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Of the Diaoyu Islands truth Director

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/3/20 6:28:57 Browse times: 460 Comment times: 0

Of the Diaoyu Islands truth Director(《钓鱼岛真相》导演)

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Director of the Diaoyu Islands truth: after the Sino-Japanese war Japan Director illegal theft of the Diaoyu Islands truth | | Japan stealing Diaoyu | apology _ news

  Party network exclusive interview, first report: Directors of the Diaoyu Islands truth kelisidi·Libi

Review: Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory

Japan should apologize for war crimes

No real media coverage in the West of China

Kelisidi·Libi (Chris d. Nebe), United States mengnaruikesi, President of Hollywood movies, has many years experience in international film and television production.

Directed by Mr Reeby documentary series the secret of China to a global audience of mystical charm in the development of China, China, China.

On March 11, 2014, the newest episode of the mysterious Chinese documentary truth Diaoyu Island in United States premiere. On March 23 the film premiere will be held in Beijing, official with Chinese audiences.

On March 18, 2014, the reporter interviewed kelisidi·Libi party network.

  Diaoyu Islands belong to China (These islands are Chinese territories)

I am mysterious Chinese creators of documentary series. China has a long history and a splendid culture. I have been in China at least 18 times, has been to many places in China, China is very beautiful, fascinating. China made impressive achievements in a short time makes me wonder. Interpretation of the Western media are accustomed to negative to China, a long time they did not have the right to report the truth in China. Facts about the Diaoyu Islands is clear, the Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory. But after the 1895 Sino-Japanese war, Japan illegally stole the Diaoyu Islands, while fishing is not indicated in the Treaty of Shimonoseki ceded the island to Japan.

  Japan should apologize for the war crimes to the Chinese (Japan apologizes to China for war crime)

Position on the Diaoyu Island issue coverage by the Western media is wrong. Us library of Congress in Washington, and did a lot of research in local archives, and Diaoyu Islands history information gathered on the network. We hope that through this documentary to improve Sino-Japanese relations and Japan Islands eventually returned to China. We hope that the United States Government will urge its ally Japan, the Diaoyu Islands were returned to China, while Japan should China an apology for war crimes. We must understand each other, respect each other's differences, because attitudes toward history determine the country's future.

  China has created an economic miracle (Your country has achieved economic miracle)

My film shows the China's splendid culture, long history and remarkable achievements made by China in the economic field. China has created an economic miracle in a short time. I wonder, is how a country with a population of more than 1.3 billion Chinese governance is doing so well. China's infrastructure construction has also made great progress. China's high-speed rail is developing rapidly, and extends from the East to the West. Has also undergone tremendous changes in Tibet, so I created a documentary of the real Tibet, reveal the fact that Tibet has been Chinese territory, to reflect the development achievements of Tibet to the world. Western media does not understand the reality of China, such as pollution. In the eyes of the Western media, Chinese are the main polluters, but they did not see the China energy-saving emission reduction, environmental protection, urban greening, the Government has made great efforts. 21st century belongs to China, the 21st century is the Asian century, under the leadership of China, Western politicians and the media have realized it.

  Chinese people's friendliness, enthusiasm impressed me (That's always touching me for the hospitality in China)

Now our ongoing series filmed in Inner Mongolia project, and filmed in Qufu on Confucius is in talks with local government. In addition, a number of other cooperation is also being planned. China is so big, there are many places to visit, I will work in China for many years. I am particularly grateful for their support to Beijing's shooting, I would also like to thank the Chinese people for work supports, their kindness and enthusiasm impressed me. Generosity, courtesy of the Chinese people, Chinese food also impressed me.

(Edit: SN094)13:25 March 20, 2014 Party network(《钓鱼岛真相》导演:甲午战争后日本非法窃取|《钓鱼岛真相》导演|日本非法窃取钓鱼岛|道歉_新闻资讯

  党建网独家采访、首家报道:《钓鱼岛真相》导演 克里斯蒂•里比




  克里斯蒂·里比(Chris D. Nebe),美国蒙纳瑞克斯好莱坞电影公司总裁,拥有多年国际影视制作经验。




  钓鱼岛属于中国(These islands are Chinese territories)


  日本应为战争罪行向中国道歉(Japan apologizes to China for war crime)


  中国创造了经济奇迹(Your country has achieved economic miracle)


  中国人民的友善、热情令我感动(That’s always touching me for the hospitality in China)



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