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Henan Public Security Bureau ordered the crime detection rate for 7 years in a row after the national 1th

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/14 3:07:52 Browse times: 390 Comment times: 0

Henan Public Security Bureau ordered the crime detection rate for 7 years in a row after the national 1th(河南公安厅下令后命案侦破率连续7年全国第1)

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Henan Public Security Bureau ordered the crime detection rate for 7 years in a row after national 1| wronged and misjudged cases Henan | | detection rate _ news

A wronged and misjudged cases of harm to society, more than ten articles of law handling contributions to the construction of rule of law.

Recently, the Henan provincial public security measures, is prohibited to issue "arrest", "number of cases" and "detection rate", "refund check rate" unscientific and unreasonable evaluation, a total of ten items, preventing the wronged and misjudged cases occur.


Of the ten steps to prop up the judicial justice

On October 29, the provincial public Security Bureau issued the Henan Provincial Public Security Bureau on further strengthening and improvement of the criminal law enforcement to prevent the wronged and misjudged cases of ten measures (hereinafter referred to as the ten steps).

The ten steps, requirements, all criminal cases to conduct crime scene investigation, criminal case (s) ask synchronized audio and video recording, accurate fixed words evidence case to review before the complaint was the authenticity, legitimacy and the probative force of the evidence to be closely examined, excluding illegal evidence in accordance with law, reinforcement of legal evidence.

Police also should pay attention to network, called on all localities to push through online enforcement cases, all cases are in the integration of provincial and municipal police law enforcement investigation and supervision system of the comprehensive platform for processing.

Measures, the most concern is the "enhanced enforcement quality evaluation results using" is prohibited to issue "arrest", "number of cases" and "detection rate", "refund check rate" unscientific and unreasonable, such as evaluation, not number based on detection rates, arrest, prosecution, check rates and other indicators back rankings.

Other measures include: strict audit checks, case law to guarantee lawyers ' rights, regulation of prominent law enforcement issues, comprehensive implementation of the provisions of law enforcement responsibilities for life, strengthen law enforcement system construction, to establish long-term management mechanism, improving law enforcement capacity.

The reasons of

In place of the ten steps, in order to prevent the wronged and misjudged cases

Could make the security forces more of the ten steps to regulate their behavior.

Provincial public security legal corps in charge, in place of the ten steps, both to implement the directives of the central authorities, but also to solve the outstanding problems existing in Henan public security practice, further strengthen and improve the work of handling criminal law enforcement, effectively preventing the wronged and misjudged cases occur.

Simply put, it is for law enforcement, preventing the wronged and misjudged cases.

Old law enforcement quality evaluation approach of the public security system, beginning in 2001. In the past more than 10 years, including crime rate and evaluation system, a powerful impetus to improvement of overall quality and level of law enforcement for law enforcement by public security organs.

According to the 2009 national quality performance record of law enforcement by public security organs in comparison with 2002, outstanding County-level public security organs had increased 12.6%, dissatisfaction ratio 3.38% and have emerged a large number of law enforcement quality demonstration units.

Wronged and misjudged cases shadow on judicial justice

But it is undeniable, had a problem in law enforcement, there have been cases of she Xiang-Lin case in Hubei, Henan, Zhao zuohai, Zhejiang Zhang shuzhi wronged and misjudged cases, lessons as profound.

Look back at the details of the case public security organ, the wronged and misjudged cases and violations of violations during the investigation closely. A police officer, told the Henan business daily (microblogging) reporter, in reality, some grass-roots departments to complete the assessment by illegal means, or arbitrary arrests make up or extorting a "detection" by artificially created a wronged and misjudged cases.

This year, the Central politics and Law Committee and the Ministry of public security has issued relating to the issuance of the notice provisions for effectively preventing the wronged and misjudged cases, legal team under Henan Provincial Public Security Bureau of Henan province, drafting and introduction of the ten steps.


Detection rate and other indicators, Henan's long and don't have

The introduction of the ten steps, specifically calls for the abolition of "arrest", "number of cases" and "detection rate", "refund check rate" evaluation.

An Interpol surveyed told the Henan business daily news, when they existed before, they cause a lot of stress, because "once the appraisal is not eligible, not only my work affected, departments will also be affected." At the same time, under the baton of these indicators, and prone to problems, in order to solve, taking some desperate measures, such as extorting confessions by torture, such as may occur.

In fact, the above factors lead to consequences, is where the most reviled.

