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Former Vice Governor of Sichuan Li chengyun indicted: Mistress as a foreign spy

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/4/26 6:22:14 Browse times: 46 Comment times: 0

Former Vice Governor of Sichuan Li chengyun indicted: Mistress as a foreign spy(四川原副省长李成云被起诉:情妇为外国间谍)

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Former Vice Governor of Sichuan Li chengyun indicted: Mistress for mistress Li chengyun, | | |-corruption _ foreign spy news

> Li chengyun (information above)

> Justice Network Beijing, April 25 (Liu fan), according to the official website of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China News, recently, the procuratorial organs of Sichuan province, Guizhou province, Li chengyun, Vice Governor of the people's Government of the original alleged bribery case to prosecute.

> Procuratorial prosecution allegations accused Li chengyun served as Communist party boss in deyang, Secretary, Vice Governor of Sichuan provincial people's Government and other positions to facilitate, for the benefit of others, directly or through a specific person illegally receive large property, taking bribes be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

> Revealed violations in the system reform of State-owned enterprises in decision-making

> On April 9, 2016, the Central Commission for discipline inspection Ministry website said, Li chengyun, investigation into alleged serious disciplinary offence on the organization. On July 26, the site posted a message again, Li chengyun, serious offenses was expelled from the party and public office, checking the Central Commission for discipline inspection of the serious disciplinary problems.

> After investigation, Li chengyun, violation of political discipline against the organizational review; violation of discipline, not required to report personal matters; breach of integrity discipline violation of holders of shares of listed companies, using his position in the business for the benefit of others and receiving property suspected of bribery; violation decisions in restructuring State-owned enterprises, alleged abuse crimes.

> On August 5, according to the official website of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China News, Li chengyun, suspected of taking bribes, the crime of abuse were filed for investigation.

> Had been dismissed for disciplinary violations two months later "Flash back"

>, According to media reports, on September 27, 2011, in Sichuan province, the 11th plenary meeting of the 25th meeting of the Standing Committee for the first time, then provincial governor Jiang Jufeng, Sichuan province, read out the Declaration on to draw the appointment and removal of Liu Jie, Zhang Zuoha, and other job descriptions, which refers to current Li chengyun, Vice Governor of Sichuan province, "suspicion of violation, to be no longer a Vice provincial Governor of Sichuan provincial people's Government." Two days after the vote, Li chengyun, be removed from Office.

> But just two months later, Li chengyun, in November of that year "Flash back", Deputy Director of the Sichuan province as the Advisory Committee. The Lok Ma, by the media as "back onto the".

> Suggested that corruption should "give and receive with the crime"

> Party Secretary, Li chengyun, in January 2001, deyang city people's Congress Standing Committee. Li chengyun, the deyang Communist Party Secretary positions, talking about "special leading cadres receiving cash, marketable securities," said: "whatever career or life, I had a basic tenet: someone else's stuff, and shouldn't have to firmly not to. My attitude is very clear, strongly rejected by the cash, securities. Also called on leading cadres at all levels to confidently stand up to himself in charge of departments dare to catch the tube to form a good government. ”

> Li chengyun, also established governance leaders to give and receive cash, securities of the long-term mechanism and suggested that "give and receive the same penalty."

> "Hug" thought strongly that it has a number of mistresses was promoted to the outward redeployment of reuse

>, According to media reports, Li chengyun, in deyang city of Sichuan province, during his tenure, customary leadership on the lips. Li chengyun to deyang took, "XX Secretary confessed me a few things" that matter, creating his "someone up there" aura. Obviously, having a strong sense of "antenna" "hug," "get backers" thought, trust in the Organization and training, as a leading personal kindness and care.

>, According to reports, Li chengyun, had a number of mistresses was promoted to the outward redeployment of reuse. In 2011, its discipline was removed from the post as Deputy Governor, it is because it involves a "double spy" case. The woman who is a colleague of Li chengyun, resigned after going abroad, after returning to maintain a close relationship with him. Deyang city retired cadre, said Li chengyun, the spy woman as the deyang Communist Party Secretary has become Lee's mistress. In addition, Lee was in deyang and other mistresses, his outward redeployment of those mistresses have now been promoted.

> Li chengyun resumes:

> Public information, March 1974, Li chengyun, at the age of 19 in his hometown Guang Guang an men Wai Court juror, later transferred to Guan Sheng commune technicians in rice. Experience at the grassroots level more than a year later, in September 1975, Li chengyun, entered the Shanghai Institute of mechanical (now University of Shanghai) Industrial Electronics Automation programs.

> In August 1978, Li chengyun, after graduation, returned to Sichuan, the provincial Office of machinery industry engineer, principal staff member. In the mechanical industry Hall, Li chengyun has served as planning and Development Department Deputy Director, Assistant Director, the Deputy Director of the Office. In the meantime, Li chengyun, also have attachment to Wanxian County deputy magistrate, three Chengdu electricity company Deputy General Manager and other staff. In February 1996, Li chengyun, 41, was promoted to Director of the Sichuan provincial Department of machinery industry.

