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Foreign spy ring used four tricks to steal information

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Foreign spy ring used four tricks to steal information(境外间谍组织惯用四大伎俩窃取情报)

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Foreign spy ring used four tricks to steal intelligence | | | intelligence spy spy organization _ news

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Reporter Xing Dongwei

Trainee newspaper reporter Zhai Xiaogong

"Lurk, and spying, photographing, encryption, sending ... ..." usually see more of ' 007 ' mission impossible the xxx spy movies such as the us, tend to think that these will only appear in the film. However, in real life, on our side, may have a spy waiting in the wings.

On April 15, 2017, in 2017, Haikou city, Hainan Province, the "4·15" national education day on national security awareness campaign and "the interests of national security to build steel" propaganda and education outreach activities, national public security organs of Hainan detected the spy case, which is not difficult to see espionage is not far away from us.

"Since May 2015, the provincial State security organs, active and innovative practices, first opened the province unified security calls 96111, making publication of China's first advertising animation, national security education in China took the lead in integrated teaching system of 18 colleges and universities in the province, prepared for China's first national safety lesson plans for students. "Hainan Provincial Department of State security officials said, while universities organized knowledge contest and twice in a row for the first time publicly recorded in the TV station, building up the" omni-directional, wide angle, vertical, full coverage "education network system, exploring national security awareness education" Hainan ".

  Beside "the war film"

In August 2014, a Lee County 19 men in Wuzhishan of Hainan a Internet, found that social software in a network called "coquettish young woman" who applied for his friend, and with information: "do you want to get rich? With a good job waiting for you. "

There is such a good thing? Lee did not want, and to add each other as friends and chat. Later, Lee, driven by dreams of riches, with "boss" remitted the money to purchase a digital camera and a motorcycle, developed a County high school, higher level students of Hainan, Wang, Liu, and Chen, hung a 4-person assembly line, "the boss" require a military aircraft and airport facilities in China to be photographed.

By the end of 2014, Li gang many times via the Internet to "boss" sent hundreds of photos, be outside the remit of "reward" for tens of thousands of Yuan. In January 2015, the State security organ cracked the case, Lee had been punished.

Wang graduated from, development came to Sanya, Sanya, an environmental technology company.

In October 2014, Wang in a recruitment website posting seeking part-time, and soon he was sent information, the other party claims to be "naval equipment magazine" staff, to recruit members observer, observation submitted to the Sanya naval vessels in and out.

Start, Wang worried that the job is in danger, other claims to collect these for Naval Research, such as acceptance of this work, in addition to pay the rent, the company will also make observations. Wang could not resist the temptation, accepts the job, and according to the other requirements, close to the naval base rent to purchase telescopes, observed on the naval port, several times in other provisions of the code, all types of ships from naval warships and engineering, by phone to each other.

In 2015, Wang from the State propaganda and education activities, aware of their acts endangering national security, reined in the initiative surrendered to the State security organs, truthful account of wrongful fact. Given Wang surrendered the initiative, and explain the problem completely, correct attitude, really committing minor crimes, according to the relevant provisions of the Espionage Act in the justice sector, its freedom from punishment.

Executive staff Xi Shiguo, Hainan Province, in 1996 by foreign spy agencies after people eat, drink, and money down, work, repeatedly stealing secret documents, available to overseas spy agency staff. In 1997, the case was detected by national security agencies. In 1998, Xi Shiguo constituted the crime of illegally providing State secrets abroad, be severely punished by the law.

  Leaks are often only in the "moment"

Reporters in the interview that, some people think national security from their own "108,000" indifferent attitude; still others are confident about their sense of privacy, think they can do it all the time "secretive". However, in fact, leaked only in the moment, be constantly on the alert.

Many ordinary behavior, hidden spy mystery. So, foreign spy organizations formulate, what are "routine"?

Through the recently released by the national security agency spy cases, journalists combing found that there are four "hidden attack tactics."

First take a picture. If someone is in the name, such as magazines, newspapers, manuscripts, find you sensitive photos and promised money, be careful, you may have entered a spy formulate list.

Second, ask questions. Some people working in national defense, the armed forces and other institutions, are more likely to become spies targeted objects, spy on behalf of molecules often ask questions, obtain military information.