In this regard, the provincial public Security Bureau Deputy Chief of legal Corps Hua Liebing said, "Indeed, the Henan public security has for a long time is not such a detection rate, the number of criminal detention numerical evaluation of blunt, but case detection rate in the test sequence. "Detection rates, indicators of personal performance record related to public security, over a considerable period of time, play a positive role," is certainly conducive to the investigation of the case. ”

Case detection rate for 7 consecutive years in Henan province country

In early 2009, a news show, 2008 detected 267,000 cases of criminal cases in the province of Henan, the crime detection rate of the country's first to restore the economic loss of 675 million dollars. Today, the rule of law under the torrent, this controversial evaluation was lost in history.

It is understood that the homicide case detection rate is only around 60% in Henan province before 2004, when, in order to keep murder solving initiative, the provincial public security department Party Committee explicitly required, heads of public security organs at all levels are a local murder detective first responsible person, to hear of, the top command.

2011 provincial public Security Bureau Director Qin Yuhai described in a media interview, 2010 homicide case detection rate in the province reached 97.57%, Henan solve homicide cases consolidated for 7 consecutive years ranked first in the country.

Hua Liebing described, with the introduction of the ten steps, case detection rate for this evaluation was also abandoned.

The future

Police work more on law enforcement quality evaluation

Assessment index canceled some obsolete, many staff are relieved of the public security system.

For ordinary people, they are more worried about is, solve the case without these indicators, cases will be detected in a timely manner, please? Officials ' enthusiasm also could move up?

"Cancel the detection rate indicator, does not mean cancellation of examination and investigation over the case. "Hua Liebing said that of the ten measures which are taken into account, the measure will facilitate normative evaluation of reward and punishment to promote correct view of law enforcement performance.

Hua Liebing said evaluation indicators of change will not negatively impact the investigation over the case, because after evaluation was to satisfaction, the quality of law enforcement as the main indicator of the masses, "If you case is stupid enough, have detected are not productive, that is certainly not satisfied with the masses, will still affect the final evaluation. ”

He said, to be used in a variety of means to obtain evaluation information, such as gathering, delegates from the network of social institutions for investigation, scientific analysis carried out by the authorities, includes handling, Internet access, online where you can see a case of evaluation personnel. High detection efficiency is not high, the enforcement process specifications are not standardized, which is more persuasive than those who pure numerical.


Cancel the detection rate and other indicators, is the work of public security progress

Commentator Shu Shengxiang

Fall arrest number, number of cases, the crime detection rate, check rates and other indicators, is the Government sector to imagine in advance to check the grass-roots level, outlast the indicator will be accordingly punished. This seems like a rather harsh performance appraisal, it is lazy management governance. The taken for granted on the basis of indicators managing lazy, and obviously do not belong to the "governance modernization" category. Thus, repeal the crime detection rate, the real law enforcement quality evaluation criteria is the "modernization of governance" inherent to it. (Henan business daily)

(Edit: SN095)November 14, 2013 Henan business daily(河南公安厅下令后命案侦破率连续7年全国第1|冤假错案|河南|侦破率_新闻资讯



















  回看案件细节,公安机关侦查阶段的违规违法情况与冤假错案联系紧密。一警务人员告诉河南商报 (微博)记者,现实中,一些基层部门为完成考核采取非法手段,要么随意抓人凑数,要么刑讯逼供“破案”,为此人为制造了冤假错案。







  对此,省公安厅法制总队副总队长华列兵说,“实际上,河南公安已很长时间没有把破案率、刑拘数这样的生硬数值作为考评指标了,但命案侦破率还在考核序列当中。”破案率这项关系到公安单位、个人考评成绩的指标,在相当长一段时期内发挥了积极作用 ,“肯定是有利于案件的侦破的。”




  2011年时任省公安厅厅长秦玉海在接受媒体采访时介绍,2010年全省命案侦破率达到97.57%, 河南的命案侦破综合成绩连续7年位居全国第一。












  刑事拘留数、发案数、破案率、退查率等指标,是政府部门以提前想象的情况来约束考核基层机关,完不成指标就会受到相应惩罚。这看似一种颇严厉的政绩考核,实是管理懒政。这种以想当然为依据的指标管理懒政,显然不属于“治理现代化”的范畴。因此,废除破案率指标,真正以执法质量作为考核标准,是“治理现代化”的应有之义。 (河南商报)


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