to reflect the pay law, against the principle of fairness. This city has been low fares, prices significantly lower compared with other cities.

It is learned that, at present, the enterprise ticket income is lower, simple operations rely on financial subsidies from 2007 to 2013, the city's finances for public transport subsidy increase to 19.9 billion dollars from 7.1 billion yuan, an increase of 1.8 times, subsidies amounted to 93.1 billion yuan 7 years.

Fares for the public transport system will be adjusted in the second half, such as subway set a relatively large number of votes in binary form. For Office workers, often takes the subway, you may go through the week pass, monthly pass, promissory notes, convenient commuter traffic. By reference to other cities to develop new fare policy.

Prior to this, on the city between the start of the year, municipal Committee, Vice Mayor Li Shixiang said in an interview with reporters, bus fare adjustments to the exposure draft plan launched in April or May, final policy will be issued during the year.

Municipal Transportation Commission also said this year in line with related departments to start reform of subway, bus fares, fare adjustment should reflect the Commonweal of public transport, as well as suitably reflect the cost of local transportation, as well as coordinate the price relationship between different modes of public transport.

Water resources

Status quo of Miyun reservoir water only for 9 months

This city is a city of severe water shortage, the city's only 2.62 billion cubic metres of the total water resources, residents ' household water approximately 120 liters a day, plus the water units, hotels, restaurants, 210 litres per capita daily water consumption.

Arrived at as a population of 21 million, will need 1.6 billion cubic meters of water each year, currently 1.2 billion cubic meters of water in Miyun reservoir, only gives the city about 9 months. That isn't the industrial, environmental, agricultural water use.


Middle route project of South-North water transfer will be completed this year, to 1 billion cubic meters of water supply in Beijing each year.

For urban environmental water use, wastewater treatment plant upgrade completed by 2015, central area, upon completion, the Centre for urban sewage treatment rate will reach 98%, four will reach the loop 100%. High-quality reclaimed water production capacity will exceed 1 billion cubic metres.

Vegetable basket

Status quo consume eggs or meat dish can hold 500 trains per day

Municipal development and Reform Commission official says, for the mega-city of more than 21 million people, cereals, eggs, meat, vegetables and other daily necessities in the city consumption put together can hold up to 500 trains per day, the equivalent of 25 trains.

From the perspective of demand, urban residents want to consume per day 8000 tons of rations, 1000 tons of edible oil, 1650 tonnes of pork, 500 tons of eggs, 20,000 tons of vegetables.

Low self-sufficiency rate in the city, 80% per cent of food, 70% vegetables, pork, and so must rely on outside supply.


This city not only to speed up the construction of its "vegetable garden", enhance the capacity of local vegetable supply, also outside the production base construction. Vegetable base construction in 2013 town nearly 740,000 acres, by 2015, the plan to reach 800,000 acres, vegetable control rate increased from 33% to 50%.

In addition, the city has also stepped up the construction of wholesale markets, retail and other sectors. Upgrade the existing 9 large-scale wholesale markets (new Shun Xin shimen road, Ocean, water, etc) and the outer suburbs of regional wholesale market. Has formed standardization community in this market reached 300.

It is reported that the supply of vegetables to meet the 4-day in the city. Pork, beef and mutton, eggs reserves respectively to meet the city's approximately 20 days, 10 days, 2 days of emergency supplies.


Status quo of gasoline and diesel annually 4.5 Kunming Lake

The NDRC official said, hardly a local production of primary energy in this city, and high dependence on foreign, 100% of crude oil and natural gas, coal 98%, 70% power 40% oil and resources are required to export.

According to reports, the city's daily consumption of gasoline, diesel, 20,000 tons, four and a half a year of Kunming Lake oil. Natural gas residential users more than 4.8 million households, ranking first in the country.

In 2013, the heating area of nearly 760 million square meters, total length of heating pipe network of more than 24,000 km, the equivalent of a half circle around the Earth for so long.

Winter heating season with up to 100,000 tons of coal a day, shipped by rail over 24 km in length. Basically from the Shijingshan amusement park along the Avenue to four benefits of distance.


It is understood that the distribution in this city of more than 20 more gasoline and diesel oil, the City developed in collaboration with PetroChina, Sinopec commercial reserve standards, uninterrupted to maintain the city's overall inventory for 14 days.

In order to improve the air quality of Beijing, the city has formed a natural gas, liquefied natural gas, coal gas as the main source, the Shaanxi-Beijing line one or two, three or four, Datang coal pipeline, Tangshan LNG pipelines for gas pipeline "gas source, multi-directional, multi-channel" air supply pattern.


The current situation

Nissan junk loaded trucks

Three-ring around a week

Nissan volume over 18,000 tons of garbage in the city, if you are with trucks loaded enough to round the third ring road of Beijing for a whole week.

This serious shortage of urban garbage treatment capacity.

8 large waste treatment facilities in a State of overload operation, greatly life shorten processing facility.


Preliminary forecasts in 2015, the city's solid waste daily output is expected to reach 24,000 tons, the city needs to build several large cycle Park, the construction of a number of relatively centralized processing plants, solve the problem of insufficient processing capacity. Official says, first you want to decrease the number.

Introduce garbage fees, in accordance with the pay-pay less, less pollution, more pollution of mixed municipal solid waste principles of pay, classification, spam more and pay less.

Collection currently covers only 20% processing costs, the remaining subsidies should remain. While low percentage waste treatment fees actually collected, only about 1%.

Last year on non-resident domestic garbage fees have been adjusted. 25 up to 300 yuan. Next raise garbage fees increase everyone's awareness of environmental protection.

(Original title: Metro fares will be adjusted in the second half will be multi-vote may promissory note will process the weekly pass, monthly pass, convenient commuter traffic)

(Edit: SN094)16:25 March 20, 2014 Legal evening news(北京下半年调整公交票价水价 正研究调整热价|北京地铁|地铁票价调整|多票制_新闻资讯

  地铁票价 下半年将调整 地铁将设多票制

  可能会办理周票、月票、期票 方便通勤客流

  法制晚报讯(记者 周超 谢璐) 今天上午,“聚焦改革 情系民生”形势政策报告会召开。



  本市6年间北京公共交通客运量增长了66%,已经达到70亿人次。其中地铁超过了30亿人次,接近总量的40% 。











































(原标题:地铁票价 下半年将调整 地铁将设多票制 可能会办理周票、月票、期票 方便通勤客流)


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