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Public officers wounding counts: more for the Government’s compensation

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/17 9:03:12 Browse times: 216 Comment times: 0

Public officers wounding counts: more for the Government’s compensation(公职人员伤人事件盘点:多为政府代赔)

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Public officers wounding count: for the Government's indemnity | | | government compensation of public officials _ news

Legal evening news (reporter Wang Jing Wang Xuanhui interns) this afternoon, police shooting of pregnant women sentenced in Guangxi, the Government earlier has lost 730,000 yuan; huangzhong/path wound pregnant women in Qinghai province, the Government pays 209,000 dollars ... ...

Recently, the consecutive number of wounding cases of public officials the rehabilitation treatment has attracted people's attention. The legal evening news reporter put together 10 breaches of public officials in recent years, found that after the incident, about 80% local governments or agencies for compensation.

What makes illegal and demand that the Government pay for public officials? The circumstances under which the Government can pay, pay amounts determined? Open information, how to recover? Inquiry into a series of problems caused the majority of Internet users.

Experts pointed out that "the Government paid" objective results were not bad, both to reassure the families of the victims, calm things down as soon as possible so as not to generate greater social problems. But government compensation mechanisms exist at present a lot of problems, and an urgent need to establish clear rules as soon as possible, under the constraint, not unusual for "the Government pay", that does not become synonymous with misuse of money, widely challenged by taxpayers.

 Government compensation for the two story

Reporters counted 10 cases of public officers law night wounding cases, mostly local governments for compensation.

For the compensation given by the Government, local governments there are two versions of interpretation. Dereliction of a Government in which management responsibilities, the victim needs to pay; another is the Government stepped in to pay afterwards by the suspects to repay the Government.

After a drunken policeman shot dead a pregnant woman in pingnan County, Guangxi, the local government pay 730,000 yuan. Vice Mayor of guigang, pingnan County Party Secretary Huang Xingrong said in an interview, taking into account the length of proceedings is long, as soon as possible in order to enable victims to receive compensation scheme paid for by the Government, and later by the suspects to repay the Government.

According to the People's Republic of China National Compensation Act provides that State organs and their staff by exercise their functions and powers to the personal rights of citizens, legal persons and other organizations or property damage, compensation should be in accordance with the Government. But many public officials in wounding cases, whether the injured person belongs to the business are highly controversial.

Chinese Academy of social sciences, Professor of law, said Chen Chun-long the legal evening news reporter, local governments paid for, based on practical considerations. As official explained, taking into account the proceedings are long, as soon as possible in order to make reparation for victims, plans to come forward to be paid in advance by the Government, and later by the suspects to repay the Government.

"Systematic judicial proceedings, compensation for certain to be delayed, to the families of the victims and the families, are ' worse '. "Chen Chunlong said, however, the pay could not" responsible "or not" reduced responsibility ", which is very important and critical.

 The amount of compensation

For hundreds of thousands of more dollars are not external explanation

Local governments is how to calculate the amount of compensation? Reporter from finishing case found, no one informed the Government did in an interview or explanation.

In these cases, the amount of compensation for hundreds of thousands of, most of the suspects were killed in custody, Yangshuo, Guangxi, the local government bodies pay 900,000 yuan, Qinghai huangzhong Chengguan beating case at least, the relevant departments 209,000 yuan compensation.

On July 17 last year, linwu farmers clashed with city died after the incident, local government and the families of the victims on July 19 quickly "reached an agreement" in conflicts with city families of farmers Deng Zhengjia died in death compensation and funeral expenses, spiritual payment amounted to 897,000 dollars.

According to the People's Republic of China on State Compensation Act Chapter fourth article stipulates: (corporate officer positions) resulting in death, and death compensation, funeral expenses shall be paid, amounting to 20 times times the annual average annual wages of workers on the State. For deceased decease and without ability to work with people, and living expenses shall be paid.

At that time, the media questioned paid 897,000 farmers families is how to calculate it? According to national employment average annual wage in urban-sector units that year 46,769 metacomputing, families of the dead farmers total compensation should be at least 935,380 Yuan.

Either apply the People's Republic of China on State compensation law, and the Supreme People's Court concerning the trial of personal injury compensation cases of several issues concerning the application of law, 897,000 dollars compensation given Linwu County official, couldn't find a legitimate claim based on.

