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“Premier Zhou’s last words“ the author’s death, to be broad-minded and had cited the political crisis

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:10:10 Browse times: 236 Comment times: 0

“Premier Zhou’s last words“ the author’s death, to be broad-minded and had cited the political crisis(“周总理遗言”作者去世,其伪作曾引政治风波)

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"Premier Zhou's last words" author's death to be broad-minded and had cited the political turmoil | Prime Minister Zhou Enlai | last | Li Junxu _ news

Times dispatch in 1976, after the death of Premier Zhou Enlai, an article for more than thousands of words of the so-called "Prime Minister to say" widely at home and abroad, articles directed at the "gang of four", caused a huge political backlash. Early yesterday morning, the last words of true author humourless Mr Li Junxu, but it was too late to leave a famous last words.

In the view of his family, poor Li Junxu airwaves, caused a great stir, "Prime Minister's last words" case let his life go tough, "he has been very strong, fate does not look down. "In the eyes of nephew Li Changling and Li Junxu is a man.

Memorial Service will be held on February 16 at the Hangzhou funeral home, 2nd Chamber.

  Independence in the eyes of big brother's little brother

Li Junxu was born in 1953 is the home of the old parents are both doctors, four siblings he is the cleverest. When his mother took him to the Lake, can quickly taught the West Lake poetry by heart. "My grandfather is a scholar of the old school, mother has accumulated in the literature is very deep and had a great influence on him. "Big brother Li Junda boys literature emerged from childhood.

Father was a famous doctor of schistosomiasis, had been affected by the World Health Organization, singles in United States, when the new China was established, he insisted on working in the United Nations to return, this patriotic feelings grew up influenced Li Junxu.

Li Junxu grew up in the era of political movements often parents bequeath his scholars nature as free, bold and unrestrained by the powerful and patriotic feelings he has remained an inner independent thoughts. In 1966, the "cultural revolution" started, Li Junxu locked after he was knocked down in the bullpen, the mother ended up washing dishes but also to the intervention, born in bad Li Junxu "cultural revolution" has its own thinking.

When rebels like mimeo tabloid opinion, had just finished elementary school he learned a mimeo technology, a mold-like manner "release" their tabloids.

"Their wrong views of writing articles against the rebels, the tabloids printed in A4 paper size, called pepper, although the writing is childish, but dare to run out into the street. "The College's older brother knows not to stop, quite enjoy the boys knew, just wish being bullied, he shrewdly fled.

"Li Junxu is a man of integrity, a sense of. "Li Junda grew up watching Li Junxu, in his view," speaking "last words are derived from Li Junxu, Prime Minister of Justice, and won the support and appreciation of those around.

In 1975, Li Junxu starts in Hangzhou steam turbine plant as an apprentice a year later when he forged "Prime Minister's last words" case when it is suddenly taken away, his teacher at risk of making political mistakes, overnight ride quietly came to Lee's told, "whole plant be required not to divulge any information at that time, master comes to tell us that mentoring depth of kindness. ”

The spring of 1977, implicated was taken by the father and friends started to come home until October, wearing only Li Junxu "there is a serious political error" in the hat back to turbine plant. "Leadership and colleagues at the factory did not pay too much attention, Li Junxu with politically incorrect joined the party, and later became a Youth League. ”

  Friends in the eyes of the handsome

Li Junxu has several childhood playmates, which is a very good partner Yuan Zhongwei in the neighborhood. Yuan Zhongwei learned that after death of Li Junxu said: "such things to happen, I think some of the sudden and sad. ”

Once Yuan Zhongwei Li Junxu lived opposite, Yuan Min Yuan Zhongwei's sister recalls, then stand on the terrace in your own home, you can see the balcony of Li Junxu, Li Junxu always play to her home, "just like at home. "Yuan Min said.

She and Li Junxu is both a neighbor and primary school classmates, Yuan Min said: "he was very good at writing, composition is particularly good, who's good-looking. ”

Good looks particularly popular with girls and Li Junxu, Yuan Min recalled, when working in Hangzhou steam turbine plant, a lot of girls like him, one of the girls look pretty, so it was nice, because I like Li Junxu for a long time are not married yet.

