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Trains delayed thousands of people fighting over a taxi in Nanjing, officially retarded netizens spontaneously in an emergency

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:06:54 Browse times: 353 Comment times: 0

Trains delayed thousands of people fighting over a taxi in Nanjing, officially retarded netizens spontaneously in an emergency(南京列车晚点千人争打车,官方迟钝网友自发救急)

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Later thousands of people fighting over a taxi official Nanjing train emergency retarded netizens spontaneously | | | thousands later in a cab _ a train during the Spring Festival News

After listening to the weather forecast snowfall prompted the North plans from Shangqiu in Henan province since driving back in Beijing Yun Liu (not his real name) started "actively prepare for war". In her car, into the pillows, quilts, blankets, carrying fruit, hot water, and even there are the small rice cooker from the food can be heated.

Shangqiu to Beijing about 700 km, taking the freeway, can reach 8 hours under normal conditions. "We set out on February 5 at 8 in the morning, 7 o'clock at the latest to Beijing. Even if you stuck before 12 o'clock was going to. "Yun Liu said.

Yun Liu is unexpectedly, she and her family had to overnight along until the evening of February 6, before reaching Beijing.

Yun Liu, highway traffic during Spring Festival is one of the scarce resource. China Youth daily reporter noted, traffic information is in short supply, roads, civil aviation, railways and even after passengers reach their destinations were reflected to a certain degree. During the Spring Festival travel season, holidays, this is much more serious.

"How to publish timely information to users of roads, transportation facilities, how fast and accurate traffic, this is the humanized management of less importance to us in the past. "The communication College of Southeast University Professor Lu Jian believes that at present, the domestic real-time traffic information published work is still not perfect.

He said that traffic information real-time publishing technology is more and more mature, and is in great demand in the future, "this work requires government departments to weight".

  High-speed traffic chaos

When on the freeway? Yun Liu, this is a problem. She didn't think that his high-speed tour of the planned changes travel along the provincial road.

Her County is located on the edge of Lian-Huo Expressway. This road is national highway network linking Jiangsu and Xinjiang one of the lateral road, Yun Liu designed route, first of Lian-Huo Expressway, then JI-Canton high speed northward.

Although not snow trip yet, but it's not. 8:30, high-speed entry on the side of the County, Yun Liu found that many cars parked in the same place to wait, some vehicles are back open, "the entrance, I could not get on."

She decided to walk along provincial road bound for Shangqiu, more because of the high entrance. I did not expect, high-speed entry remains in Shangqiu city shut down.

"My high-speed entry and Shangqiu has referred to the police, stopping road and tell us you want to bypass. "Yun Liu said that husbands get off asking when can police traffic," police said they are also listening to instructions above, don't know what's going on when you can pass. "

At that time, Yun Liu doesn't have a detailed traffic reports. According to media reports, the 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock that day, Lian-Huo Expressway in Shangqiu section 7 consecutive traffic accidents, 40 cars behind. The scene of the accident at 10 o'clock in the morning, clean up, and then, Yun Liu, in territory of Shangqiu, "crash plus rain, and even a surge in traffic".

Junction of Shangqiu and Shandong. Yun Liu Road, trying to speed on territory of Shandong. Finally, after left their hometown for more than 100 kilometers, from Shandong Cao County manage to enter the highway, then went to Shandong heze expressway exit.

At this time is close to lunchtime. Yun Liu high speed only to find, next to the highway entrance is, "it is, I'm off the highway, you can't get it into high speed. ”

Yun Liu failed to enter the heze, high-speed heze North entrance. Then Huang Zhen, Shandong, Yanggu, liaocheng, at least 11 entrances, she could not enter. That night, she and her family had to stay at the Shandong Yanggu the night.

Under the heavy snow starting from Yun Liu after entering the territory of Shandong. Family found at a gas station, spaces between wheels and the bodywork of the icy, they're too busy with life-saving hammer to break the ice.

China Youth daily reporter noted, Yun Liu return on February 5, "high-speed police in Henan province" and "high-speed travel service of Shandong" official Microblogs such as traffic information and websites regularly publish some sections. However, the weibo comments number, forward, not so much.

Yun Liu told reporters that part of weibo's information is not entirely accurate. For example, 11:30, Shangqiu city, she saw messages on Twitter saying double eight stations have been released, in fact, her dual eight-station until 12 o'clock has not yet been released, "information and the actual situation is not entirely consistent. ”

There are also netizens who reflect on their way to a high-speed access, they are on the site or Twitter import the closed message. Some netizens said that they did not know how to bypass the entrance closed after.

Nevertheless, micro-Bo Yun Liu the primary means of getting traffic information. And near the entrance at high speed before the trip, Yun Liu, or family related Tweets.

Another way is to listen to the radio to get information. But Yun Liu found that radio spot now and then song, can't do real-time broadcasts and traffic information is not what she wanted to know.

Currently there are no such circumstances improve. On February 9, "Henan high speed police" Twitter news tips "daguang Expressway in Henan and Hebei province and Ning Luo Expressway province of Henan and Anhui Provinces along the direction of flow is very large, car-clogged, bypass in advance."