"It is because there is no uniform standard of compensation in legal, has a great deal of randomness. This gave rise to ' treat the different ' phenomenon, it is easy to create new inequities and affect the credibility of the Government. "At the National School of administration, Yang Xiaojun, a professor in an interview suggested that national legislation on compensation for crime victims should be accelerated, and keep the Government away," take taxpayer money to be good "question.

  Ten cases involving compensation

Police in Guangxi Province shot dead a pregnant woman

Event: the night of October 28, 2013, pingnan County Hu Dapeng town in the County of criminal police fired several shots in a rice shop, 5 month pregnant wife killed by Wu Ying, Wu Ying's husband injured by Cai Shiyong.

Compensation: the Government forward and indemnity of 730,000 yuan

Hubei Chengguan Captain drinking death

Events: in January 2014, CPPCC Member xiaofeijin to celebrate their birthdays in luotian County, in the town's big banquet, huchihaihe. Participation of Deputy cadres at county level xiaoxueming, Pu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the River, the Deputy Mayor, the county seat tube enforcement leader feng and other officials, and killed by drinking to excess

Compensation: the compensation agreement with the family members of the deceased the Chengguan, a total of 648,000 in compensation

Qinghai in huangzhong Chengguan beating case

Event: September 2013, the dopa in huangzhong County town of Chengguan Squadron found a town xinduncun Li Mei couples suspected of breaking the structure color steel plate 5, October 9, 3 of which are dismantled according to law, Li Mei were pregnant and her husband to stop. On October 12, the Toba city administration Squadron member in a cement shop in the course of law enforcement, and 44-year old woman who shops Li Fa-Lian a physical confrontation.

Compensation: the related departments to pay victims of 209,000 yuan

Linwu farmers in Hunan province death

Event: the morning of July 17, 2013 in Linwu County of Hunan urban management Bureau staff in law enforcement, dispute with strong South liantangcun farmers Deng Zheng added, Deng Zhengjia after death.

Compensation: the families of farmers Deng Zhengjia death compensation and funeral expenses, spiritual payment amounted to 897,000

Luoning, Henan province Secretary for pedestrians

Event: the night of December 5, 2010, in luoning County of Luoyang City, Henan province post Gu Qingyang, the Secretary of drunk driving, luoning County gully Township is located north of xinan Tiger line reverse driving, killed 5 teenagers.

Compensation: early advance compensation for the postal system of 1.15 million Yuan

Yunnan officials feet to 1 dead

Event: the afternoon of May 13, 2012, Yiliang County, Kunming, jiuxiang, Chairman of the Township people's Congress, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of 6 persons after eating dinner in a restaurant, two buses driving to the County family feet foot washing. Who knows one of the cars overturned, causing the deaths of drivers, 3 people were injured.

Compensation: 460,000 yuan local government compensation

Yangshuo, Guangxi killed suspects in custody

Events: Mo xingping town, Yangshuo, Guangxi villagers for allegedly stealing of Yang Shuo County Public Security Bureau in criminal detention and arrest and held in Yangshuo County Detention Center. On December 16, 2013, MO was suddenly sent to Yangshuo County people's Hospital. Late the next day, MO died.

Compensation: agreement by public security organs pay 900,000 yuan

Qingdao students drinking falls

Event: the night of October 27, 2012, Liu Xiaoao strives in Qingdao vocational and technical college students, along with 5 other students 6 teachers of schools called out to lunch, 10:34 P.M., Xiao AO hotel four-floor bathroom window unfortunately fell dead on the spot.

Compensation: practical vocational and technical college of Qingdao liuting Street offices where advance paid 600,000 dollars compensation

☆ Hubei Fukuda blocking the door event

Event: March 13, 2013, traveled to Shenzhen Futian District, Hubei Province civil servants "forced" migrant workers returning home to sign removal agreement without success, saying that the newspaper kiosks of the other side blocked locks with glue and chemical products.

Compensation: Futian police informed that two cadres involved in Hubei province gave himself up, apologized to the victims and to compensate the loss of 5,000 yuan, the two sides reached a mediated settlement

A county official in Sichuan province for battered women

Events: in July 2013, bazhong, Sichuan province Zhi Zhang tongjiang County people's Congress Party members openly on the streets beating women at work.

