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The Mianyang Teachers College President was sentenced to life for taking bribes, more than 70 cadres in connection with the

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:06:22 Browse times: 298 Comment times: 0

The Mianyang Teachers College President was sentenced to life for taking bribes, more than 70 cadres in connection with the(原绵阳师院院长因受贿被判无期,70余干部涉案)

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Original Mianyang Teachers College President was sentenced to life for taking bribes of more than more than 70 cadres | | Su zhixian | _ suspected of accepting bribes in connection with news

  Bazhong of Sichuan news network, February 10 (Guo Yi) on September 20, 2012, former Party Secretary of Mianyang in Sichuan province, Premier Su zhixian taken away by the discipline inspection departments investigated, until September 11, 2013, Su zhixian in bazhong city intermediate people's Court of the first trial court hearing the case, until February 8, 2014, Su Zhixian bribery case in bazhong city intermediate people's Court made the first-instance judgment, took 1.5 years of formerly Party Secretary of Mianyang, Premier Su Zhixian bribery case have had preliminary results: Su Zhixian of the accused guilty of bribery, and sentenced to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life and all personal property confiscated and; State-owned institutions ' dereliction of duty crimes committed, sentenced to two years and decide to do the life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life and confiscation of all personal property. Su Zhixian said they will appeal to the Court.


Bazhong city people's Procuratorate prosecuted allegations during 2004, Su zhixian served as Party Secretary of Mianyang, the Dean's Office to facilitate, for the benefit of others, either alone or in partnership with his wife, Zhang Sulan, as well as through specific stakeholders Su Jinxian repeatedly accepting bribes amounted to 9.74 million Yuan Xiao ping, 16 people; in addition, Su Zhixian being a State-owned institution staff, 2007 Su zhixian knowingly associated institutions finance functions and not for study visits to relevant institutions and whether the company has financing capacity and risk assessment of cases, Interim Payment "upfront funding research funding" of 1 million Yuan, eventually induced the money could not be recovered, causing losses to schools, resulting in significant losses to the national interest.

Court finds that Su Zhixian of the accused who are State employees, acceptance of others and so they commmissioned, functional facilities, for the benefit of others, illegally received directly or ask for someone at gunpoint, known and recognized his family members to accept others ' belongings amounted to 8.6 million Yuan, including bribes 2.55 million Yuan, whose behavior constituted bribery. Su Zhixian of the accused being a State-owned institution staff and seriously irresponsible, resulting in significant losses to the national interest, its State-owned institutions ' conduct constituted dereliction of duty crimes. Public prosecution service accused Su Zhixian 8.6 million yuan in bribes and State-owned institutions ' dereliction of duty the facts are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient, convicted of charges, but the charges received Su zhixian Wang x, value-for-money totaling 1.14 million Yuan due to lack of evidence, is not found. Judgement Su Zhixian of the accused guilty of bribery, and sentenced to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life and all personal property confiscated and; State-owned institutions ' dereliction of duty crimes committed, sentenced to two years and decide to do the life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life and confiscation of all personal property

In addition, in this case, put on seized proceeds 5.412 million yuan in bribes handed over to the State Treasury in accordance with law, and continues to recover the remaining proceeds of 3.188 million Yuan.

  Part of the case:

"Su zhixian case" by some media reports as "first case of post-disaster reconstruction", saying the case so far in the earthquake disaster reconstruction, "Lok" officials at the highest level, Atrium level cadres. In addition, Mianyang and infrastructure Department former Director Lee King, bidding, former Director of middle-level cadres, 7, also for taking huge bribes, was sentenced by the conjunction, cases involving cadres in general amounts to more than 70 people.

Court found that from 2004 to 2012, Su Zhi of the accused as the first Communist Mianyang Party Secretary of Mianyang the Dean's Office to facilitate, for the benefit of others, individually or through his wife, Zhang Sulan (dealt with) received Xiao ping and other 14 people several times giving cash totaling 8.6 million Yuan.

From 2009 to 2011, when he was party Secretary of Mianyang Su zhixian duties will, in the Mianyang area a laboratory building project bid, the head of the project as well as help Shaw, smooth and help a friend Xiao yang signed Mianyang project construction contracts, laboratory building b, 6 times total cash received a Shaw 1.51 million Yuan.

2006 to 2011, Shi any Mianyang teachers college Secretary of the of Su Zhi first uses positions of will, in Mianyang Teachers College Mill home new campus integrated floor project and campus II period road engineering project contractors, aspects, for the project heads thanks x provides help, and for thanks x leased Mianyang teachers college South Campus House giving care,, has 5 times through its wife Zhang x or alone received thanks x by sent cash amounted to Yuan 1.4 million Yuan.

February 10, 2014 Sichuan news net(原绵阳师院院长因受贿被判无期 70余干部涉案|受贿|苏智先|涉案_新闻资讯

  四川新闻网巴中2月10日讯 (郭毅)自2012年9月20日,原四川绵阳师范学院党委书记、院长苏智先被纪检部门带走调查,到2013年9月11日,苏智先案在巴中市中级人民法院第一审判法庭开庭审理,再到2014年2月8日,巴中市中级人民法院对苏智先受贿一案作出一审判决,历时1年半之久的原绵阳师范学院党委书记、院长苏智先受贿案有了初步结果:被告人苏智先犯受贿罪,判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产;犯国有事业单位人员失职罪,判处有期徒刑二年,决定执行无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产。苏智先当庭表示要上诉。











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