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Nurse assault by officials of Nanjing’s top ten questions asked

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/3/20 6:28:52 Browse times: 291 Comment times: 0

Nurse assault by officials of Nanjing’s top ten questions asked(南京护士被官员殴打事件十大疑点追问)

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Nurse assault by officials of Nanjing's top ten questions asked nurses | | | questioning _ paralyzed news

Reporter Wang Xiao

Nanjing Stomatology Hospital Nurse Chen Xingyu was allegedly beaten for more than 20 days have elapsed. Public opinion never shut up.

On March 10, the gulou hospital in Nanjing publishing Twitter says these nurses section has been restored to lower-limb muscle strength grade ⅲ and reignite the furor.

"A miracle, a life was said to be in a wheelchair paralyzed patients, beginning to recover so quickly! "A Netizen banter road.

"Why do while that recovery, he says that paralyzed? "" Hospitals are under pressure? Why amended diagnose? "" Nurse is faking it? ”

Speculation persists, rumour.

To answer the public's questions, reporters took two weeks, found the gulou hospital nurses, doctors, outside experts involved in consultation, as well as events related to people.

We removed all ambiguity of guess, use its best efforts to present facts.

"The video is genuine, please? 】

On February 27, the Xuanwu branch released after video of the incident, some netizens questioned the authenticity of the video.

Attempt to parse the video after a frame clips, found "frame-skipping", to think you can prove the video is a fake. Press Advisory Bureau of forensic video detection technology Xu Xiaojing, Director of the Centre, he said: "it's hard to say. Surveillance tapes frame-skipping occurs we will encounter in our work, this is because the quality of surveillance itself. ”

On March 5, the Nanjing police statement taking and publishing of video information is complete and true.

And reporters found a video of Jin Ling and Chen Xingyu while at the nurses station (not his real name). She told a press conference: video and fact is consistent with.

Chen Xingyu on 25th 0:30 shift. Following is her vivid memories of that night:

Shift feather star teacher told me, a family called, not satisfied with arrangements for emergency patients into his daughter's room, she said, if in your class, and scold you, you listen, after venting, it'll go back. I said that line.

When batterers, I am water distribution in the room (infusion), the hearing came in a pair of high heels, but not hear argument. She opened the second I walked out of the room.

I asked: "what happens? "That family members don't know which nurse arranged beds, started referring me, pushed me, curse me, feather star teacher think I like the innocent, protect me, family members said:" Hey, don't do this. "Families of the results back on nurse dragged her outside.

I was scared, I pulled in the back, I said, "no, don't do that. "The girl's family asked a lot of curse words, too quickly, or inaudible.

After Zhu of the doctors came out, I will pay attention to the following matters. I stayed with feather star teacher.

(Male relatives chenxing feathers yet? ) He hasn't called.

(Later Chen Xingyu? ) She first stomach, fingers become stiff. I've been stroking her back, feeling her sweating, and I thought she was tense, stiff turned out all over her body, I knew something was wrong. Red-faced, couldn't stop crying. Give her a drink or choking, airway spasm estimated that time. Really didn't expect to be so serious, and the next day I called and asked, still in consultation, no better.

"Why amended diagnose? 】

Multiple pictures of progress notes being circulated on the network, including a photo of a Director's amended diagnose, for which, there are Internet rumors: "hospitals have been sealed ... ... Hospital requires modification of the diagnosis, director Wang bin angry slam the white coats. ”

Gulou hospital, denied that people familiar with Director rage fall coat details. "The so-called intra-hospital of the messages, was sealed, and so on, we have not received, except to say that handed out medical history taken, is not in line with standard practices. ”

"The amended diagnose is also a superior doctor doing normal things again. "In accordance with the rules of medical records, hospital medical records written by intern medical staff, probation staff. Then need to go through in this medical institution lawfully practising medical officer review, modify and sign, and indicate the modification time.

"While the Director revised the diagnosis, but in fact, the main diagnosis does not change, is the spinal cord shock complicated with paraplegia. ”

"Nurses condition true? 】

As we know, spinal cord concussion should recover in a few days, but after a week of treatment, nurse's strength was still staying at a secondary level, and until March 10 to three. "Nurses are faking it? "A net friend asked.

Chen Xingyu consultations Beijing Xuanwu Hospital Director of neurosurgery, Director of Department of rehabilitation medicine, Ling Feng Nanjing brain hospital and medical psychology department director Li Jijun denies this.

