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Return visit Qingdao pipeline explosion

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:05:12 Browse times: 253 Comment times: 0

Return visit Qingdao pipeline explosion(青岛管道爆炸回访)

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  Return to Huangdao: Silent Spring, by the pollution of the sea, a forgotten people

Two months later, this Spring Festival, Huangdao, Qingdao, like "11·22" have been forgotten outside of oil pipeline leakage and explosion accidents. Repaired the blast, beach cleanup workers have also retreated around the refinery produced day and night.

On January 27, the Oriental morning post to start Chinese new year special action of environmental protection "where is home", during which post reporter returned to Huangdao, visited the scene of the accident, and visited some of the families of the victims.

For them, Huang DAO is now can't go back home, shadows, fear of pollution, as well as real life embarrassment is in sight, warm only realizing it.

Eyes, that silence is "colorful" sea and 62 cannot be meant to reunite families, in a historical cycle is not that long ago, about that moment of ripping.

Post reporter Fong Wong

  And Zhang Wei story

The first time I saw him was on a flight from Shanghai to Qingdao. November 22, 2013 night, he went to the ' no, I went to the interview.

The next day, he told me that his brother did not die in Huangdao conflagration the scene of the accident, leaving behind a daughter 8 years old and frail wife.

New years night of the forth day of every month, I called him, he was from home to Daqing on a slow train back to Shanghai. If it wasn't for kids college entrance examination this year, I wish I could be at home to spend more time with his old mother.

His mother in Qingdao to take care of the grandchildren back home, sister-in-law, niece and then come back. His rounds of small, old friends came full of edible and good wishes, he said these are grateful.

New year's day, Zhang posted on the micro-circle of friends around a table for the whole family to play mahjong pictures, wrote: "the Chinese new year, older, less all the gamblers. Haha. ”

For more than two months have passed, the Spring Festival, are specifically designed for the whole family grief over loved ones pass away, who did not mention. Only one exception.

On new year's Eve night, sitting in with the fragrance of, Zhang suddenly ends up in the Cup, "man, you drink a cup of the new year. "Then, who did not speak.

Soon, old mother cried out loud, 8 year old niece eyes red.

The boy, playing with brothers and sisters we met during the day. At night, sleeping Grandma put his arm around her, "why are you crying about? ”

"Why does everyone else have a father, I do not have? ”

If Zhang Wei to the families of the victims, their pain is obvious, so Zhao Xinhua District residents, the shadows, fear of pollution accident, and embarrassment is in sight, cold and warm only knows.

  Second, Zhao Xinhua story

Calls through, I worship him a year later, only to find that the other end of his interest is not high, and two months ago I saw the clear Northeast Tahan is not up, I'm a bit of a surprise.

His name is Zhao Xinhua, more than 40 years old, a couple of months ago I met him near the scene of the accident, he was local pedicab driver, love to watch the news, concern oneself with State Affairs, passionate shuangqi, shows people in the northeast was the brother of loyalty.

During that time he took me around somebody, wouldn't take the money. "You work for everyone, I can take that money? "I don't know how to thank him, searched the bag, I took out a piece of chocolate, he pushed for a long time away, carefully away," leaving children to eat at home. ”

In fact, he also witnesses to the scene of the accident and the "rescuer". Before the ambulance arrives, he put Li Jinguang selling roasted seeds and nuts from the rubble and rescued, Lee became a several people near the scene of the accident, he was the only survivor.

Zhao Xinhua is the Outlander. He's from the rural Northeast, 90 of the last century Huangdao through life alone, day and night, three rounds open to save money, and bought a house in village of salt flats, is not big, eighty or ninety square meters, spent all of his savings.

Here he married, settling down, the job to support his wife and son and daughter, aged 14, small has not enrolled in primary school, he thought to put down roots here.

Hit by unexpected accidents of his life, he thought it was just someone else's story.

Yes, he was supposed to be the spectator, hurt someone else, although he is a good friend die a sad, sad, but after all ... ...

Once upon a time, Spring Festival is the most busy time Zhao Xinhua, "one can earn three hundred or four hundred dollars in the afternoon. "A child of the forth day of every month these days, down he goes out for the afternoon, back 20 bucks.

"People have left. ”

Salt flats North Sea Garden of the village and the surrounding communities most heavily damaged in the accident, and before that, since the distance too close to the chemical plant, local residents are dissatisfied with the earlier, who have both moved away early removal. After the accident, hesitated, then some people left, or go the distance this zone of a dozen kilometres away to buy a House, seek refuge with relatives.

