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Liujiang, Guangxi officials of taking bribes to help others received excessive compensation was sentenced to 6 years

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/14 3:09:24 Browse times: 341 Comment times: 0

Liujiang, Guangxi officials of taking bribes to help others received excessive compensation was sentenced to 6 years(广西柳江官员受贿助他人获超标拆迁补偿被判6年)

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Liujiang, Guangxi officials of taking bribes to help others received excessive compensation was sentenced to 6 years in liujiang, Guangxi, | | | officials taking bribes _ news

Xinhuanet, Nanning, November 13 (reporters Li Bin and and Liu Xiaoli)-liujiang County of Guangxi economic and Trade Bureau, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee discipline Inspection Commission tanfangling since May 2009, also serve as capacity expansion renovation willows section of Xiang-GUI railway after demolition work leading group, Deputy Director of the Office, use their official acceptance of bribes, achieved a higher compensation standard of land requisition and relocation for others with ease. Public hearing the case in liuzhou yufeng district people's Court on November 13, and adjudged guilty of taking bribes, sentenced to 6 years.

On March 6 this year, yufeng district people's Procuratorate, said receiving the report, Xiang-GUI railway capacity expansion revamping of liuzhou section of land acquisition and relocation work leading Group Office workers suspected of taking bribes. On March 19, after the liuzhou Municipal Commission for discipline inspection investigated, tanfangling knows to escape culpability, active account to the Commission for discipline inspection and prosecution authorities will receive the full facts of the crime of bribery. After the arrest, tanfangling provides clues to the judicial organs and judicial organs to other criminal cases. After the incident, returned all the money.

Identified by the law review, liujiang County, "Chen's drug of Fame" housing units within the housing for relocation compensation funds, the drug of Fame was built. Tanfangling use of its capacity expansion revamping of liuzhou section of land acquisition and relocation of Xiang-GUI Railway Office of the leading group, Deputy Director of the facilities after receiving 20,000 yuan bribe, Hall built for the drug have facilitated smoothly to requisition compensation.

Prosecutors also charged, tanfangling illegally accepting RMB 30,000 yuan of cash just to Wade, Wei had just achieved a higher standard, and to facilitate the requisition compensation; several illegal bookmaking business relationship with the demolition in liuzhou city, relocation services, General Manager of the Sun Wu Mouqiang to cash amounted to RMB 80,000 yuan.

After the trial, convicted yufeng district people's Court that the prosecution allegations and identified tanfangling surrender, meritorious service, give up ill-gotten gains, such as a lighter, mitigating circumstances, adjudged guilty of taking bribes, sentenced to 6 years and refund of money paid to the State Treasury.

(Edit: SN064)November 13, 2013 The website(广西柳江官员受贿助他人获超标拆迁补偿被判6年|广西柳江|官员|受贿_新闻资讯







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