Three network part-time. In many online part time behind, hidden spy shadow. Especially college students and middle school students in the process of online job boards, or chat, is targeted by foreign spies. When you initially provide information to each other, those being targeted at school students did not know, but some people perceive each other's identity, still continues because of the greedy match until it is caught.

It is understood that the foreign spy organizations formulate over the network in the case of students, outside the main intelligence organs in the form of active cash remuneration to attract and stick to the students, and to blackmail and other means, but does not meet. Most of the students are individual acts. In more serious cases, induced by foreign spies, advises students to develop their own classmates involved.

Four is the emotional card. In addition to the economic interests of the routines, a lot of people are emotional sign down, out of friendship or gratitude, hell-bent for foreign spies to spy on military intelligence.

"The thought crime of espionage activities was far away from us, but includes high school and college students, and people who seem normal, slightly carelessly will fall into the trap set by hostile elements, spies, or be used by the foreign agent, something that endangers national security. "Haikou city after watching" the interests of national security to build steel "propaganda show, Hainan vocational college of industry and Commerce auto Engineering College student Zhao Shanxian said with deep feeling, this campaign to let him know how spies not far away from his criminal activities, usually how long yigexinyan.

  National security missions "mode in Hainan"

"The State security organs for Counterintelligence work, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, you can use or requisitioned organs, public organizations, enterprises, institutions and individuals? ”

"A。 Transport b. C communication tools. Site d. Building ".

On April 8, 2017, "4·15 national security education day" approaches, sponsored by the Hainan Provincial Committee of political and Legislative Affairs Committee, the provincial Department of education, province, co-organized by the Office of national security, "the second session of the Hainan Province University students ' safety knowledge competition" held in Haikou.

After 3 preliminary screening, the 17 participating teams there are 6 teams entered the finals in the evening. Final questions concerning general views on national security, the national security law, anti-spyware, anti-terrorism and other aspects. After fierce competition, eventually, Hainan vocational technical college takes the Crown.

On April 9, 2016, the Hainan national safety knowledge competition for the first time, this is the first time China organized knowledge contest on national security in the University students and public recording at the television station, national security rule of law education in colleges and universities.

"On national security education into school activities, we are starting from the University. "The official said. July 29, 2015, the provincial national security office together with the provincial Department of education research in China's first national safety education "University", both sides decided since the autumn of that year the new school year begins, officially started the work in 18 colleges and universities in the province. 4 were also organized for University writing class national safety education lesson plans, make up for the weaknesses of the current national security education in colleges and universities.

In fact, as early as June 22, 2015, first opened the unity of security in the province, Hainan Province, calls 0898-96111 and national security the unified report phone 12339, manned by staff for 24 hours, and is equipped with a fax and audio equipment set up round-the-clock fanjian anti spy reports call platform, let people convenient to the national security agency, outreach channels.

"As technology advances and the development of the times, new media has become the primary way to receive information. "The official said, and their use of new media has a wide coverage and dissemination of convenient, audience characteristics of high rates, so that you can receive, launch of China's first national security promotional animation video of the eye to see through the spy traps around you, and widely published through the website such as video sites, as well as the end.

Army drones in the area in question to highlight features in Hainan Province, tentacles extending national security national security sector education in Hainan Province, to protect military secrets safe, national security education "camp" of normal, mechanism, and long-term.

According to statistics, since its national security awareness education activities in Hainan, over hundreds of millions of people returning to education in various ways to further increase national awareness of national security, build a strong defense of the national security people.

Source: legal daily

>: Tang Li Weishan

Article keywords:
Spy intelligence operatives

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  本报记者 邢东伟

  本报见习记者 翟小功


  2017年4月15日,在海南省海口市2017年“4·15”全民国家安全教育日宣传教育活动暨“维护国家安全 共筑钢铁长城”宣传教育展活动现场,国家安全机关公开了几起侦破的海南间谍案,从中不难看出间谍活动其实离我们并不遥远。




















  “原以为间谍犯罪活动离我们很遥远,没想到包括那些中学生、大学生在内,看上去很平常的人,稍不小心就会落入敌对分子设下的圈套,沦为间谍,或被境外谍报人员所利用,做出危害国家安全的事情。”在看完海口市“维护国家安全 共筑钢铁长城”宣传教育展之后,海南工商职业学院汽车工程学院学生赵善贤深有感触地说,这次宣传活动让他懂得间谍犯罪活动离自己并不遥远,平时要多长一个心眼。














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