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Guizhou mine dug Earth for 600 million years the fossil, officials called off

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/4/13 9:33:23 Browse times: 140 Comment times: 0

Guizhou mine dug Earth for 600 million years the fossil, officials called off(贵州矿山挖地球6亿年化石,官方叫停)

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Guizhou mine dug Earth for 600 million years the fossil official suspended: reserve fossil | | | p mines _ news

[The observer network comprehensive report], according to the Beijing Youth daily, 12th, 12th and North Green newspaper reporter learned from the Weng ' an County propaganda Department, at present, the County already has delimited the scope of core area of fossil protection, in consultation with the views of scientists in the relevant fields.


Nanjing Institute of geology and palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences said Dr Yin Zongjun, currently designated protected areas covering about two km long, wide and a kilometer, includes three of the most important fossils, profile, "which two points were previously found fossils of classic, a new fossil.



Previous report:

On April 10, published in science daily in a headline entitled wengan in Guizhou: a mine cut 600 million years of the Earth article, FA XING, phosphate mining threaten fossil protection reports and scientific phenomena. Official reported by this newspaper letter, Twitter spread and reproduced in the mainstream media, forming a broad public impact, also attracted much attention from the local government.



From FA XING, Government-run science and technology daily journalist was informed that the County has been established for biota fossil protection and development leading group. The morning of 10th, wengan County, the County Government held a Special Conference, "deals with the protection of mining has ordered shut down, fossil protection arrangements has been done, work is in progress. ”

The evening of 10th, journalists respectively with Gui Guoquan Weng ' an County people's Government Deputy head and Vice General Manager Yao Sibo wengan phosphate mine in charge of the administrative work of the contact.

Gui Guoquan said was held on April 2, "permineralized biota biota fossil international workshop on conservation and scientific research", the local Government required site visits at several points during the meeting to stop mining, other mines for fossil protection area delineation of the scope, and then order the companies to stop mining.

For Gui Guoquan said, reporters confirmed from Yao Sibo. He said "the seminar see point we stopped." But, he confessed, 10th day he has not received any notification on fossil protection.


Journalists also learned that during the seminar field trip 3 points, all old sections of the past 20 years research on fossil. Among them, one is not, a collapse of the mountain covered with a partially covered. Researcher at the Nanjing Institute of geology and palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhu Maoyan 3 protection delineated in November last year, has been dug out, and two have not yet entered the mining area, but not far away.

Reporters noted that the Guizhou Provincial Department of land and resources, wengan County and protected areas the two companies involved seminars organized as early as 8 days ago, has said that it will take active measures to support and coordinate scientific research work.

Guizhou Provincial Department of land and resources said that as fossils and geological relics protection authorities, they will continue to guide and supervise the wengan fossil origin protection. At present, within the scope of protection of the land and natural resources has asked the designated to immediately suspend mining operation.

Land Office requirements related sector take measures, active tie CAs Nanjing geological paleontology by, research institutions experts, in April 2017 end of zhiqian delineated wengan biological group core fossil origin range, completed geological profile, and disaster risk and p mine mining right, detailed survey report, June end of zhiqian completed wengan biological group fossil reserves planning report and reported, land Office will in received report one week within Organization experts review, and will results reported Guizhou Provincial Government.


Wengan County, the County Government said, participated in the biota fossil after the international seminar on conservation and scientific research, is now fully aware of the scientific significance of permineralized biota biota, and understand it is unique in the world of the early life of fossil origin, unconditional support for its protection. And specify the Deputy head Gui Guo was specifically responsible for the protection, develop fossil protection scheme as soon as possible.

It is understood that also involves a State-run mine in the protected area, and a private ... Among them, the wengfu group, the State-owned enterprises, the statement will actively cooperate with the wengan fossil biota protection and cultural connotation of the excavations, and hoped that the country would put into special funds to support, at the same time, the Group also said it would put mine geological disaster protection requirements involved in fossil protection. The wengan phosphate mine as private enterprises, the official said, will fully cooperate with the arrangement of the wengan County, but it also hopes that the Government can properly deal with the related mineral rights Exchange and placement issues.

> Editor: Zhang di

Article keywords:
Fossil mining phosphate fertilizer

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贵州矿山挖地球6亿年化石 官方叫停:划保护区|化石|矿山|磷肥_新闻资讯

  [观察者网 综合报道]据北京青年报12日消息,12日下午,北青报记者从瓮安县宣传部了解到,目前该县已经已经初步划定了古生物化石核心区的保护范围,在咨询相关领域科学家的意见。




















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