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After the Spring Festival in Guangdong Province has investigated 12 Office Secretaries

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/17 8:54:46 Browse times: 257 Comment times: 0

After the Spring Festival in Guangdong Province has investigated 12 Office Secretaries(广东春节后已查处12名厅级官员)

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After the Spring Festival in Guangdong Province has investigated 12 Office Secretaries | | | official corruption _ to investigate and news

South Reporter yesterday, Yi Huang, Guangdong Provincial Commission for discipline inspection official website of the provincial supervision Department "actual breeze network" news release, after Chinese new year Office of provincial party Committee, the provincial Commission for discipline inspection has 11 filing and checking-level leading cadres ' serious disciplinary problems, the Guangdong power grid company General Manager Wu Zhouchun (Atrium level), the Deputy Director of the provincial science and technology Wang Kewei has been taking measures to investigate. In addition, Dongguan city Vice Mayor for failing to investigate yellow involved violations committed, police chief well-off accountability.

Supervision Department of Guangdong Province, Guangdong conscientiously XI, General Secretary of "zero tolerance of corruption" requirements, Li said, relentlessly, expanding its efforts firmly dealt with disciplinary offences. Guangdong province to punish corruption and malpractices was adamant the renovation, clear-cut, adhere to the rot will come back, there are greedy and uncovering, chaos will rule, "Tiger", "fly", must not be allowed to spread evil trends, to create clear and the wind is the development environment.

(Original title: Office of Guangdong after the Spring Festival has been investigated and prosecuted 12 Secretaries)

February 17, 2014 Southern Metropolis daily(广东春节后已查处12名厅级官员|查处|官员|腐败_新闻资讯

  南都讯记者黄怡 昨日,广东省纪委省监察厅官方网站“南粤清风网”发布消息称,春节后省委、省纪委已对11名厅级领导干部严重违纪问题予以立案检查,其中广东电网公司原总经理吴周春(正厅级)、省科技厅副厅长王可炜已被采取措施进行调查。另外,对查处涉黄违法行为不力的东莞市副市长、公安局长严小康予以问责。




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