"Loaded down? Can't install! "Ling Feng said.

She described, muscle checking is required in patients with active movement, this might be fake but muscular tension in check is the passive movement, in particular reduced muscle tension, is hard to fill.

Low muscle tone, refers to the muscular tension below normal resting level, muscle relaxation of soft, passive range of motion increases, the resistance disappears during exercise. "And check for normal leg feels completely different, completely different resistance. "A Neurology expert presentations.

Ling Feng Chen Xingyu was on March 4 to be consultation, she caters to Chen Xingyu with the drum tower hospital are pretty much the same. Ling Feng is the most familiar stories, is the treatment of United Kingdom doctors think "brain death" Phoenix anchorwoman Liu Hai-Juo, Liu Hai-Juo has now almost recovered.

Nanjing brain hospital medical Grand on February 28 to participate in psychological Department director Lee Chi-Chen Xingyu consultation. He has multiple forensic experience.

Inspection, Li Kei Grand focus more on patients in mental and psychological aspects in detail. He noted that when interviewed experts, said Chen Xingyu said, tears, while the entire process was "sincere" and "sunshine".

"Of course these are subjective control, neuro exams, however this is beyond the control of the subjective. "Pain, touch, and these are matched with neuro-anatomical distribution.

"We feel when you check below the hit sensation decreases, it is not be faking faking. Check, experts used a PIN stamp, she was unresponsive. This reflection is out of mental control. ”

"This action can cause paralysis in a video? 】

If the video is not fake, nurse and no faking, what could cause such serious consequence?

At present, the Health Bureau published 4 expert consultation concludes as follows: "trauma was the cause of spinal cord injury induced by acute stress response and interaction. ”

Gulou Hospital Director to this explanation, the patient's condition is not a single, but rather results from a variety of causes. "On the one hand we are considering is a spinal cord concussion. Patients hit, dragging process that is likely to cause shock to the spinal cord. But now the nurse actually more serious than the spinal cord concussion. So on the other hand also takes into account is the result of acute stress disorder. ”

Nanjing brain Hospital Medical Psychology Department director Lee Chi-King also gave out after consultation between the diagnosis of psychogenic paralysis.

"Why diagnosis of psychogenic paralysis? First, the nurses really paralysis and, secondly, and psychogenic close; third, the nurse is the first attack (this is different from the characteristics of hysterical paralysis). ”

What psychogenic paralysis attack? "Indeed, logically to analyze video does not seem to understand why the nurses be paralyzed, but we've seen in the clinical onset of too many patients are not consistent with injuries! Patients do not have dealt a body blow down too. ”

Psychogenic paralysis is a type of acute stress disorder. Direct result of sharp, severe mental shock, in addition to physical combat, could also be verbal combat. "In General, the composition is unusual shocks. ”

Patients immediately after the shock (1 hour) the onset of psychomotor excitement characterized by strong fear experience, or psychomotor inhibition. "For example, in case of an emergency, we are run, one is transfixed. It is a human instinct, the occurrence of a contingency mechanism. ”

Moreover, acute stress disorders and the physical health of the individual at that time, closely related.

"For the nurse, and she was on the night shift, is a State of fatigue and combat came unexpectedly, she is defenseless, pose a threat to individuals, resulting in a strong physical and psychological impact. "And, according to Chen Xingyu's father recalled, Chen Xingyu on and several night shifts a week, just to get transferred to accompany father's surgery.

There are individual differences. For example, high pain threshold, can put up with, but it was pain threshold is low, slight pain is wiped out. "We cannot ask the same for everyone. ”

"Why is while that recovery, he says that paralyzed? 】

Nanjing public security organs within an unnamed leader "aggrieved"-"second release ' crippled ' is not what we say ... ... People understand, ' paralyzed ' legs unable to move or to be in a wheelchair in the future...... "

Without it, said Directors General Hu Shining "nurses not ' paralysed '", is also used in this meaning.

In medicine, "paralysis" is a professional term.

It is a symptom of, means reduction or loss of motor skills. "Total paralysis", and "not completely." Even grade 4 muscle strength, can get out of bed, it can be said to be "not completely."

Caused by different reasons, functional paralysis and paralysis can be divided into physical paralysis. Paralysis can be either temporary, or it can be sustained. Decoupling factor, do not rule out possibility of rehabilitation.