Compensation: the station has organized parties in mediation and reach an agreement on compensation for property damages and medical expenses Note: ☆ clients ' own compensation case

  Recourse against the Government

Publicly available information there has been little recovery success stories

The provisions of the law on State compensation, the State compensation and recourse against suspects implementation. While the late journalist finishing with 10 cases in law, and did not find a government recovery success or news reports.

Although there is little recourse against the Government success stories, but Government Department to prosecute public officials to recover it.

On January 26, the cadres in luotian County of Hubei Province drinking after the death of advances made by related departments of 648,000 in compensation. Urban management enforcement Bureau has commissioned a lawyer filed suit in luotian County Court, Sue attended the birthday party and birthday party people and sent some back home to a total of 9 people, asking them to repay the advance payment.

Judging from the current investigation, recovery does not seem to good effect.

According to the National Treasury website message, the Department's 26 provinces (cities, districts) survey of the financial departments at all levels, from 2002 to 2004, recourse against those responsible for total compensation of about 2.17 million Yuan, 3% per cent of total allocated financial compensation for costs, compensation for recovery costs amount to zero in some areas.

Survey of Hunan province from 2002 to 2004 to allocate the compensation cost of 11.09 million Yuan, 290,000 dollars only for recovery, recovery rate of 2.64%. Heilongjiang province occurred in 61 cases of State compensation, only 1 is to recover, allocate 4.479 million Yuan recovered only 94,000 yuan in compensation, per cent of total approved compensation 2.1%. Occurred from 2002 to 2004 national compensation cost of 6.6 million yuan in Beijing, recourse against the 266,000 yuan, per cent of total approved compensation 4%.

  Experts ' opinions

"The Government paid" an urgent need to establish clear rules

This morning, the Social Development Research Institute of Peking University Professor Wang Wenzhang told the legal evening news reporter interview noted that current state compensation is spent public money, for tax money comes from people so that State compensation becomes a public paying for fault of the responsible personnel. Government indemnity is only an expedient measure, is dealing with the aftermath of a link, at the same time, the judicial process must be followed up, the suspect, recovery work will never relax and avoid abuse of taxpayers ' money.

"The organ under compensatory obligations to its staff of ' recourse ' are often without power, one reason is that up-front payment of money from financial, not of its own; another is that fault is ' one ', especially in interpersonal relationships, often are familiar with each other, who don't want to offend people, and often shield their mistakes, making true recovery system without implementing it. "Wang Wenzhang said.

King said that recourse against the current national figurehead, insulated from economic responsibilities allow for dereliction of duty and malfeasance. Has no recourse against the State-backed national reparations, but in reality is the official's personal responsibility into the responsibility of all citizens, will be translating the individual compensation of officials from all the citizens to pay for personal mistake of officials.

The King article, whether compensation is left to the families of the victims, suspects, recover amounts, as well as a recovery period of fiscal deficit to make up, how to more effectively recover ... ... This series of rules is an urgent need for clear norms, "let the money spent clearly and not be part of a shore, it is inherent to the rule of law community. ”

This version of the article/reporter Wang Xuanhui

Trainee Wong Jing

(Original title: ten public against eight Government pay compensation for hundreds of thousands of dollars more relevant departments are not foreign to explain in a few government public information recovery success stories)

February 17, 2014 Legal evening news(公职人员伤人事件盘点:多为政府代赔|公职人员|政府|赔偿_新闻资讯

  法制晚报讯(记者 王选辉 实习生 王晶) 今天下午,广西警察枪杀孕妇案将宣判,政府前期已代赔73万元;青海湟中城管队长打伤孕妇,政府先赔付20.9万元……












  多为数十万元 均未对外作解释




























  事件:广西阳朔县兴坪镇村民莫某此前因涉嫌盗窃被阳朔县公安局刑拘并逮捕,关押在阳朔县看守所内。2013年12月16 日,莫某突然被送往阳朔县人民医院抢救。次日晚,莫某因抢救无效死亡。
























  王文章认为,赔偿款是否全部交给受害者家属,对嫌犯的追偿期限、追偿数额以及财政出现亏空如何弥补,如何进行更有效的追偿……这一系列细则都亟须进行明确规范,“让这笔钱花得明明白白,不要成为一笔糊涂账,则是法治社会的应有之义。 ”

  本版文/记者 王选辉

  实习生 王晶

(原标题:十起公职违法 八起政府赔 赔偿多为数十万元 相关部门均未对外作解释 在公开信息中 鲜有政府追偿成功案例)


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