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Chinese citizens can register online donate organs, may at any time modify or cancel

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/3/20 6:25:47 Browse times: 263 Comment times: 0

Chinese citizens can register online donate organs, may at any time modify or cancel(中国公民可在线登记捐献器官,可随时修改或取消)

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Chinese citizens are registered organ donors may at any time modify or cancel online organ donations | | | Chinese citizens _ online news

The Beijing News (reporter Wei Mingyan) yesterday, by the National Planning Commission, "Rotary International District 3450" cooperation "impose" voluntary organ donation register Web site ( is officially opened. Now each and every Chinese citizen is registered for voluntary organ donors online according to their own will, and reserves the right to modify or cancel your donation at any time to register.

Approved by the National Planning Commission, won the national professional qualification and professional organ donation Coordinator organ procurement organizations, you can log on to the Web site, registered with the volunteer's organ donation wishes behind its corresponding organ removed in time to save the lives of others.

Site partners, the "Rotary International District 3450" is a social organization in Hong Kong, carrying out organ donation advocacy mobilization in Hong Kong over the years.

 Transplants will need families support

According to the code of ethics of organ donation and transplantation in China, citizens eventually donated the organ, in addition to personal living expression, also depends on his (her) when she meets the medical status of organ donation (who inevitable heart of brain death or death), and need to be close relatives of citizens (parents, spouse or adult children) agrees.

"The giver" organ donation volunteer registration site, volunteers need to be behind their organ donation wishes to inform family members, to obtain the understanding and support of the family.

 Donation resource not shared

Registration of foreigners in China are available on this Web site? "Rotary International District 3450," Committee Chairman Wang Guolin said organ donation, volunteer information registered on the website is intended for domestic use can be authorized by the health administrative departments at or above the provincial level.

For that organ donation would resources shared with other countries or regions in question, and Chinese human organ allocation and shared computer systems Research Center director Wang Haibo said that based on current laws and regulations, organ transplant hospitals in the mainland Chinese citizens, including Hong Kong, Macao residents can be an organ transplant, but does not allow for foreign citizens with organ transplants or organ donor.

  Eric Tsang as the first volunteer

According to the National Planning Commission statistics, each year, about 300,000 people in China need organ transplants, but only around 10,000 people have access to organ transplantation. The key reason is lack of organ donation sources.

At present, Hong Kong, Canada, and New Zealand, and Japan and the United States and other countries and regions, with run organ donation wishes of mature citizens registration Web site. About 48% of United States citizens registered behind organ donation wishes.

Yesterday, Deputy Director of the National Planning Commission HA medical administration Zhou June introduction, this website is designed to introduce the concept of promoting organ donation to the Chinese public, sharing stories and stories of organ donation, hopes to arouse public attention to organ donations.

Hong Kong actor Eric Tsang started the Web site became the first registered volunteer organ donation, he was appointed as the Chinese organ donation Ambassador.

World Health Organization medical officer hesai·nuniesi said, "to give" enabled, marked the beginning of one of the country's 1.3 billion people for the public to participate in efforts to achieve self-sufficiency in organ transplantation.


Concord 38 hospital has been deactivated, such as irregular channel death organ

Organ donation in China since March 2010 the pilot in March 2013, across the country. At present, according to the Red Cross Society of China and China's Joint Committee on human organ donation and transplantation data, China has more than 2,200 citizens behind organ donation.

Committee on human organ donation and transplantation in China this year, Huang jiefu, Chairman of the "two sessions", said last month, citizens behind the voluntary organ donation amount has far exceeded number of clinical use of organs from executed prisoners. Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 38 hospitals in large transplant centers in the country have been discontinued from non-formal channels to obtain organs from executed prisoners.

At present, Chinese citizens behind voluntary organ donations, has more than half entered China's human organ allocation and shared computer systems, according to the waiting list, severity of disease priorities assigned.

The Beijing News reporter Wei Ming

(Original title: citizens can register online donate organs)

(Edit: SN091)02:39 March 20, 2014 The Beijing News(中国公民可在线登记捐献器官 可随时修改或取消|捐献器官|在线|中国公民_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 (记者魏铭言) 昨日,由国家卫计委、“国际扶轮3450地区”合作实施的“施予受”器官捐献志愿者登记网站(正式开通。如今每位中国公民都可根据自己的意愿在线登记自愿捐献器官,并有权随时修改或取消捐献登记。















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  新京报记者 魏铭言



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