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Health Planning Committee: promoting a separate two-child policy and secure implementation

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:03:19 Browse times: 368 Comment times: 0

Health Planning Committee: promoting a separate two-child policy and secure implementation(卫计委:推进单独两孩政策稳妥实施)

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Health Planning Committee: advanced two-child policy alone and secure implementation | two child health planning Commission alone | | public hospital reform _ news

People's daily online February 10 national health family planning Commission held a press conference this morning, about the National Conference on health and family planning and work in 2014, and child nutrition in poor areas improve project implementation. Planning Commission spokesman Wei Yao Hongwen presents 7 key 2014 health and family planning sectors work tasks. He said that this year we will be safe and sound and orderly implementation of "two kids alone" policies to promote balanced development of population that is chronically.

Yao Hongwen pointed out that, 2014 health FP work according to Central, and State of overall deployment and requires, to deepening medicine health reform and adjustment perfect fertility policy for focus, advance public hospital integrated reform made new breakthrough, advance medical service quality get new upgrade, advance "alone two kid" policy sound implementation, continues to strengthened public health service, more focused on reform of systemic, and overall sexual and collaborative sexual, more focused on through institutional mechanism innovation release reform bonus, Governance capacity-building focus more on scientific precision, further improve the people's health, promoting long-term balanced population development and endeavors were satisfied with the health and family planning services.

General to said, is "two a focus" (deepening medicine health reform and adjustment perfect fertility policy), "three a advance" (advance public hospital integrated reform made new breakthrough, and advance medical service quality get new upgrade, and advance "alone two kid" policy sound implementation), "a strengthened" (strengthened public health service), "three a more focused on" (more focused on reform of systemic, and overall sexual and collaborative sexual, more focused on institutional mechanism innovation, more focused on Science precision of governance capacity construction).

Yao Hongwen, said David Planning Commission 2014 priority tasks are:

Was focused on public hospital reform, comprehensively deepening medical reform. Accelerating the reform of public hospitals, and continued consolidation of perfect grass-roots operation new mechanisms to speed up the establishment of classification system of diagnosis and treatment, and improve essential drug policy, enhance the support capability of the basic medical insurance system, actively encouraged social, innovation and talent training mechanism, speeding up the information construction of population health.

The second is safe and sound and orderly implementation of the "two kids alone" policies to promote balanced development of population that is chronically. Carefully adjust the perfect maternity policy work, upgrade grass-roots family planning integrated service management, high sex ratio at birth problems, improve family planning benefit-oriented policy system, strengthening the management of floating population's family planning services.

Third is to enhance the quality of medical services and intensify the services population health initiatives. Strengthening construction of medical service system, strengthen quality control, promoting convenience Huimin measures to promote "green hospitals" create activity continued to strengthen aid, pledged, aid and green, lüliang mountains areas of poverty alleviation and development and support, promoting the coordinated development of regional health and family planning.

Four is to strengthen public health work, prevention and control of major diseases. Equalization of basic public health services, strengthen the disease prevention and control, strengthening health emergency to strengthen maternal and child health services management, do well the patriotic health work.

Five is the increased industry regulation and consolidated supervision, establish a good image. Strengthen the legislative work, strengthen integrated supervision according to the law, rectify and standardize medical service market.

Six is the perfect policy and mechanism on Chinese medicine and accelerate development of Chinese medicine. Priorities are sound working cross-sectoral coordination mechanisms, promoting health services planning and development measures of Chinese medicine. Promoting TCM "treat disease" health engineering and service network construction, combination of Chinese medicine and pension services pilot. Special action of traditional Chinese medicine in general hospitals.

Seven is to strengthen monitoring and evaluation in accordance with law and standard-setting, to provide effective support to the work of food safety.

Yao Hongwen stressed that, in General, National Commission on 2014 in the overall deployment of health has three outstanding characteristics: one is stressed, "reform" to enhance question consciousness, reform-minded, advance reforms with greater wisdom and courage, and crack the deep-seated contradictions and problems of restricting development. Second is to emphasize "pragmatic", outcome of the consolidation of the party's mass line education activities in order to "nail" the spirit of implementation, to "crack a hard nut" catch the spirit detective, in the spirit of perseverance and catch coordinated, assiduous spirit management, caught, and effectiveness. Three is to emphasize the "integration", focusing on top design, coherence, coordination and breakthroughs, adhere to the classification Guide, suit measures to local conditions, accelerate the modernization of health family planning governance system and its governance capacity.

(Edit: SN089)February 10, 2014 People's daily online(卫计委:推进单独两孩政策稳妥实施|卫计委|单独两孩|公立医院改革_新闻资讯

  人民网北京2月10日电 国家卫生计生委今天上午举行发布会,介绍全国卫生计生工作会议情况和2014年工作要点,以及贫困地区儿童营养改善项目实施情况。卫计委发言人姚宏文介绍了2014年卫生计生部门的7项重点工作任务。他表示,今年我国将稳妥扎实有序实施“单独两孩”政策,促进人口长期均衡发展。











  姚宏文强调,总的来说,国家卫生计生委对2014年工作的整体部署中有三个方面的突出特点:一是强调“改革”, 增强问题意识、改革意识,以更大的智慧和勇气推进改革,破解制约事业发展的深层次矛盾和问题。二是强调“务实”,巩固党的群众路线教育实践活动成果,以“钉钉子”精神抓落实,以“啃硬骨头”精神抓攻坚,以锲而不舍精神抓协调,以一丝不苟精神抓管理,一抓到底,抓出实效。三是强调“统筹”,注重顶层设计,统筹协调和重点突破,坚持分类指导,因地制宜,加快推进卫生计生治理体系和治理能力现代化。


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