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Convey the spirit of the third plenary session of the central supervision of Hunan team leader attended

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/14 3:05:08 Browse times: 321 Comment times: 0

Convey the spirit of the third plenary session of the central supervision of Hunan team leader attended(湖南省委传达三中全会精神 中央督导组长出席)

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Convey the spirit of the third plenary session of the Central Steering team leader of Hunan attending the third plenary | | | steering _ Hunan news

This newspaper, November 13 (Xinhua like Fei Tian Tian Xia) this morning, the Standing Committee of the provincial party Committee held an expanded communicate learning 18 the spirit of the third plenary session of the party, to study and propose follow-up to preliminary views. Secretary of provincial party Committee, the provincial people's Congress Standing Committee Xu Shousheng chaired the meeting and delivered a speech, he called for further study and implement the spirit of the plenary, with the spirit of reform and innovation in their ongoing efforts, efforts to deepen reform, promote the work to achieve new breakthroughs. Vice Secretary of the provincial party Committee and Governor du Hoa, head of the Central Steering Group on the tenth Li Chuanqing, Central tenth patrol team leader Chen Jiwa attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Xu Shousheng, du Pont home Hoa and Sun Jinlong, Deputy Secretary of provincial party Committee XI Jinping, each story conveys the General Secretary's important speech at the plenary session II plenary meeting, in the plenary session on the reports, on the work of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision (draft for discussion) for instructions.

Deputy Head of the Central Steering Group on the tenth Sun Qing ju, Deputy Head of the tenth central inspection group Zhang Hua, Hu Biao, and Xiong Qingquan, and Yang Zhengwu, and Liu Fusheng, and Wang Keying, and Huang jiangguo 's, and Guo kailang, Chen Zhao, Han Yongwen, Sun Jianguo, easy mixing red, Zhang Wenxiong, Yu Laishan leadership and old comrades attending the meeting.

Xu Shousheng in will Shang pointed out that, party of 18 session plenary session to full deepening reform for theme, on full deepening reform of several major problem made decided, further answered has in new of history conditions Xia lift what flag, go what road of problem, is we party in new situation Xia firm follow-up party of line, and basic programme of, and basic experience, and basic requires, firm insisted opening not shake, and not slack, and not toss of important declared and major deployment, Fully demonstrated our strong determination to deepen reform of the party and great courage. Plenary session addressing a series of contradictions and problems facing China's development, promote institutional self-improvement and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and achieve "two two years" Chinese dream goal, and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is of great and far-reaching significance. Provincial departments at all levels should regard studying and implementing the spirit of the plenary as an important political task at present, strengthening organizational leadership, take practice to grasp. Through an in-depth study to understand, fully aware of the party's 18 since the second plenary session of the party and brilliant achievements in national development, deep understanding of overall significance of deepening reform, carefully grasp the guiding ideology and overall design of comprehensive reform, accurately grasp the comprehensive reform priorities, spiritual thought and action into the plenary, XI Jinping, unified into a spirit of an important speech, General Secretary.

Xu Shousheng stressed, deepen reform of the Horn had sounded, the province you want to get up to speed quickly, in accordance with the decisions of the central authorities to deploy, strengthen confidence, build consensus, and manpower planning, collaborative propulsion, with the spirit of reform and innovation in their ongoing efforts, efforts to deepen reform, promote the work to achieve new breakthroughs.

To further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of comprehensive reform. Both adapted to development needs, comply with reform, also in response to the voice of the masses, must cut commitment to deepen reform. Be sure to enhance, deepen reform of the province's determination, confidence and courage, dares to crack a hard nut, dare to state you throw, breaking the shackles of ideology, breakthrough in curing silos of interest, further emancipate, emancipation and development of social productive forces, liberation and social creativity.

Second, we must resolutely and comprehensively promote all aspects of reform in all areas. CCP plenary Conference's spirit for guidance, and more reform-oriented systemic, holistic, synergistic, and vigorously promote the five-in-one reforms, accelerate economic restructuring, strengthen the construction of democratic politics, actively promoting cultural innovation in institutions and mechanisms, focus on strengthening social reform, firmly promoting the ecological civilization construction, speed up the formation of complete systems, scientific and standardized, system running effectively.

Three integrated and promote the development of various undertakings. The deepening of reform and opening up drive runs through the whole process of economic and social development, strengthening innovation, focus on improving the overall quality of the economy and competitiveness, speed up the formation of a rational structure, optimize, regional coordination, the new pattern of development of urban-rural integration. To facilitate a sustained and healthy development of the economy, reform and development of social undertakings and social management, focus on improving the party's construction in the scientific level. CCP plenary Conference's spirit through learning, getting the majority of party members and cadres to do it thinking that there is a new spirit of improvement, new power, new style, gives a new enhancement, a new promotion.

Xu Shousheng stressed that Chinese new year is approaching, focus, improving co-ordination of the province against the goals set at the beginning of the task, in earnest, "looking back", find the problem, clear direction, measure, to stress, broken puzzles, complementarity, ensuring fully achieved or exceeded the objectives determined at the beginning of the task. To full do economic work, carried forward nail nails spirit, continues to integrated steady growth, and adjustable structure, and promoting reform, and insurance livelihood; to practical guarantees and improved livelihood, ensure completed commitment of 21 items for private facts project, let masses get affordable; to solid advance style construction, continues to grasping first batch education practice activities follow-up the links work, active plotting second batch education practice activities, seriously implementation Central and provincial of the provides, strongly regulation "four wind", tendencies ; According to the party's 18 and the third plenary session of the upcoming central economic Working Conference, seriously plotting next year's reform, development and stability.

Responsible comrades of provincial and central authorities in Hunan authorities concerned to attend the meeting.

(Original title: communicate learning 18 the spirit of the third plenary session of the party)

(Edit: SN095)November 14, 2013 Hunan daily newspaper(湖南省委传达三中全会精神 中央督导组长出席|三中全会|湖南|督导_新闻资讯

  本报11月13日讯(记者 夏似飞 田甜)今天上午,省委召开常委扩大会议,传达学习党的十八届三中全会精神,研究和提出贯彻落实的初步意见。省委书记、省人大常委会主任徐守盛主持会议并讲话,他要求深入学习贯彻落实全会精神,以改革创新精神推动当前各项工作,努力在全面深化改革、推动各项工作上取得新突破。省委副书记、省长杜家毫,中央第十督导组组长李传卿、中央第十巡视组组长陈际瓦出席会议。












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