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Sanya police seamless on duty throughout the day to discourage swimming naked nude Sun

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:05:21 Browse times: 261 Comment times: 0

Sanya police seamless on duty throughout the day to discourage swimming naked nude Sun(三亚警方将全天无缝隙值守劝阻裸泳裸晒)

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Sanya police seamless on duty throughout the day to discourage swimming naked nude tanning nude swimming nude Sun _ | | | Sanya police news

During the Spring Festival this year, Sun revealed Dadong sea, Sanya city was now naked, the nude tour. 5th, local law enforcement officers to discourage. 9th, the Hainan Provincial Party Secretary Luo Baoming said swimming naked in public, naked Tan objectionable, will not permit, detention education will not listen. Sanya police said, police will be arranged a full day of seamless unattended, discouraged. Plans to install surveillance cameras and speakers for the collection of evidence and discouraged.


Nude bathing cause concern

This year's Spring Festival golden week period, Dadong sea, Sanya city is displaying is dry, bare naked foreign man tour, once the network new media such as Twitter can spread quickly attracted great attention.

February 5, Sanya comprehensive administrative law enforcement, tourism and public security departments on the scene naked Tan in the nude for publicity and education.

According to people close to introducing, dadonghai Bay from 2002 began to appear naked on the beach. In recent years, beginning to scale up naked when the number reached four hundred or five hundred, who are mostly middle-aged and elderly men from the Mainland.

Mr Wang told journalists from Daqing, not for nudity, is designed to treat. This nude bath in the Sun, nude men, some varying degree suffering from skin diseases such as psoriasis, no cure, can only be achieved through sunbathing relief treatment you must take off all clothes. Sanya, because now the weather is good, suited Tan in the nude, nude bath, will gather here to "cure"; also part of nude swimming is simply in this way, enjoy the feeling of returning to nature.

It is understood that during the lunar new year golden week, a lot of tourists and local residents had complained to the relevant departments, arguing that they swim naked in public, nude sun goes beyond legality line, is the lack of respect for other people, particularly women, children, hope that the Government can prohibit such acts.


Visitors complained and alarm

Nude bathing beach, tourists curious, angry, and some even had police.

Hainan tour guide Ann said, again without her knowledge, bring guests to the big East China Sea scenic tour and see a naked swimmer, she was embarrassed, she believed that casual nudity in public is to give visual pollution caused.

Sanya people Li Qing said: "if I'm with my daughter to the East China Sea and saw naked naked men, how to explain it to kids? "He said:" if businesses rely on the Strip, promotions, may be granted as vulgar. If someone is running naked in the street, may be detained. There are a bunch of people who swim in the nude on a public beach in the Sun, what to do with them? ”

According to another around a hotel staff, had the skinny thing guest complaints, had also been alert, but police arrived only to mediate, only up to persuade them to get dressed.

Some netizens said, skinny nude Sun should not appear on the public beach, which caused trouble to the other tourists, affected the city's image. But there are also netizens who said: "this kind of behavior is normal, old ideas should've lost. "" Nude Sun support, they were not in the positive area of the East China Sea, but at the corner of the side, you couldn't understand it can not walk over there. ”


Police on duty will be installed to monitor

Around 9th, reporters at the Grand Hotel is located in the East China Sea area on the West side of the beach, there are more than more than 30 elderly men sitting on the beach in the Sun, differs from the past is that they are wearing a bathing suit. Not far from them, law enforcement officials are issuing Government of Sanya city on the tourists against swimming naked in a public place, nude Sun-Bulletin.

A law enforcement personnel, starting from the morning of February 6, law enforcement officers paid to tourists in Sanya dadonghai Beach in Sanya City Government prohibited in public, nude swimming, nude Sun-Bulletin, persuading tourists not to swim naked, naked Sun.

According to the Sanya City Bureau of public security on crack in public, nude swimming, nude Sun-behaviour of circular, Sun, beach nude swimming, nude in public waters, regulation and public security organs will be firmly dealt with and the seriousness of 5th to 10th following detention for more than.

But in the neighborhood of one people in Sanya said, ever since the Government intervened after these nude swimming, nude Sun-seekers, does play some role, but law enforcement personnel front left, why will they get why.

Sanya Public Security Bureau official said, Sanya is strictly prohibited public beach, nude swimming, nude Sun will be integrated into normal management, on-site arrangements for seamless on duty throughout the day to discourage police. Next, plan to install surveillance cameras and speakers for nude swimming, nude Sun-seekers evidence and discouraged. Not follow who violate the law will be punished in accordance with related laws.


Secretary of Hainan: indecent exposure must not be allowed to

"Normal people cannot swim naked in a public place, Tan in the nude. "The Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Committee, the provincial people's Congress, said Luo Baoming, Director, an act incompatible with Chinese culture and heritage.

On February 9, the second time th people's Congress of Hainan Province

Conference opens in Haikou. Luo Baoming in Sanya delegation to participate in the discussion of the report on the work of the provincial Government stressed that Hainan say no to uncivilized behavior.

Luo Baoming said that it was an act of a cold, in the context of Chinese culture, must not be allowed to have such uncivil behaviour. For such actions, Sanya city management departments should be discouraged, not hearers was taken away from the scene, no longer detentions educated listeners.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Zhong Xin

(Original title: Sanya beach there naked police on duty throughout the day to discourage)

(Edit: SN077)February 10, 2014 The Beijing times(三亚警方将全天无缝隙值守劝阻裸泳裸晒|三亚警方|裸泳|裸晒_新闻资讯
































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