And for at least 4 hours ago, netizens have been microblogging said: "multi-wide high-speed charging stations across Hebei province of Henan, queued vehicles stretch for several kilometers, traffic jam, Henan high speed management doing? ”

  Asymmetric information cause the airport controversy

Bring obstacles impeded traffic information, not only on the highway. Yun Liu left for Beijing the same day, Zhengzhou airport intermittently shut down three times, and contradictions that occurred the next day caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

Zhengzhou airport terminal station master's Army strong later said publicly that the day of the incident, due to heavy snow, causing widespread flight delays at the airport, thousands of passengers were stranded.

Contradiction which is the so-called "Zhengzhou airport was broken." The evening of February 6, quoted media microblogging friends "procrastination out of the late Miss" emerged: "how crazy you feel after a delay of passengers, hit ran counter computer or something. Zhengzhou airport has closed, we've haven't slept in 24 hours of overtime in a row, are afraid to go out, out siege would be scolded. ”

February 7, Zhengzhou airport has denied the assertion, called net messages of false and exaggerated, have all returned to normal flight. The day of the incident, "very few passengers on flights delayed emotional impact trips."

China Youth daily reporter seen in airport surveillance video released February 6, Zhengzhou, China Southern Airlines at the airport information desk, front desk surrounded by dozens of tourists, 3 civilian police stood near the counter. Then, a man threw water bottles toward the counter, another man will be splashed with water to staff.

CCTV reported that surveillance video showing no passenger behavior such as hit counters, computers.

However, in the view of many witnesses, this conflict is clearly associated with the airport, the airline's working methods. A Netizen said that his flight took off on February 6, but has been delayed. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, they arranged for boarding, and was asked to leave after two hours by plane.

After a toss about, his flight took off at night.

A Netizen named "Xiamen far long-" with "information asymmetry" described the February 6 on board. According to his story, some stranded passengers waiting at the airport late at night, "sleepy I can't sleep", he has repeatedly been informed by staff "take off", but "no news".

Funniest scene is that before boarding the plane, electronic display hints that he should "10th gate" plane was boarding service counter told "on the 14th", but the gate was the 16th. When peer down to the correct entrance, he says boarding pass "success in a hurry", "no order".

Reporters try to contact these witnesses through Twitter, but as of press time have not received a reply. Previously, many media reported side confirms the user's statement.

"Although the staff hard to safeguard passengers can take account of information dissemination is not in place, can't get passengers understand that lead to conflict. "The Henan business daily said a report evaluating the matter.

Reports said one airport customer service dispatchers to work continuously for 30 hours, ate a meal, without even the drinking time. As a floor schedule, she's going to dock multiple departments, if the flight was delayed, but also links, accommodation and other matters.

If flight delays, sometimes delay time can be calculated accurately, but in other cases, delays were not accurately informed.

Journalists noted that the conflict occurred because of flight delays often found in media reports. User said on Twitter, their flights delayed due to weather and other reasons is understandable, but you do not want information to be obstructed. When flight delays,, accommodations, weather, and take flight, other modes of transport, such as information becomes more demand.

  Railway station in thousands in a cab to highlight coordination difficulties

China Youth daily reporter experience found on the ground, when the return visitors to reach some destination, traffic congestion has not completely disappeared.

Reporters recently in Hankou, Hubei Province, in the railway station square, Station Road is very congested, difficult to see empty taxis. At the same time, underground, taxi stops, teams broke 30 percent of visitors arrived, meandering about 150 metres. Taxi turn, station staff are directing passengers.

The other side, a number of "the Black Rider" showmanship is asking passenger "where", but was ready to take "the Black Rider" fewer visitors. After nearly 20 minutes of waiting, the reporter finally to taxi.

"So run down and make no money at all. "The bus, taxi drivers complained to reporters. He said that soliciting himself was reluctant to go to the railway station, as waiting for a taxi with more, must wait a long time before I get passengers out of the train station, blocking the road and slow.

, February 4, at the South square of Beijing West railway station, taxi queuing up lined up hundreds of troops, but taxis are rare. Outbound travelers waiting in the cold, it will take about an hour to get in.

It is reported that on February 6, the Beijing West railway station are expected to reach about 189,000 people. However, under the influence during the Blizzard, high-speed rail section section of speed limit driving, Beijing main station more than more than 50 trains later, part of the train was delayed by more than an hour.

A busy shopping day, Blizzard led to train delays, stranded passengers arrive in a relatively concentrated period, return peak "taxi" important reasons. On February 5, 6th, national railway station suffered different degrees of "taxi".

The most famous, occurred on February 6 at the Nanjing South railway station "thousand taxi". At that time, Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Shanghai Gao Tieduo trains delayed because of the weather, thousands of passengers arriving at the Nanjing South railway station, in the morning.