Therefore, reporters repeatedly confirm the drum tower Hospital Director, he gives a "paralysis" diagnosis, but will add a phrase, "or have the possibility of rehabilitation".

"Nurses will happen in the future? 】

Gulou Hospital Director said that given the trauma of jiaxin-two common etiology leading to nurses at the current situation, so unpredictable recovery is great. But treatment is emerging.

Lee Chi-June worried nurses will recur. "Recurrent attacks of psychogenic paralysis easier. ”

He did specifically mention psychogenic paralysis and hysteria palsy difference: psychogenic paralysis is characterized by the first attack. If the repeated attacks, next may, in the absence of Psychogenic factors when priming, will also attack when he called hysterical paralysis.

Hysteria is a mental disorder, poor prognosis, patient is in pain, but the patient other than one would think nothing was wrong with the patient, and patients have a very big misunderstanding. Attack's forms are almost identical, not when it is normal. "For example, people experiencing headaches. It doesn't mind to make, but with the body to express. Some children don't want to go to school, stomachaches, forcing him to his recurring stomach pain after, is the same way. This is not pretending to be ill. ”

"Of course we now called hysteria in sexual disorders sexual disorders, is to not let people misunderstanding is the patient pretending to be ill. ”

Judging from the nursing course, yet for a month, but if they continued, serious consideration should be given as "post-traumatic stress disorder". "The prognosis is very poor for post-traumatic stress disorder, that really is a serious disability. There is nothing more painful than mental suffering in the world? ”

"Pericardial effusion and pleural effusion is the true one? 】

Drum tower Hospital Director responded: pericardial effusion and pleural fluid is really results image display.

"It's imaging diagnosis, clinical doctors, is a secondary inspection. May be caused by trauma, there may be caused by stress, but you don't need to do too much treatment. ”

"When can we do the expert testimony? 】

Public security organs in response to injury is not stable no identification of statutory condition.

Nanjing municipal Public Security Bureau spokesman said that expert testimony had strict procedural requirements and statutory requirements. After the incident, injury identification procedures have been started by public security organs and staff informed the victim's injuries and the hospital's diagnosis, the wounded were examined, as well as drum tower hospital participated in the expert consultation.

According to the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of public security, Ministry of State security, the Ministry of Justice issued regulations on difficult and complex injury, to identify or in stable condition after the end of treatment.

All rumor or truth, perhaps right there. After the dispersal of the crowd, those parties, what remains is, can we taste this "event" impact on their lives ... ...

"Spanking Nurse Chen Xingyu"

The whole thing, I'm most concerned about Chen Xingyu was lying in a hospital bed.

Her mother four times refused my interview. Things she said she didn't want to let his daughter recalls that day. Consultants if asked, could not help crying. Once again, I do not wish to disturb.

Chen Xingyu was a frail girl. Her friends and colleagues, was a "no temper", "fragile girl". Only saw her, was just about to enter the wards, it is blocking the door by several people, to put it mildly. But I can still see her eyes, calm, in good faith, but lonely.

When the experts consultation for her, Chen Xingyu politely thanked the expert: "thank you very much experts came to see me. ”

Compared with her father, she and her mother. But this time in order to accompany his father to do the surgery, she transferred for several night shifts a week. Father says she has been at peace, not conflict, but "within a" few little friends and wild, like staying at home.

"Strong self-esteem. ”

Fathers are less optimistic about the future of girls, said neighbors have children after graduating from vocational schools to do within the Metro staff, advised her: "girls, not fine? ”

A nurse but her choice and stick to it. Finished College, and hold on to a Bachelor, was a nurse exam.

"After this incident, she'll do nurse? "I asked her father.

"As long as well, certainly. She insisted on doing this work. Life, there are always Griffiths. ”

"Hitting home"

I still worry that the mother be detained families, fathers are removed. I went to Yuan Yaping and Dong Anqing units respectively.

Jiangsu science and Technology Museum in charge of the reception staff, several times a day, name-calling, and speak your mind.

An Office of the public prosecutor's Office also received a lot of public phones. Impressions of the Dong Anqing, "to work with him a couple of years, I can only say that he is not an impulsive leader, usually also very happy about our police. Heard about it, I was surprised. But he is wrong ... ... "

Everybody say "If", "If" ... ...

