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Interpretation of the National Security Committee of experts: non-routine body is intended to increase efficiency

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/14 3:08:31 Browse times: 272 Comment times: 0

Interpretation of the National Security Committee of experts: non-routine body is intended to increase efficiency(专家解读国安委:非日常机构 意在提高效率)

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Interpretation of the National Security Committee of experts: non-daily National Security Council of institutions intended to increase efficiency | | | efficiency expert _ news

Is the plenary session of the National Security Committee was set up by one of the two new departments, is also the biggest highlight. Next-generation Central collective leadership of the national security strategy of gradually appear. Put the content in the Communique "innovating social governance" passage, also means that it is a "security" was born in the context of institutions.

Experts on the background of the establishment of the National Security Council, its characteristics as well as interpretation of the membership. Experts believe that this will be a high level, broad and the combined external and internal affairs, to coordinate, and decision-making power in the Central of the National Security Council.

 Complex security situation established reasons before they happen

"China's position and influence in international relations increasingly important emergencies increase the likelihood of uncertainty, I personally think that the upward trend, so the establishment of the national crisis management agency is also a necessity", China institutes of contemporary international relations, counter-terrorism research center director Li Wei pointed out that establishment of the National Security Council was a step.

Wei noted that the National Security Council, is the nature of crisis response and management agencies at the national level, an action set up a sound national security mechanisms.

"China's current national security forces dispersed among various functions within the Government, the army, the lack of a crisis response and management agencies at the national level", Wei says, "top design" is a key point in the establishment of the National Security Committee.

National Defense University Professor Gong Fangbin pointed out that China is currently facing a "worry about rise of the great powers", as the expansion of security interests, involving all aspects of national security, some military forces bear range has been exceeded, borne mainly by the traditional power addressing security issues in the past, and now has enough, and must be expanded, with a corresponding power to keep up with, so that national Security Council came into being.

  Duties within and outside the scope of crimes against national security associate

The National Security Committee on internal or external? Many netizens questioned on Twitter.

See from the plenary session Communique, establishment of the National Security Council appeared in parts of the innovation national governance, with strong internal color and improve national security institutions closely linked with the strategic intention and external security.

Li Wei believes that, whether domestic or foreign, critical events that may endanger national security interests are within its terms of reference, issues related to national security aspects of the functional departments, public security, national security, armed police, transportation and public health, the head of civil affairs departments are members of the National Security Committee.

National Defense University Professor Gong Fangbin believes that China's National Security Council would not be an entity in the schema, but an independent chain of command, under the leadership of the Central, common social infrastructure, economic development Committee, characterized by coordination and power in the Centre, had no right to mandatory, final decision maker "must be the Supreme Leader".

  Specific functions to respond to major emergency non-daily institution

"Never as an everyday body", Wei believes that with the daily operation of State agencies, the National Security Council in the event of a threat to national security and national interests come into play only when the incident, in addition to important duties is the top level of development to formulate long-term strategies for national security.

Analysis of Li Wei, the Committee should go beyond the current framework of some of the major incidents involving national security, emergency handling of these events could not on its own, once encountered, can respond in a most efficient manner, avoiding greater damage to the country.

"Such as the East China Sea and South China Sea in excess of current developments, it is possible to incorporate the national security authority crisis response range of disposal. "Li Wei said.

Wei believes that the Commission has the advantage of avoiding Affairs departmental procedural, to achieve fast and efficient, in line with the pattern of modern community to deal with the crisis, while avoiding the reuse of resources on a range of issues.

Gong Fangbin pointed out, the Commission might be more recent beyond the traditional security, such as network security, and as the separatist problem, involving complex security issues such as international forces to intervene.

 Established background of China's development, the sooner the greater the risk

Ruan Zongze, Deputy Director of the Institute of international studies of China pointed out that faster development in China, expanding wider, higher levels of international is exposed to, the greater the risks and challenges, security will be more and more important, you need to have a mechanism to respond quickly to national security issues. The setting up of the National Security Council was intended to enhance efficiency and balance the interests of various aspects, coordination, standing taller, broader overall balance.

Foreign Affairs referred to Zhang Jie, Director of the Research Office of China's Academy of social sciences, Institute of Asia-Pacific security, 18 Grand Central has been stressed the need to co-ordinate international and domestic situation, integrating internal and external affairs associated with the establishment of the National Security Council. Zhang Jie believes that current security challenges facing China is relatively large, compared to the first decade of this century the security situation is much more complex.

Defense University Professor Li daguang, also pointed out that, current China of security situation very complex, traditional security and non-traditional security interwoven, except military security, traditional security, terrorism, and natural disasters, non-traditional security outside, recently occurred of listens door event concerning network, and information security, also has space security, new of security category, are needed one by one should, so established National Security Committee is maintenance national interests of needs, on national security development enabling. According to the Beijing times

 China in response to the move against Japan

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang said on 13th China National Security Council was established in order to improve national security systems and national security strategy, and ensuring national security.

On the same day at a regular press conference, a reporter asked, yesterday, 18 plenary session decided to establish a National Security Committee. China is what the institution was created for consideration? Some say it was because Japan will set up a "Japan version of the National Security Council". Do you have any response?

"The second half of your question seems to be to set me up. "Qin Gang said," I just said China decided to establish what is the purpose of the National Security Council. ”

He said that, without a doubt, China set up the National Security Council, terrorists have tensions and separatist tension, nervous of extremist. In short, those who attempt to threaten and undermine China's national security forces nervous.

"The reporter you ask me this question, trying to get Japan intended it? "Qin Gang said.


Public life working environment more safe and secure

The plenary to improve social governance, the interests of national security, and ensure the people's well-being, social stability and order, improving social governance, stimulate energy, innovative and effective system of preventing and resolving social conflicts, and improve public safety system. Establishment of the National Security Council, national security systems and national security strategy, and ensuring national security.

Analysis of Professor Xu Guangjian, Deputy Director of the school of public administration at Renmin University said that our country is in an economic and social transition, public security, safeguarding the basis of social condition is still relatively weak. Strengthen the management of public security, prevention and reduction of disasters, accidents, crimes, such as terrorist attacks, disease outbreaks, maintaining social stability and national security, and become the people urgently looking forward to things. This rise in national strategies for the first time in the plenary again deployed to the height of, the public is expected to live and work environment safer and more at ease in the future. According to Xinhua News Agency

November 14, 2013 The peninsula metropolis daily(专家解读国安委:非日常机构 意在提高效率|国家安全委员会|效率|专家_新闻资讯



  设立原因 安全形势复杂防患于未然





  职责范围 危害国家安全事内外兼管





  具体职能 应对重大突发非日常机构






  设立背景 中国发展越快风险越大



  国防大学教授李大光也指出,当前中国的安全形势非常复杂,传统安全和非传统安全交织,除军事安全等传统安全,恐怖主义、自然灾害等非传统安全外,最近发生的监听门事件关涉网络、信息安全,还有太空安全等新的安全范畴,都需一一应对,因此建立国家安全委员会是维护国家利益的需要,对国家安全发展有利。 据《京华时报》












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