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Ninglang in Yunnan province smashed a large drug-trafficking cases of seized heroin of more than 15 kg

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/14 3:11:37 Browse times: 267 Comment times: 0

Ninglang in Yunnan province smashed a large drug-trafficking cases of seized heroin of more than 15 kg(云南宁蒗破获特大贩毒案 缴获海洛因逾15公斤)

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Ninglang in Yunnan province seized heroin of more than 15 large drug-trafficking cases uncovered kilograms heroin | | | crime suspect _ news

CNS, Kunming, November 14 (reporter Yang Jing)-14th reporters from ninglang County in Yunnan Province Public Security Bureau was informed that the 11th, the anti-drug Brigade in the village of Chuxiong Prefecture and in case he cracked a large transport drug trafficking case, seizing drugs 15,020 grams of heroin and transporting drugs two motorcycle, 4 captured suspects.

The night of October 31, ninglang County Public Security Bureau Narcotics Unit according to the preliminary investigations to obtain clues, learned that two ninglang County man with two male in panzhihua, Sichuan province to overseas buying drugs, ninglang County Yunnan province, Public Security Bureau decided to set up a special police immediately went to detective work in border States.

The morning of November 1, task force civilian police States of Dali, Baoshan city rushed to carry out investigation of the case. Task force police turn over Dali, Baoshan, lincang, six in Sichuan and Chuxiong, Lijiang city, after 11 days of wind and hard fighting, learned that suspects will most likely pass case study in Chuxiong Prefecture he.

The afternoon of November 11, task force police discovered through investigation, 4 groups of suspects into two after a previous case he and the village came, group 14 civilian police is divided into 2 groups of sheka intercept the hunt. With considerable assistance from case study in Chuxiong Prefecture Public Security Bureau, November 11, the police are divided into two groups of suspects before and after just about people in panzhihua city in Sichuan province and ninglang County, Liu x people Azi, 4 sand xx people were fully captured, and in the body of the 4 suspects carrying drugs heroin seized 42 pieces, weight 15,020 grams, and seized two motorcycles and two daggers and transporting narcotics.

On November 12, suspects had been safely escorted to ninglang County Public Security Bureau, is now under criminal detention by public security organs.

This year, ninglang County Public Security Bureau at the same time increasing to scattered drug trafficking crackdown, stepped up crackdown on cases of trafficking and transporting narcotics, until now, there were 36 drug cases, drug cases more than 3 million grams, drugs seized 57 kilograms of heroin, apprehended suspects 68. (End text)

(Original title: ninglang in Yunnan province smashed a large drug-trafficking cases of seized heroin of more than 15 kg)

(Edit: SN091)November 14, 2013 China News Network(云南宁蒗破获特大贩毒案 缴获海洛因逾15公斤|犯罪嫌疑人|海洛因|毒品_新闻资讯

  中新网昆明11月14日电(杨晶) 记者14日从云南宁蒗县公安局获悉,11日,该局禁毒大队在楚雄州永仁县中和镇中和村破获一起特大运输贩卖毒品案,缴获毒品海洛因15020克,运输毒品摩托车两辆,抓获4名犯罪嫌疑人。






(原标题:云南宁蒗破获特大贩毒案 缴获海洛因逾15公斤)


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