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Rebuke, Secretary of Hainan Sanya nude tanning

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:05:09 Browse times: 256 Comment times: 0

Rebuke, Secretary of Hainan Sanya nude tanning(海南书记斥责三亚裸晒行为)

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Rebuke, Secretary of Hainan Sanya nude tanning behavior: incompatible with cultural traditions _ normal people swim naked Secretary of Hainan | | | news

CNS, Haikou, February 9 (reporter)-Secretary of Hainan in Sanya, the provincial people's Congress, Luo Baoming, Director reprimands recently sea side swimming naked, naked and burnt. He said this kind of behavior, and not consistent with traditional Chinese culture.

On February 9, the opening of the first session of the second meeting of the national people's Congress of Hainan Province Haikou. Luo Baoming in Sanya delegation to participate in the discussion of the report on the work of the provincial Government stressed that Hainan say no to uncivilized behavior.

During this year's Spring Festival golden week, Sun Dadong sea, Sanya city male nude, the nude tour is liable to spread networks new media such as Twitter, quickly attracted considerable attention. "Internet access at that time found that hits a site half a day more than more than more than 170,000. "Luo Baoming said that it was an act of a cold, in the context of Chinese culture, must not be allowed to have such uncivil behaviour.

Luo Baoming stressed that such a behavior management departments should be discouraged in Sanya city, not hearers was taken away from the scene, no longer detentions educated listeners.

It is understood that after swimming naked, naked Tan, February 5, Sanya comprehensive administrative law enforcement, tourism and public security departments on the scene naked Tan in the nude for publicity and education. Sanya non nude swimming nude public beach Sun into normalization management, on-site arrangements strength seamless unattended all day.

On February 6, 8th, Sanya City Bureau of comprehensive administrative enforcement of law enforcement personnel in nude swimming, nude Sun posted in concentrated areas in Sanya city on the prohibition in public, nude swimming, nude Sun-Bulletin and the Sanya City Bureau of public security on crack in public, nude swimming, nude Sun-behaviour of circular, nude swimming, nude Sun-seekers and issued bulletins and circulars. The provisions of the bulletin, ban on naked in public waters, swimming naked at the beach, Sun, required tanning treatment by disease are required to wear swimming trunks, swimming suits, who violate the notice will be based on the seriousness of appropriate punishment. Notices under said, according to Sanya municipal people's Government related provides and People's Republic of China security management punishment law under 44th article of provides, prohibited to various reason in public waters, beach nude swimming, and nude Sun, as due to disease needs sunbathing treatment who please wearing Shang swimming clothing, and swimming pants, if has violation, police organ will be strongly regulation and processing, and depending on plot weight is 5th above 10th following detention. (End text)

(Edit: SN064)February 09, 2014 China News Network(海南书记斥责三亚裸晒行为:与文化传统不相符|海南书记|裸泳|正常人_新闻资讯

  中新网海口2月9日电 (记者 付美斌)海南省委书记、省人大常委会主任罗保铭斥责近日发生在三亚海域边的裸泳、裸晒行为。他说这一种行为,与中国文化传统不相符。







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