If the daughter can hang on for a few hours ... ... If Yuan Yaping got the call to suppress their anger, listen to what hospital officials explained, aware that the world is not only for the daughter of a man turned ... ... If a hospital has a coordination platform, when patients feel that their rights have been infringed can coordinate effectively, rather than direct patient care ... ...

But there is no if.

Event playback

The evening of February 24, a male patient of sublingual gland cyst surgery, intra-operative bleeding occurs, emergency transfer to Nanjing Stomatology Hospital for emergency surgery.

No empty beds in intensive, the entire Ward only female triple bed room has a double bed, communicate duty nurse and a female patient who is discharged, next door to temporarily place severe in its bed, convertible bed tomorrow. Then after general anesthesia patients into wards.

But in the 25th, as accompanied the relatives of patients with severe male, female patients call tell parents, after their parents rushed to the hospital, beat a duty Nurse Chen Xingyu, scratch after Chinese doctors on duty were also injured, but no big deal.

Nurse Chen appeared ill, was sent to the Nanjing gulou hospital for treatment.

Event development

February 27, Nanjing police announced in a news release the name and identity of batterers and related videos: Yuan Yaping (female Office cadres of Jiangsu provincial science and Technology Museum) beat woman with umbrella across the nurses the night Nurse Chen Xingyu shoulder twice, and pulled out the nurse's station. Dong Anqing (male provincial procuratorate publicity officer) and medical workers shoving occurred.

At the meeting, the Directors General Hu Shining said: "nurses physically recover better, legend's not being ' down ' or ' paralysis ', nothing serious. ”

On March 5, the Nanjing public security door to beat Yuan Yaping implementation by the parties of the stomatological hospital Nurse Chen Xingyu detained, results will be based on the expert testimony dealt with according to law; another involved Dong Anqing, Jiangsu's provincial people's Procuratorate granted administrative demerit punished and removed from his Director of Jiangsu provincial people's Procuratorate publicity post.

Nanjing municipal health Bureau announced consultation findings of experts: think Chen Xingyu lower-limb paralysis (lower-limb muscle strength grade), trauma was the cause of spinal cord injury induced by acute stress response and interaction.

On March 10, the gulou hospital in Nanjing publishing Twitter says these nurses section has been restored to lower-limb muscle strength grade ⅲ.

Reporter's notes

"The trust where I had been"

I went in skeptical attitude to questions.

Tone relaxed as much as possible, but it was still a frown: "why we can't trust that we do not have?! ”

People always ask, where have all the confidence go? Trust, don't just ask questions again and again, to answer a little wore out in the course of it?

People do not know about the incident, asking; authorities without providing explanation, attracted furious.

Throughout the course of zhuifang, as a reporter, I was tough, because there are no sources, and no one can stand up and respond to the public's doubts.

Powerful, authoritative answer, give out the information and we will add a Word, "Please do not sign", people doubt three minutes call to hospitals, police and other authorities, but were tight-lipped, "Please follow us on Twitter".

Spread rumors all over the sky on the Web – I am not a nurse photos everywhere as being in support of claims with Dong Anqing pushing doctor was suspended posting so-called truncated video (with date and time are incorrect), disinformation, the nurses had committed suicide ... ...

Rumours about a form, is disclosed facts cannot meet the public, dressed in "reasonable" showy coat everywhere. Officials blame the netizens spread rumours, rumours, but if the authorities can get information, respond positively to the public's questioning, even if there is no clear information can be frank, so most people's worries can be defused.

Nurses have been so dubious a case of Nanjing, also due to medical-there's a lot of facts belonging to the Professional category.

However, this is not a reason not to need to respond to. Where the public does not understand, the greater the need for interpretation.

Only one-way jargon thrown to the media, without any explanation, the media can only copy and paste. Interpretation of non-authoritative sources will only deepen the misunderstanding triggered rumors. Authorities do not respond, not another injury to a party?

Next, the event still did not rest, people still ask the development, identification of nursing injuries, penalties for batterers ... ...

Information openness and transparency, and is the best comeback rumors, best way to bring the trust back.

(Original title: ask nurse was called mystery of Nanjing)

13:53 March 20, 2014 Jiefang Daily(南京护士被官员殴打事件十大疑点追问|护士|瘫痪|质疑_新闻资讯

  本报记者 王潇


















































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