A real estate agent said, the day after the accident, one of his customers canceled Yingtai garden of the Garden House next to the North Sea, have given up recovering the deposit even 10,000 dollars.

Recently, Zhao Xinhua pulling live people are moving.

Of this area, exciting salt flats the market became quiet. In the evening, dark here, but not like Chinese new year.

Zhao inadvertently posted the Spring Festival couplets, Firecracker did not. Where there's mood? Certainly more than he is. Terribly designed this year's Spring Festival cheerless as a whole, few people posted couplets. "Walking away, leaving no mood. ”

Zhao Xinhua to worry about now is a way of life. His peers were selling cars, they are either young or strong, can go to Qingdao development zone a taxi driver job, or diverted.

But Zhao Xinhua, this is a problem of real distress, his children in a local school, he was unable to walk. More than 40 years, apart from driving is not the Director, "which unit would want us to? ”

He may not sell Mint House, can't afford to buy zone. In fact, "House here five years, I'm afraid no one bought it. ”

That makes them fear "lidong chemical plant", Zhao said it opened years ago, nothing has changed. Able to change only the residents themselves.

Gardens neighborhood in the North Sea, when that resist Newton chemical project, the most "active" old Kings Head also gave up, he recently moved to seek refuge with relatives in the development zone.

For more than two months later, the scene of the accident were large cut fried pavement, workers are gearing up to hit and the culverts into the nullah, appear on the diagram here to become a tree, artificial River Garden.

When the accident occurred, the Qingdao Municipal Government said, Huangdao, pouring over more than 200 media. Today, the search has been uncommon here reports on the Internet.

All seems to be over.

  Third, a couple of stories

Of a woman who was killed in the accident, and Zhao Xinhua were Northeastern villagers. She and her husband came from the Heilongjiang. Explosion a woman killed on the spot, leaving more than 50 year old husband.

They lived for many years in Huangdao, the couple living by selling vegetables. Saving money in Qingdao's Jiaozhou, bought a House and kids to work in Qingdao had set up home.

However, Zhao Xinhua said the woman's death, man alive would not stay. His wife's spirit to say good-bye, and say goodbye to his children back home in Northeast China. "Never coming back. "Here is his heart.

Yes, the left is people are unable to move a heart.

One from one end of gaomi, Shangdong province to seafood market, small business owner said, she took out all savings, loans of more than 300,000 in the North Sea also bought the garden Suite "today after an explosion, probably $ 1000 a square meter sold out. ”

Yingtai garden communities around one of the residents said, until his daughter finished third, their family moved to the development zone, and then never come back.

Zhao Xinhua told me, the Government said today the local EIA has standards, kids are starting to resume, life returned to normal, pollution does not exist.

He did not believe. In fact, he felt that most people don't believe it. "Otherwise, why would they want to move out? ”

This distrust may be just due to residents ' hearts a sense of desperate.

But in the local oil refinery and Newton before chemical project launched after the hearings closed, Zhao Xinhua, and his neighbors would prefer not to believe it. Residents believe that they "represent", many people say, those who voted in favour of the resident representative at the hearing are leaders of the community.

Zhao said, told them that the Government was planning through the subway to the side, factories will be relocated.

However, are not believed to be able to do? Zhao Xinhua said here are on death row, is trapped.

Much like Zhang Wei, the accident have 62 families unable to reunite the new year. The deceased has passed, leaving is not the length of the grief of the living. Zhang said, "time is the only cure. ”

After the 1.17 million yuan of compensation, accident investigation after the report was released, the incident has to be recorded into the history, it is a thing of the past.

After a number of deaths and injuries of those cold, but it is a real person, behind them and all kinds of families, there are more hidden like Zhao Xinhua, "refugees", I do not know what are their Chinese new year? (This article source: Oriental Morning Post)

(Partial name in the text of a pseudonym)

(Original title: return to Huangdao: Silent Spring, polluted seas, forgotten man)

(Edit: SN069)February 10, 2014 Xinmin evening news(青岛管道爆炸回访:女孩夜里流泪问为何我没爸爸|青岛爆炸案|输油管爆炸|中石化事故_新闻资讯






  早报记者 黄芳






















































(原标题:重返黄岛:寂静的 春节,被污染的海,被遗忘的人)


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