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Descendants hundreds of people’s Liberation Army generals visited Taiwan to Exchange replaced the fight against

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/14 3:05:19 Browse times: 243 Comment times: 0

Descendants hundreds of people’s Liberation Army generals visited Taiwan to Exchange replaced the fight against(上百名解放军将领后代访台 称以交流取代对抗)

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Descendants visit hundreds of people's Liberation Army generals to communicate what is known on both sides of replacing confrontation | | | PLA generals _ news

November 14, hundreds of descendants IV field army generals during the civil war between the Kuomintang and 12th delegation to visit Taiwan. "Every portion," said Li Zhongquan, son of major-general Li Yang's speech, major generals descendant every portion is almost here, which are very difficult in the Mainland, is to learn to share replacing confrontation. Taiwan Chinese Xia Ying Chau, Chairman of the Association of national unity, said past Sabres of the Kuomintang army, guns blazing, now gathered in one, and hope that the two sides will no longer muzzle, muzzle outward.

Integrated Taiwan Wang Pao the China Times, messages, by the China population culture promotion Association, Taiwan Chinese women party sponsored the first "generation to generation to promote peace across the Taiwan Strait Exchange Association", 13th held in Taipei. Gathered more than 300 Mainland "second generation" with Taiwan retired generals; called in more than 60 years across the Taiwan Strait, the largest military Exchange; that's 65 years of the civil war between the Kuomintang and, for the first time in Taiwan organized by the KMT generals descendant of peaceful exchanges.

Chinese woman Party Chairman tuminghui speaking, shouldn't action across the Taiwan Strait should strengthen social, economic and other exchanges, and the "92 consensus" premise, to create a win-win situation. Tuminghui noted that the currently open between the two sides reached a certain level, frequent exchanges, are able to visit each other understand the history of the Kuomintang army, commendable. Mainland children of the second generation of the retired generals will also take this opportunity to visit military Exhibition Hall.

Tuminghui also said that hope that the two sides can jointly adhere to the "92 consensus" in political differences, strengthening cross-strait exchange of social, economic and cultural dimensions of depth, to jointly promote the harmonious development between the two sides.

Taiwan Chinese Xia Ying Chau, Chairman of the Association of national unity said that if compatriots on both sides do not unite, territorial and maritime rights and interests of the Chinese nation have been violated. In his view, the common enemy of the current cross-Strait are eyeing the Diaoyu Islands and the Nansha Islands sovereignty country, should not treat each other as the enemy, so that other countries can take advantage of the machine.

Founding of PLA major general Li Zhongquan later Li Yang noted that KMT at loggerheads in the past, but now Taiwan visits, it is solidarity between the two sides began. As soldiers future generations, visit each other but also to look at the history, that of respect for seniors.

He said that open on both sides of not only trade, also reflected on the human, the Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake in Taiwan for too much help, which makes people grateful to heart. More visits to understand each other and is the common aspiration of the people across the Taiwan Strait.

Participants called for unity between the two sides. Taiwan former "black bat Squadron" player Zhu Zhen said, never thought the two sides would be so peaceful day of his life, comes when he choked and said, "I can't think too much, and wanted to cry. ”

(Original title: descendants hundreds of people's Liberation Army generals visited Taiwan to Exchange replaced confrontation (picture))

(Edit: SN091)November 14, 2013 China News Network(上百名解放军将领后代访台 称以交流取代对抗|两岸|解放军|将领_新闻资讯

  中新网11月14日电 上百名国共内战时期第四野战军将领后代12日组团访台。“四野”少将李中权之子李洋致词表示,四野主要将领后代几乎都到齐,这在大陆也很不易,就是到台学习,以交流取代对抗。台湾中华民族团结协会理事长夏瀛洲表示,国共两军过去剑拔弩张,枪口相向,如今齐聚一堂,希望两岸今后不再枪口相向,而是一致枪口向外。








(原标题:上百名解放军将领后代访台 称以交流取代对抗(图))


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