> In May 2000, four year machinery industry Li chengyun, Director of the Office for a short transfer to Sichuan provincial economic and Trade Commission, Deputy Director and Deputy Secretary in January 2001, he went down to the local, transferred to deyang Communist Party Secretary post. In June 2006, Li chengyun, returned to the provincial government, Director of the Sichuan province, became the SASAC. In January 2008, the 12 years of Li chengyun, rises a step in stall Board-level qualifications, was promoted to Vice Governor of Sichuan province, in charge of industry, science and technology, information industry, the State-owned assets and intellectual property, small and medium enterprises, emergency management, safety work, officially became a deputy provincial and ministerial level officials.

> Editor: Zhang di

Article keywords:
Li chengyun, mistress of anti-corruption

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Justice network
>  李成云(资料图)

>  正义网北京4月25日电(刘帆)据中国最高人民检察院官方网站消息,近日,贵州省检察机关依法对四川省人民政府原副省长李成云涉嫌受贿案提起公诉。

>  检察机关起诉指控:被告人李成云利用担任中共德阳市委书记、四川省人民政府副省长等职务上的便利,为他人谋取利益,直接或通过特定关系人非法收受他人巨额财物,依法应当以受贿罪追究其刑事责任。

>  被曝在国有企业改制中违规决策

>  2016年4月9日,中纪委监察部网站发布消息称,李成云涉嫌严重违纪接受组织调查。7月26日,该网站再次发布消息,李成云严重违纪被开除党籍和公职,中纪委对其严重违纪问题进行了立案审查。

>  经查,李成云违反政治纪律,对抗组织审查;违反组织纪律,不按规定报告个人有关事项;违反廉洁纪律,违规持有非上市公司股份,利用职务上的便利在企业经营等方面为他人谋取利益并收受财物,涉嫌受贿犯罪;在国有企业改制中违规决策,涉嫌滥用职权犯罪。

>  8月5日,据中国最高人民检察院官方网站消息,李成云涉嫌受贿罪、滥用职权罪被立案侦查。

>  曾因违纪被免职 两个月后“闪电复出”

>  据媒体报道,2011年9月27日,四川省第十一届人大常委会第二十五次会议第一次全体会议上,时任四川省省长蒋巨峰宣读《关于提请任免刘捷、张作哈等职务的说明》,其中提到,现任四川省副省长李成云“因涉嫌违纪,拟不再担任四川省人民政府副省长职务”。两天后,经表决,李成云被免职。 

>  不过,仅仅两个月后,当年11月李成云便“闪电复出”,担任四川省决策咨询委员会常务副主任。直至此次落马,被媒体比喻为“二进宫”。

>  曾建议治腐要“收送同罪”

>  李成云2001年1月任德阳市委书记、市人大常委会主任。李成云在德阳市委书记的职位上,谈到“专项治理领导干部收送现金、有价证券”时表示:“无论做事业还是做人,我有一个基本信条:别人的东西,不该要的坚决不能要。我的态度非常鲜明,坚决拒收现金、有价证券。同时要求各级领导干部理直气壮地站出来,对自己分管的部门敢抓敢管,形成良好政风。”

>  李成云还建立治理领导干部收送现金、有价证券的长效机制并建议“收送同罪”。

>  “抱大腿”思想强烈 其有多位情妇被提拔外调重用

>  据媒体报道,李成云在主政四川省德阳市期间,习惯性将大领导挂在嘴边。李成云到德阳上任伊始,曾拿“XX书记交待我几件事”说事,营造他“上面有人”的气场。显而易见,其具有强烈的“架天线”“抱大腿”“找靠山”思想,将组织的信任和培养,当成某个领导个人的恩情和照顾。

>  另外,据报道,李成云曾有多位情妇被提拔外调重用。2011年,其因违纪被免去副省长职务,就传是因为涉及到一桩“双料女间谍”案。该女子曾是李成云的同事,后辞职出国,回国后与他保持亲密关系。有德阳市的退休干部称,该间谍女子在李成云担任德阳市委书记时就已经成为李的情妇。此外,李当年在德阳还有其他情妇,他的这些情妇现在大都提拔外调。

>  李成云简历:

>  公开资料显示,1974年3月,时年19岁的李成云在家乡广安任广安法院陪审员,后转任官盛人民公社水稻技术员。在基层历练一年多之后的1975年9月,李成云进入上海机械学院(现上海理工大学)工业电子自动化专业学习。

>  1978年8月,毕业后的李成云回到四川,担任省机械工业厅助理工程师,主任科员。在机械工业厅,李成云先后历任规划发展处副处长、厅长助理、副厅长等职务。在此期间,李成云还先后挂职万县副县长、成都三电股份公司副总经理等职。1996年2月,41岁的李成云升任四川省机械工业厅厅长。

>  2000年5月,担任四年机械工业厅厅长的李成云短暂调任四川省经贸委,任常务副主任、党组副书记,2001年1月,他下到地方,调任德阳市委书记一职。2006年6月,李成云回到省政府,改任四川省国资委主任。2008年1月,有12年正厅局级资历的李成云上升一步,升任四川省副省长,分管工业、科技、信息产业、国有资产及知识产权、中小企业、应急管理、安全等工作,正式成为副省部级高官。


李成云 情妇 反腐


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