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Health Planning Committee: distributed H7N9 avian influenza is likely to continue in the near future

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:03:12 Browse times: 252 Comment times: 0

Health Planning Committee: distributed H7N9 avian influenza is likely to continue in the near future(卫计委:H7N9禽流感病例近期可能继续散发)

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Health Planning Committee: H7N9 avian influenza may continue to circulate in the near future | | H7N9 avian influenza continued to disseminate health planning Commission _ | news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, February 10 (reporter Lunaud)-national health family planning Commission spokesman Yao Hongwen 10th said at a press conference, experts predict that mainland China is likely to continue in the near future H7N9 avian flu infection appearing sporadic cases, it is recommended that the public enhanced personal protection.

Yao Hongwen said, analyzing the recent outbreak related to etiology, epidemiology and clinical features of monitoring information, such as, considered by the expert Institute found, people are now H7N9 avian influenza outbreak characteristics did not change dramatically, is still mainly based on dissemination, monitoring found no have public health significance of a mutation in viruses, virus transmission from poultry to humans.

National Influenza Center said Shu Yuelong, Director, human contact with poultry or live bird markets, is a major source of infection H7N9 avian flu. Lifestyle does not change, is the root cause of cases will continue to occur. Number of new cases in the near future, mainly due to the lunar new year during a edible birds more, exposes opportunities abound. Changes in poultry sales, consumption patterns, try to purchase chilled chickens, will only gradually reduce the risk of infection.

(Edit: SN064)February 10, 2014 The website(卫计委:H7N9禽流感病例近期可能继续散发|H7N9禽流感|继续散发|卫计委_新闻资讯

  新华网北京2月10日电 (记者吕诺)国家卫生计生委新闻发言人姚宏文10日在发布会上说,专家预测近期中国内地可能继续出现人感染H7N9禽流感散发病例,建议公众加强个人防护。




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