  Children of respect in the eyes of the people

His father and family are science and engineering background, Li Junxu on the road to the literature. At an early age, young when passing his nephew Li Changling Garret residence 6 square meters, used to see him at his desk writing. During the steam turbine plant, he wrote a reportage of the AH! Dragon, reflects new developments in steam turbine plant, won the maodun Prize for reportage.

Times of the political whirlpool, uncle took Li Changling to Qiantang River every summer swimming, Wu Yun mountain bike to climb.

Li Junxu has maintained a strong vitality, although in 1989, sharp-edged "subdural hematoma," leading to impaired memory, often mumbling "when will went to work, I would like to go to work."

"I went to see him every year, but this year have not had time to look, it is ... ..." because their duties, Party Committee Deputy Secretary Qian Yuhang starts from around 1997, the youth times, Li Junxu home to visit him every year.

Qian Yuhang remembers, when Li Junxu was just four or five years of a child's intellectual, lying on the bed, also will not go, upper body and a stalwart, and lower body like polio contraction, bent. Cannot walk normally, only by Walker managed to walk for a while. Before he died, lives in the bamboo Lane, home decoration, but also very clean and tidy, with a nurse to take care of his life.

Each time you visit, Qian Yuhang said she and Li Junxu talk, but Li Junxu hardly speaks, occasionally some simple conversations. For example, did you ask him bread to eat, he said, ate. Pain did you ask him, he'll say, foot pain. "You ask a question, you must answer one. "Qian Yuhang recalls. But each year she has visiting Li Junxu, one year to the next, Li Junxu but still can't remember who she is. "He seemed to remember his old friend. "Qian Yuhang said.

  Old colleagues in the eyes of the "big brother next door"

The 80 's of the last century, Li Junxu from the paper's attachment to the Vice Minister of the propaganda Department of Hangzhou University. Song Jianxun is Director of the Editorial Office of magazine, worked with Li Junxu. He recalled: "he's demanding, work very hard, particularly enjoyed writing, write reportage was so famous among other things. "Song Jianxun can still remember an article written by Li Junxu reportage, articles were written at that time Minister of propaganda Department of Hangzhou University Tong Shaosu, but in a perspective to write son Tong Shaosu.

Memories Song Jianxun, Li Junxu's a thinking man, he spoke of fun, Li Junxu one day riding a bicycle to work at Hangzhou University, while cycling side thought, via Stone Road, because the road is being repaired at that time, he was thinking, no attention on the road, I fell and knocked out two front teeth.

"1.8-meter, long is very handsome. "Song Jianxun Li Junxu is a honest, good in the eyes of" the big brother next door. "

Song Jianxun recalls, when Li Junxu of the State was on the wrong side of the body, "he seemed a little low blood sugar, sometimes make Halo, and sometimes meeting on or sleep. "Song Jianxun remembers this often happens in the Li Junxu before dinner and after working for a couple of hours in a row.

A year later, after Li Junxu on attachment to the end, Song Jianxun and he still maintained good relations, Li Junxu sick days of recuperation, he and Tong Shaosu went to visit him. "At the time, he doesn't know a lot of people, but I can call my name. ”

Because of his illness, Li Junxu's thought and action somewhat incongruous, Song Jianxun recalls, "but he was very hard to take up the pen, paper, wants to write a memoir, thought to be a note. "There was a pause, Song Jianxun said:" quite a pity, a talented person and enjoys writing, early to leave a job you love to work. "Every time I went to see Li Junxu, but to bring things like fruit, Song Jianxun will also bring a lot of magazines," he is fond of reading, particularly economic and cultural classes, we gave him. ”

Personal history

Born in 1953 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang

In 1966, the "cultural revolution" broke out, graduating from elementary school, printing of the pepper and the tabloids

