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To pilot the establishment of 28 abandoned Island, abandoned child survival improved significantly

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/17 9:05:41 Browse times: 332 Comment times: 0

To pilot the establishment of 28 abandoned Island, abandoned child survival improved significantly(28地试点建立弃婴安全岛,弃婴存活率显著提高)

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28 to pilot the establishment of child abandonment refuges significant increase in survival rate of child abandonment | refuges | services | abandoned _ news

Last July, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a circular requesting the abandoned Island pilot work carried out according to the actual situation. The news came out, sparked immediate concern. Recently, this reporter learned from promoting the establishment of "orphan island" of China's child welfare and adoption Center informed that up to now, China has 28 provinces, "testing the water" establishment "orphan island", to discover and to keep abandoned this most vulnerable group in society, guarantee an abandoned child's most basic right to life. However, the abandoned Island dispute was not over, idea of island 10 days Guangzhou, accept abandoned 33, within half a month to reach 79.

 10 provinces voted by 25 abandoned island

According to China's child welfare and adoption Center, at present, Hebei, Tianjin, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Fujian and other 10 provinces and cities have set up 25 abandoned island and put into use, there are 18 provinces are actively preparing for abandoned island or abandoned observation for treatment centers.

China said Li Bo, child welfare and adoption Center Director, establish abandoned island's main purpose is to prevent the baby from being abandoned outside their body and mind again after a bad environment practices, improve the survival rate of abandoned baby, enabling them to get timely treatment and relief.

It is understood that the first abandoned island in the city of Shijiazhuang in Hebei province on June 1, 2011 set up social services. July 2013, the Ministry of civil affairs in conclusion on the basis of local experiences, issued the Ministry of Civil Affairs Office on transmitting China's child welfare and adoption Center "baby island" pilot program for requesting the abandoned Island pilot work according to the actual situation.

Vice Minister of the Ministry of civil affairs Dou Yupei said at the press conference of the information Office of the State Council, in our country, the abandoned infant is a crime, and morally unacceptable to the society. The idea of the island, is based on the life-first, the principle of priority of the rights of the child, and the spirit of the protection of minors in our country is the same, with criminal laws against child abandonment crime is also in hand.

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Baby island is a children's welfare institutions protecting the rights of abandoned babies to survive an attempt and exploration. Typically, abandoned island located in front of the child welfare agency, the island features a baby incubator, delayed alarm devices, such as air conditioning and bed. After receiving the infant on the island, delay alarm will remind orphanage staff members in 5-10 minutes to see abandoned on the island as soon as possible, transferred to the hospital for treatment or be transferred to the child welfare placement. First abandoned island in the city of Shijiazhuang in Hebei province on June 1, 2011 set up social services.


The first "safety island" surge in abandoned infants is not

Shijiazhuang city Social Welfare Institute doors on one side, a red, yellow and white roofs for exterior wall's cabin in the snow, especially conspicuous, Coop taped to the glass door yellow sunflowers, blue stars and colorful balloons, which was set up in June 2011, the country's first "baby island".

Established at the beginning, is a major concern here, and came under thorough questioning. Establishment of 2 years and 8 months, received an abandoned child of more than 220 people, did not appear significantly increased in number. In this regard, the orphanage staff, "This shows that people are ' abandoned illegal ' awareness of the growing".

 Abandoned infant survival rate significantly increased

Yesterday morning, the reporter gently open the cabin door, inside a crib and an infant incubator. Although "safety island" there's snow outside, but a cabin displayed on the incubator temperature of 25.2 degrees Celsius. According to the introduction to business services section staff, "safety island" equipped with infra-red sensors, devices, after the foundling is placed in refuges, infra-red sensors, the device will alarm signal, orphanage staff member on duty then placed the baby in a timely manner.

Shijiazhuang city society (child) orphanage Chief Han Jinhong said: "for a long time, abandoned babies were abandoned in the streets, parks, the gate of the hospital, even the middle of nowhere, we were unable to put an end to acts of abandonment, but it can find ways to make the most change the baby was found abandoned in consequence.

Life is priceless, as long as the baby is still alive, they should give him the dignity of life. ”

Home health care doctors introduce Lu Hongyan, admitted to a medical, "safety island" received of child abandonment trauma, have a high fever and pneumonia and other diseases of numbers have dwindled, and survival rate improved significantly. It is understood that the homes of 0-14-year-olds are received through a traffic island.

