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Fire completes the air evacuation of da hinggan mountains, carrying 140 people at one time record

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/5/10 21:07:27 Browse times: 72 Comment times: 0

Fire completes the air evacuation of da hinggan mountains, carrying 140 people at one time record(大兴安岭火灾完成空中撤离,单次载140人创记录)

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Daxinganling fire completes the air evacuated 140 people at one time terminals record forest fires | | | in Daxing ' anling _ news


Xinhua News Agency, Huhehaote, May 8 (reporters Zou Jianpu and Jiang Xuelan)-air drop is a frequently used means of transport when forest fires occur. Reporters from Bila he King of da hinggan mountains in Inner Mongolia forest fire fire forward headquarters was informed that the fire suppression during aircraft played a crucial role. At present, the fire officer air evacuation missions completed, a total of nearly 3000 people.

According to the previously described, on May 6, the fire open fires all put out, an air of "Big Mac" M-26TC helicopters in an air evacuation of fire personnel tasks, because of the urgency of the situation, airborne 140 people for the first time and successfully evacuated.

At that time, Gen he owned by air withdrawal Terminal, a M-26TC after they carried out 3 in a row, near sunset, only 1 aircraft of the time, but fires still 140 people are wearing thin in heavy snow and low temperature had been evacuated.

Urgent Terminal consultation with emergency units, in the case of continuous flight less oil, taking into account the aircraft weight ranges, a sortie to withdraw all 140 people, this is the model according to the number of possible hosts the largest single.

Bila he extra days of forest fires, due to local topography, fire only from the air carriers, and aircraft and is an essential part of firefighting tasks. 2nd, virgin forest in northern Russia after the entry was successfully extinguished the fire, genhe Terminal immediately organize aircraft, transitions in bilahe Forestry Bureau in the first scene.

3rd, the wind turned little, fire fighters the influx of fire, genhe Terminal enters the busy day. Only one time in the morning, put the fire force of more than 1300 people. The mission, the most difficult is communications security, forest communication in very poor conditions, flight has brought great difficulty to the organization.

"The crew in order to save time, are eating air. 3rd, 2 crew members on the plane, there is vomiting, after simple medical care, still flying. "Genhe airport Deputy Director Shen Xiancheng said.

In the process of fire fighting, aircraft fly more than 10 tons, bucket water more than 400 tons, 116 total sorties, more than 170 hours.

Genhe homing station Wang Zhongbao, M-26TC unit played a major role a day for 11 hours, carried out sorties of up to 8 day troop numbers up to 790 people, good transport tasks.

> Editor: Zhang di

Article keywords:
Forest fire station of Daxing ' anling

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大兴安岭火灾完成空中撤离 单次载140人创记录|森林火灾|航站|大兴安岭_新闻资讯

  新华社呼和浩特5月8日电(记者邹俭朴 姜雪兰)空中机降是森林火灾发生时经常使用的运兵手段。记者从内蒙古大兴安岭毕拉河特大森林火灾扑火前线指挥部获悉,大火扑救过程中,飞机发挥了至关重要的作用。目前,火场人员空中撤离任务全面完成,总计人数近3000人。










森林火灾 航站 大兴安岭


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