In 1969 as a genre comes to Changxing forest farm

1975 in Hangzhou steam turbine plant to do an apprenticeship

1976 wrote "the Prime Minister's last words", and spread throughout the country, was taken to review

In 1977, released

1980 in the journal community, Hangzhou University, Zhejiang, Eastern youth magazine, Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Office

Intracranial hemorrhage in 1989, leading to memory loss

2014 East hospital patients whom, who passed away on the morning of February 9

(Source: the youth times)

  "The last words of the Prime Minister" in two parts, the first part is for Deng yingchao 's, a short, which reads as follows :

Comrade Xiao Chao:

You and I both are Communist Party members, with the revolution for more than 50 years, I'm sure you could afford. Must learn from CAI sister, to educate the child as well a common soldier.

Comrade Zhou Enlai


Another part of the longer, which is sensational, shocked the world, was almost all reproduced the famous "Prime Minister's last words", which read as follows:

Chairman of Central:

Since my second surgery, illness had a short-term stability. Starting from the second half, the cancer has spread widely, although consciousness is good, but not too far away from Marx's life has indeed. I think it is essential and central to the Chairman report some recent thoughts.

During the course of illness, President of kindness to me, I was very touched, Chairman of old, to take care of his health. Chairman of our party and country at the helm, is the great happiness of the people, but also great satisfaction for me. These days the Zunyi meeting, the President, and my talks yesterday with mixed feelings. Cannot be a President to share some of the work, I was saddened. For the future of our country and our people, the President must take care.

Hongwen comrades for several years, in theory, still on problem-solving, improving quickly, and I am extremely happy about this, our party will be carried forward, Comrade hongwen to grab global aspects in the future, is to grasp, more work for the party.

Old comrade Zhu de and Ye Jianying, to exercise, to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Division of labour can be free, but your status is still critical. Our older generation, President for many years, and with high fighting spirit, maintain integrity in one's later years of the revolution.

Comrade Xiaoping a year to a few aspects of the work are very good, especially the implementation of the three directives to the President of firm grasp, this proves the right judgment by the Chair. To remain then threw himself wholeheartedly, wish to consult with the President, more concerned about gays, and assume more responsibility. Comrade Xiaoping more pressure in the future, but as long as the course is correct, what difficulties will be overcome.

Comrade chunqiao ability, work of the State Council, Deng, the spring bridge to discuss how.

Comrades, sick for a long time, so that I could recall I have come away. On this winding road, and I never forgot that in front of our fallen martyrs, we are the survivors. In 1926, when I and Yun daiying's comrade, respectively, he said, "when Chinese people are living a happy life when we live to people, be sure to to the graves of dead comrades, went to comfort them, the dead will hear our voices. "For many years, I always thought, what used to report to them? …… Preludes to recall martyrs last against the living conditions of our people, I feel guilty themselves fail to do more work ... ... Prospect of century turn China into a modern socialist industry, agriculture, national defense, and science and technology powerhouses splendid prospects, I am full of confidence in winning. Death is nothing for the Communists, because we give life to the people's cause, and the cause of the people is eternal. My only regret is I can't move forward with comrades, to redouble their work to serve. Comrades must above all the interests of the party and the people, under the leadership of Chairman Mao and unite to win still greater victory.

About my funeral, I ask the Central request:

My progression and tell people across the country, so as to avoid unnecessary speculation.

Memorial Service for President not to attend, should be simple, hongwen presided over, Deng eulogy.

The ashes do not save, scatter.

Farewell, comrades!

Zhou en-Lai


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  1953年 出生于浙江杭州

  1966年 “文革”爆发时,小学毕业,印《小辣椒》小报

  1969年 作为知青来到长兴的林场工作

  1975年 进入杭州汽轮机厂做学徒

  1976年 写“总理遗言”,传遍全国,被带走审查

  1977年 释放回家

  1980年代 在《浙江日报》社、杭州大学、《东方青年》杂志、浙江团省委等处工作

  1989年 颅内出血,导致记忆力衰退

  2014年 在城东医院经抢救无效,于2月9日清晨逝世



























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