  Baby food and accommodation and the kindergarten no difference

Lunch time, Center recommended children eat noodles, diced tomatoes, eggs and sauce two brine. Children here are broken down by age groups, babies are mainly powdered milk, liquid under three years, the above considerations is nutritious, hardly a recipe a week on. Breakfast with bread, steamed bread, eggs, rice porridge, serving lunch and dinner are rice, steamed bread, FRY and soup.

Centre for children in institutions, each child has his own a neat little beds, activity rooms and the General kindergarten entrance. Here every three staff to manage a class, about 10 children in each class, three administrators shifts, 24 hours away from the people. "An administrator's aunt told reporters that" looking after children is really hard, but this is a conscience, after a long time, children will establish deep feelings with you, just like your child. ”

Children in institutions in the North of the center of a four-storey building, built in rehabilitation centres, special education centres, rehabilitation equipment and tools are readily available, such as blindness, deafness, cerebral palsy in children with medical treatment and education.


Serious illnesses more protection for abandoned infants are in urgent need should be completed in

Set baby island is tantamount to conniving at the foundling, abandoned Island behind which social pain, how to effectively reduce baby ... ... To solve these problems, child welfare experts said, to rationally protect babies of the relationship between the right to life and the fight against child abandonment crime.

Child welfare and adoption Center director Li Bo, China believes that abandoned island was abandoned after the phenomenon, by make up and help achieve the protection of rights and interests for abandoned infants, and laws against child abandonment and to protect the baby against abandoned crime targets exactly abandoned protection link on the distinction between laws on prevention and abandoned the island in relief and response.

"HIV does not capture the Tiger, today abandoned flesh like a knife cutting bone, the doctor said my son's condition no cure, stayed at home will lead to more family tragedies. "This is a closing phrase" not entitled to father "abandoned outside the Social Welfare Institute in Guangzhou who left a note on the island. In this abandoned the island, nearly two-thirds parents left a note or cash, said he abandoned them completely separate thing, children can be helped, and save my life. From the perspective of gender, boys predominate in the abandoned baby, abandoned by breaking the patriarchal and family factors.

Chinese Ji Gang, Director of child welfare and adoption Center child care to rough statistics, the currently established all over the country "orphan island" of abandoned babies received, 99% were all sick children. Infants abandoned due mainly to families unable to afford expensive medical treatment, unable to withstand the Mormonism on future costs of special education, many families are worried about poverty resulting from sickness.

Li Bo, believes that the current, through the establishment of children's medical security system, perfect for family support policies, support for families with disabled and seriously ill children, establish rehabilitation and special education for children with disabilities a free system, inter alia, improve the child welfare system. Before, and also to strengthen the pregnancy guidance and inspection, promote fertility technology, reduce the incidence of birth defects in babies.


Child abandonment protection States practice

≫> abandoned baby wheel

Child abandonment protection facilities dating back to 1198, Italy, called "foundling wheel" facilities. It is a cylindrical device, mounted on the external walls of buildings, similar to the revolving door. Parents place the infant in a cylindrical, rotating cylinders put baby in Church, Bell, reminded the people inside the Church. It is thought that the "foundling wheel" secret allows parents to give up the baby, rather than abandon them for killing.

  ≫> baby protection class

"Foundling wheel" in the late 19th century, are gradually disappearing, abandoned babies protects the tank from 1952. Beginning in 1996, Hungary headed by Germany, and Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Italy and other European countries gradually set up an abandoned child protection module. India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Japan, and Korea and other countries, adopted the abandoned baby protectors.

 ≫> anonymous birth method

Anonymous production approach originates from France. This law allowed women give birth anonymously and free of charge in the hospital, abandoned babies will be adopted. Italy, and Greece, and Luxembourg, and Austria and other countries allow for anonymity. Some States allowed to conceal their identity when the birth mother in the production, but encourages its leaves information in a closed file in government custody for children to adults read.

  ≫> safe harbor Act

In the United States, more than 20 years, the States gradually through a series of "safe harbour Act," which "legally safe to throw out the baby" becomes possible. As of 2008, the United States all 50 States have some form of "safe harbor law". About half of all States not to prosecute parents who give up uninjured infant. Some States allow birth parents do not reveal their identity, others require personnel to receive children finding birth parents information, and access to child's health history record.

This version of the section, according to Xinhua News Agency

(Original title: to pilot the establishment of 28 "orphan island")

(Edit: SN091)February 17, 2014 Beijing times(28地试点建立弃婴安全岛 弃婴存活率显著提高|安全岛|福利院|弃婴_新闻资讯










































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