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In the upstream catchment areas of Zhangjiakou, Beijing afforestation of 100,000 acres

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:03:47 Browse times: 326 Comment times: 0

In the upstream catchment areas of Zhangjiakou, Beijing afforestation of 100,000 acres(北京将在张家口等上游集水区造林10万亩)

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In the upstream catchment areas of Zhangjiakou, Beijing afforestation 100,000 acres _ | | | upstream catchment area in Zhangjiakou, Beijing News

Xinhuanet, Beijing, February 10 (reporters Lin Miaomiao and Zhao Renwei)-Beijing Vice Mayor Lin Keqing 10th that 2014 will add Beijing afforestation area of 360,000 acres, 1000 hectares of urban green space, the city's forest green rate will increase 1%, and deepen cooperation in ecological construction in Beijing and Hebei, in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province, guanting reservoir water catchment areas and maintaining the ecological water resources protection forest of 100,000 acres.

At the 10th plenary meeting of the capital afforestation Committee, Lin Keqing introduces the development goal of 2014 capital afforestation and beautification. According to reports, 1%, forest green rate will increase Beijing this year, reaching 58.4%, the forest coverage rate reached 41%. Urban green coverage rate will be increased by 0.6%, 47.4%, increase in per capita public green area of 0.2 square meters, reached 15.9 square meters.

Lin Keqing, said this year will be held in Beijing the APEC Summit as an opportunity to comprehensively improve the level of urban landscape. Will promote Yanqi Lake ecological demonstration zone public landscape and virescence and beautification of the nuclear Island construction, speeding up the eastern suburb of forest park, Science City of the future Waterfront Park, yongding River green building, eco-development and other key functional areas, and make full use of idle land, exposed to build a number of small green spaces and urban recreation park. Annual municipal health Greenway will be built 200 km, completing 100 Green retrofit of older community built communities of 30 quality flower rose, a 30 lane street landscaping, completion of roof greening of 100,000 square meters, vertical 50 kilometers, the complete district, tehsil road greening 300 km River, allow the public to see more green around.

(Edit: SN064)February 10, 2014 The website(北京将在张家口等上游集水区造林10万亩|北京|张家口|上游集水区_新闻资讯

  新华网北京2月10日电 (林苗苗 赵仁伟)北京市副市长林克庆10日表示,2014年北京将新增造林绿化面积36万亩,城市绿地面积1000公顷,全市林木绿化率将增加1个百分点;同时将深化京冀生态建设合作,在河北省张家口市、官厅水库等上游集水区营造生态水源保护林10万亩。




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