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Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 5-metre deep pit caused by improper underground construction

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/17 9:04:26 Browse times: 271 Comment times: 0

Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 5-metre deep pit caused by improper underground construction(北京朝阳区路面5米深坑因地下施工不当引发)

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Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 5-metre deep pit caused by improper construction of underground construction _ | | | collapse, Chaoyang District, news

Yesterday afternoon, the sweet intersection of Park Street and East Street, water powered trip hammer, Chaoyang District, manhole covers suddenly sprung out, followed by 5 meters in diameter hole. Accident resulted in the suspension of about 300 residents near their homes, opening nearly two-kilometer two-way roads, Park Street stop.

Builders said the accident of improper adjacent municipal underground construction collapsed, is expected this morning can repair is complete.


Vehicle emergency brake

Collapse in opening, Park Street and East Street, water powered trip hammer the traffic light junction, the branch near the silk garden community East Gate about 20 metres.

According to the surrounding shops employees, Ms Zheng introduced, 3:30 P.M. yesterday, has water all of a sudden out of nowhere road intersection in manhole, stagnant water around 15 cm high and flows on both sides, about 10 minutes later, the road suddenly collapsed, there has been a big pit, pit filled with water, about 2 metres deep.

"At that time just became a red light green light, then heard the voices of two private cars hit the emergency brake, but fortunately they found in a timely manner, or to contemplate the consequences", Ms Cheng said.


Improper construction

Yesterday at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the pit area by construction personnel on the perimeter, sweet Garden Street North exit to jintai road junction about two kilometres of road traffic controls are in place. Reporters at the scene saw, the pit area about 5 metres in diameter, pit depth is about 5 m, water was being pumped out of the pit of the group, discharged into drains on the sides of the road.

A construction worker said improper construction accidents around the city the ground collapsed, and pipes break, after the discovery of the problem, they will be replaced with new pipes, construction completed backfill is expected early this morning can repair completed.


Home water supply

After the incident, to facilitate repair work, the staff will collapse in the regional water pipeline valves shut, the silk garden near the leads 7 residents of the building without water. Subsequently, the water works group all channel 5 emergency water supply vehicles sent to community to ease residents ' water. According to the neighborhood, they said, about 300 residents of the affected households.

In addition, under the influence of street pavement sweet water park collapse, 30 31, Route 117, route 15 bus lines, such as bypass measures had been taken.

Text/Jinghua times, Pan Shan-ju/tr Jinghua times, Tao Ran

(Original title: taking water collapse)

(Edit: SN091)February 17, 2014 Beijing times(北京朝阳区路面5米深坑因地下施工不当引发|朝阳区|塌陷|施工_新闻资讯



















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