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China plans to reduce the number of poor people as poor counties index

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/3/20 6:25:31 Browse times: 239 Comment times: 0

China plans to reduce the number of poor people as poor counties index(中国拟将减少贫困人口数量列为贫困县考核指标)

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Proposed to reduce the number of poor in China as assessment index | | | indicators for poverty alleviation in poverty counties _ counties news

"This hat on a hat, hat, hat, cannot allow counties to help more. "The NPC agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Vice Chairman Liu Zhenwei, said at this year's two sessions, the inclusion of rural poverty alleviation and development of five-year legislative plan of the NPC Standing Committee law, OK and exit mechanism of priority counties for poverty alleviation will be regulated.

 Little change in overall rating in recent 30 years

Some counties in development levels than non-poor counties

In the mid 1980 of the 20th century, China launched a massive poverty alleviation and development. Since then, the 1994 implementation of the national plan 87 almsdeed (1994-2000); in 2001 the implementation of the platform for China's rural poverty alleviation and development (2001-2010) in 2011, implementation of the platform for China's rural poverty alleviation and development (2011-2020).

"The main battlefield of China's poverty alleviation work and now supported by main object of 832 counties and key County. "Wang Guoliang, Deputy Director of the poverty alleviation Office under the State Council said that the 832 counties on the overall economic and social development remains the country's most backward sequence.

Although implementing several rounds of poor planning, but counties in overall rating had not changed much, per capita net income of farmers per capita, local indicators, such as GDP, per capita income in poor counties take up a lot of weight in the evaluation. Experts believe that such evaluation standard for the incidence of poverty, insufficient attention to depth of poverty indicators for measuring poverty.

In addition, some counties found that and adjust the transparency enough and in some places even data fraud. Reporters check out discovery 2011 adjustments, some provinces even without publicity programs link.

"There are some counties in the development levels than non-poor counties. This situation occurs because, one poor counties in the determination process under the influence of local factors such as capability in large; the second is some poor counties in the country with the help of great strides have been made but not exiting in a timely manner. "Poverty research center director Wang Sangui, Renmin University said.

 One-third county poor Hat

Each year 30 million to 50 million dollars will be given special financial funds

Wang Guoliang described, each key counties now get 30 million to 50 million Yuan every year special poverty alleviation fund, there are a number of special transfer payments and special policy measures.

An official of the Wuling Mountains area counties said: "over the years, counties of the State of infrastructure, social undertakings, such as leaning into widening, in many counties don't have facilities, poor Hat brings more and more affordable. "The reporter noted, the county should take the lead in zhaimao news reports several times, but today, not really.

Liu Yongfu, Director of the poverty alleviation Office under the State Council also admitted that poverty caps gold content is relatively high, no good exit, "the idea of cadres and the masses don't want to retreat or withdrawal. ”

Currently almost 3 districts of the country have a poor hat. "In fact there are still some difficult County not included, cannot be supported by the State. "Central China Normal University Lu Hanwen, Director of poverty reduction and rural governance research center, said some key County has actually been lifted out of poverty are still reluctant to zhaimao, making it impossible to allocate finite resources to help the poor get poor counties in key counties.

Poverty caps put on do not want to take off, in addition to high hat gold, Liu Yongfu believes that more important achievement concept and evaluation system, basic did not enter the examination system of poverty alleviation in the past, even if poverty alleviation work done, enabling policy benefits can be retained. In view of this, central requirements to key counties of gross domestic product by testing should be the main evaluation examination poverty reduction results to major changes. Not long ago, in the Office, State Office publication on innovative mechanisms for promoting the views of rural poverty alleviation and development has clearly, to improve the living standards of the poor and focus on reducing the number of poor counties main index.

Lu Hanwen says this means poverty reduction zhaimao will become a key County leaders of the main political achievements. "The baton of such an adjustment, would provide powerful inner motivation for active zhaimao. ”

Baton assessment adjustments, to establish and improve positive incentives that counties to quit, opening the way. Poverty alleviation in Nanchong city, Sichuan province Bureau of immigration Ran Zhonghua told reporters, the city recently gave 4 major counties listed--2017 zhaimao timetable before the end of the year, in order to encourage counties in the early zhaimao, zhaimao clear of the city in 2020 years ago can still enjoy the same policy.

  Exit mechanism is being developed

Experts suggested that the counties with the highest development level after sorting exit

"The key counties is just a historical process, with the completion of well-off approaches, will be phased out and reduced. "Wang Guoliang said the poverty alleviation Office under the State Council is now formulating an effective exit strategy.

In fact, some provinces have been exploring. A recent focus adjustment, there are 9 provincial key counties of 38 former exit. Bai Chungui, Deputy Director of the Heilongjiang provincial poverty alleviation Office introduced, in 2011, adjusted the key County of Heilongjiang province, by 2007-2009 year 3-year average per capita revenue of local statistics departments, farmers ' per capita net income in 2009 and 3 indicators incidence of poverty, the province's counties (cities) were measured and sorted, and then determine the list. Reporters check out the counties in the approval process of several provinces found that similar.

Experts recommend developing exit mechanism on the basis of further perfecting established based on income and poverty indicators, and index system of weights to set a reasonable, reliable data sources. "Index system and key County exit the program you want to open to the public for supervision. "Wang Sangui said.

On this basis, Wang Sangui recommended design for a reflecting poverty, socio-economic development at the county level and the effectiveness of poverty alleviation and development of evaluation system for dynamic monitoring of, on the one hand for the assessment key County leaders, on the other hand by dynamically adjusting the main country list, the protection of national poverty alleviation resources to where they were most needed.

In establishing clear and transparent set of exit criteria and procedures on the basis of evaluation system for dynamic monitoring of existing sort key counties, quit with the highest level of development, through reform, from weakening mechanism focusing on the County's role in poverty alleviation in resource allocation, poverty alleviation resources to speed up the weight down, more aimed at poor villages, thereby reducing withdrawal resistance. "The city and County can become a key County exit for the next phase of the pilot and the hand. "Wang Sangui said.

03:20 March 20, 2014 People's daily online-people's daily(我国拟将减少贫困人口数量列为贫困县考核指标|贫困县|扶贫|指标_新闻资讯




  20世纪80年代中期,我国开始实施大规模的扶贫开发。此后, 1994年实施《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划(1994—2000年)》;2001年实施《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2001—2010年)》;2011年实施《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2011—2020年)》。

  “现在我国扶贫工作的主战场和扶持的主要对象是832个片区县和重点县。” 国务院扶贫办副主任王国良说,这832个县经济社会发展总体上仍处于全国最落后的序列。



  “有些贫困县的发展水平反而高于非贫困县。出现这种状况的原因,一是贫困县在确定过程中受地方政府公关能力等因素影响较大;二是一些贫困县在国家的扶持下取得长足发展但不及时退出。” 中国人民大学反贫困问题研究中心主任汪三贵坦言。




  一位武陵山片区的贫困县官员说:“这些年,国家对贫困县的基础设施、社会事业等倾斜投入越来越大,不少项目县里还不用配套,贫困帽带来的实惠越来越多。” 记者注意到,该县要率先摘帽的新闻报道了好几次,但时至今日,未见来真。










  有关专家建议,制定退出机制时可以在此基础上再行完善,建立一套以收入和贫困程度指标为基础的、权重设置合理、数据来源可靠的指标体系。“指标体系以及重点县退出程序要对外公开便于监督。” 汪三贵说。




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