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Jiangxi, Hunan, Shandong and other places part of the freeway closed for snow

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:04:06 Browse times: 250 Comment times: 0

Jiangxi, Hunan, Shandong and other places part of the freeway closed for snow(湖南江西山东等地部分高速公路因降雪封闭)

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Hunan, Jiangxi, Shandong and some highways closed due to snowfall | | | Shandong, Jiangxi province of Hunan _ news

Xinhuanet, Changsha, February 9-9th horse first snowfall in Hunan province, area for the main area south of the Central Hunan province, heavy snow caused bridges of high-speed sections of road snow ice, brought great inconvenience to traffic.

From the traffic management Department of Hunan province, to all highways in Hunan, Hubei province because of icy roads is already in place and traffic control, the recovery time to be determined. In addition, high-speed control measures in the Hunan province, Bao Mao high-speed Hunan JI tea (G65) partially froze impassable, traffic police Union Highways Department on site for salt deicing operations, the recovery time to be determined.

9th, bringing in the first snowfall this year, Jiangxi province, Jiangxi provincial meteorological observatory has issued Blizzard blue warning at 6 o'clock. Affected by the snowfall, Jiangxi and part of the highway has been closed or temporary control.

As of 9th, Chang copper Highway drum, Tianzhu peak, fengxin has halted buses pass through 7 above the entrance. Chang-JIU Expressway, Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge, high-speed, Chang Jin high-speed Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge, Johnson, Bukit North Highway, nine King high, Peng Hu Yong Expressway, high-speed, nine Swiss high-speed sections of light snow or snow in have increased logo signs reminding.

Chang Tai ji ' an area near the high-speed collision, single slow movement, traffic increases, Ji Annan, in JI ' an County entrances has been closed; Chang-Zhang section of Shanghai-Kunming Highway collision near Spring Harbor, crane rescue, temporary road closures; Fu Yin Chang-JIU Expressway near Hat Yai city in a car collision, traffic is blocked, currently Nanchang bound carriageway of Tak, Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Hat Yai city entrances closed. Other highway traffic in the province temporarily good, currently continuing snowfall.

9th another snowfall, Jinan, Shandong, Shandong provincial meteorological station on February 9 to continue publishing road icing Orange warning signals, highway toll road closed due to the snow.

According to the Shandong provincial Department of transportation information, slippery roads affected by the snow, from 9th G1511 speed of LAN, RAI coast S29 high-speed, G2, Jinghu Expressway, high-speed, G18 S12 Marina de Rong Wu-long Shenzhen Expressway, high-speed, G25 S7201 shugang of Dongying port high speed Highway over more than 20 toll stations closed. (Reporters Shi Weiyan, Zhou nan, Chen Chun Park, Yuan Junbao)

(Edit: SN064)February 09, 2014 The website(湖南江西山东等地部分高速公路因降雪封闭|湖南|江西|山东_新闻资讯

  新华网长沙2月9日电 9日湖南多地迎马年首场降雪,其中湘中以南地区为主攻区域,局地有大雪,导致高速路段出现桥梁道路积雪结冰,给交通出行带来极大不便。








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