Much information about train delays, thousands of passengers were stranded, and doesn't seem to be rapidly communicated to the Nanjing city transportation system. In accordance with established practice, still 23:45 has suspended operations in Nanjing Metro, buses have been off duty. Taxi, almost more than 1000 employees the only option for passengers to leave the station.

Keep passenger evacuation was slowed due to train delays, train station automatic ticket checking turnstiles cannot identify some tickets, passengers had to artificial wicket to pass.

Some netizens start "manual" for the communication of information. On February 6, Twitter authentication information as "the former editor-in-Chief of the weekly market," Netizen "Shao Mingbo" tweets, called on taxi driver sped to the Nanjing South railway station in an emergency.

After 15 minutes, he prompts on Twitter again, a taxi driver. Less than 5 minutes, the taxi driver had been forwarded his tweets, and prompted other 3 taxi drivers and to schedule other taxi to the support notification service.

Information lag caused by the situation seemed grim. 2:2, a Netizen named "bean" microblogging again: "take the last flight to Nanking, which due to the bad weather delayed 12:30 to, and as a result work, public transport work, very few taxis, thousands of helpless passengers queue up for the bus, of which there are a lot of elderly and children. ”

This Tweet in 45 minutes was met with the same user "KBAS" FW: "I just got back from there, finally someone with ' take a taxi to the last drop, ' I was lucky enough to fight back, lining up at the scene. ”

Fortunately, the urban traffic system in the evening finally have to deal with. Nanjing, according to media reports, Nanjing South railway station has arranged two buses give visitors free access to downtown, about 2 o'clock in the morning, most passengers evacuation is complete.

In addition, the Nanjing railway authorities also said that consultations with the City Department of transportation, evening subway increases during the spring capacity, increase the frequency of night buses to facilitate the "late" passengers home.

  Demand for real time traffic information

Yun Liu, objectively speaking, this year announced a number of real-time traffic information, and progressive than in the past. But it still has room for improvement.

Yun Liu found, has a application called "fly often associate", dang was with computer or phone to this program sent flights, Shi, it will put flights whether delays, situation told user, "I hopes also can has a such of application: Dang I go in highway Shang Shi, sent highway name, this application can automatically tips I this article Highway whether close, and which sections close, and when open, information".

Jian John Lu told China Youth daily reporter during the spring part of the passengers were stranded for many reasons, one of which is the transportation sector capacity to respond to large-scale migration and the carrying capacity of the transport infrastructure is still limited.

"The second reason is that at the time of sudden-onset disasters such as snow, rain, some local emergency management capabilities are not in place. "Jian John Lu believes that traffic information provided insufficient, is one of the performance.

Jian John Lu said that transport publishing traffic information to users is a humanized management and service, with the improvement of citizens ' information capacity, real-time traffic information will also be progress, "relevant departments of the major difficulty is attention".

China Youth daily reporter found that current real-time traffic information release has had some success in China, mainly concentrated in the inner cities. For example, according to media reports, on February 7 this year, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of traffic the port command Center said, "bus" APP software has been the addition of real-time bus modules and bus line vehicles have control for intelligent scheduling of real-time information access APP.

It can be rendered more than 220 articles real-time vehicle information bus lines. Most provinces are cities attempt to render real-time traffic on the major roads in the city, rendering includes roadside display.

Japan media disclosures, in 2013, the Japan capital circle railway companies and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government decided that the tram run-time information such as driving directions open to trams run orientation can be reflected in real time on a map in the Smartphone, in the event of disasters and other emergency situations, where the tram and bus stops are available immediately cause traffic jams and other information, which will enable an efficient asylum and relief operations possible.

Jian John Lu noted, Baidu launched during the Spring Festival this year, "live map", now there are some professional software, a database can collect traffic information through mobile phones, telephones and other channels, and released to the management and use of the roads.

"This is one of the better technologies, China is developing rapidly, is a lot of demand for future use. But this must need the Government to act. "Lu Jian said.

Capital economic and trade University Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and public administration, Mr CHEUNG has publicly expressed, the transport sector issued traffic information including blocking roads, places of tourist attractions, events and other crowded areas, channels, compared with cell phones, the Internet, television, radio, and so on.

"Particular emphasis on mobile platforms, if traffic information is not passed to pedestrians in time, once causing massive jams will be quite a hassle. Once the serious congestion, related departments should act decisively to a temporary traffic control, attractions-limiting measures. "He said in an interview.

Reporter noted that, at present publish tweets real-time traffic information, forwarded, and not many comments, arrival rate is quite limited. Citizens, such as the use of micro-blogging, micro-more receptive to new media channels into a new topic.

Jian John Lu, government departments should adjust, publish some dynamic information in a timely manner, return visitors who need to know in advance of the current traffic situation in the country, "at the same time, due consideration should be given responsibility of local government, providing help to passengers may delay lag, which undoubtedly requires government spending. ”

Staff writer, Beijing, February 9-

(Original title: the shortage of information blocking the spring return road)

(Edit: SN069)February 10, 2014 China Youth daily(南京列车晚点千人争打车 官方迟钝网友自发救急|春运|列车晚点|千人打车_新闻资讯












































































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