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Yunnan dehong frontier uncovered extra large case, payment of heroin, 41 kilograms

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/4/10 8:12:13 Browse times: 69 Comment times: 0

Yunnan dehong frontier uncovered extra large case, payment of heroin, 41 kilograms(云南德宏边防破获特大毒品案,缴海洛因41公斤)

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Dehong in Yunnan border uncovered extra paid 41 kg of heroin in drug case (photo)

Dehong in Yunnan cracked a serious case of public security frontier detachment Lin Xiao photography
CNS, Ruili, April 10 (reporters Cui Wen and)-recently, dehong, Yunnan public security frontier detachment cracked a serious case, suspects 1 and confiscated 41.4 kilograms of heroin.
April 2 16:25, duty officers and men of the detachment in Ruili city, dehong Prefecture island town on the highway to the city when an open investigation, imposed on a truck for shipping corn in border inspection revealed that the driver spoke haltingly, acting suspiciously, tanks and vehicles have obvious signs of change. Subsequently, the officers and men on duty to focus on the vehicle tank and cutting machine cuts water tank from truck tanks hidden inside three of the seized heroin in sealed iron box 118, 41.4 kg net.

Tank container used for drug possession in Lin Xiao photography
Trial, the suspect Chen confessed to the crime. He explain that he was directed by a Burmese drug traffickers from Myanmar smuggled drugs into Tak macro, to transport maize as cover for drug trafficking between these outside the province. Currently, Chen has been detained.
(Editors: Zheng Jiang UN988)
2017-04-10 12:25:38
China News Network
云南德宏边防破获特大毒品案 缴海洛因41公斤(图)

图为云南德宏公安边防支队破获一起特大毒品案 肖林 摄

  中新网瑞丽4月10日电  (崔汶 肖林)近日,云南德宏公安边防支队破获一起特大毒品案,抓获犯罪嫌疑人1名,缴获海洛因41.4公斤。



图为水箱中用于藏匿毒品的铁箱 肖林 摄

(责任编辑:郑江 UN988)
2017-04-10 12:25:38

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