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Official “fancy House“ with holding number of square meters covered

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/4/9 23:58:35 Browse times: 57 Comment times: 0

Official “fancy House“ with holding number of square meters covered(官员的“花式豪宅”与捂着盖着的平米数)

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Official "fancy House" with holding number of square meters covered
The author | Feng Yu edit | Wei Zhang

How fire is the name of the people do not believe that I know that you need governance has to say. In the discussion of acting, many in the audience impressed by the Yong Hou. What he did in the TV series opening section to the Director who brought a small climax.

We must remember, the Director for hiding more than more than 200 million of cash, bought a House, in order to avoid suspicions, did not write his name on the certificate. The residential building of the House and he lived in stark contrast.

Anyway, needless to say, one or two sets of corrupt officials to stockpile several or even dozens of homes are not uncommon. Chief know noted that last year had been "double" Hunan Rucheng county, former member of the original Deputy County magistrate Chen Xianghua, County Government in recent days has more details of the case. From 2014 to 2016, each year about leading cadres are not required to fill out the report form. In January 2016, fill out the report form in personal matters, Chen Xianghua not truthfully report to the Organization of its purchase of Zhuhai huafa water County semi-detached house, Guangzhou, Panyu district, beautiful hardcover peninsula district, Chenzhou Xiao BU villas and other real estate.

As we all know, property of leading cadres is to report, in the leaders ' personal matters related to reporting forms, there is a bar: "I, spouses, children property to live together". If you choose not to, would have to bear the consequences.

  More room in the hand

In 2000, Chen Xianghua from Hunan agricultural University after graduating from the College of resources and environment management, with capacity of selected student in anren County, long Hai town, a government official, and a year later was promoted to the Assistant Mayor of anren County town of Longhai.

Chen Xianghua's career sailed through 6 years, successive anren County party Committee Organization Department Deputy Department-level organization, anren County party Committee Secretary of the Communist Youth League, the anren County ping Township, Director of the Chenzhou municipal Committee research staff member, and Director of the Chenzhou City Commission for discipline inspection clean room. From 2010 to 2012 in Jiahe County party Committee Standing Committee, the Deputy County head Chen Xianghua, transferred after Rucheng county, served as Deputy Magistrate of the County party Committee, Member of the.

Political knowledge, the author finds, Chen Xianghua semi-detached house in Zhuhai should have three layers, the entire apartment 4 room 3 living rooms 3 baths 1 kitchen, approximately 257 square meters. Look at the price, the Villa is currently at its lowest price of 30000 Yuan/square meter, picture looks like

Chen Xianghua splendid Peninsula Community House in Panyu in Guangzhou, average 21098 Yuan/square meter; he saw Villa Chenzhou Xiao BU also was named the network's "top ten most extreme luxury villas of Chenzhou".

Among does not report the real estate problems, Chen Xianghua there are other problems of severe violation of discipline and state laws and regulations. Yes, buy so many houses need to spend money and where the money come from?

Chen Xianghua from 2011 to 2016 received red packets cash gifts totaling more than 1.33 million Yuan; breach of integrity discipline, engaging in profit-making activities, illegal occupation of public property; the convenience of taking advantage of his position, in terms of engineering contract for the benefit of others, alone or together, to accept others ' property, were arrested for bribery.

Obviously, things behind the House, it's not that simple.

  Offsite housing

Not difficult to find, to Chinese Chen in Hunan province, but is not limited to Hunan, Guangdong Province, also in the context of his purchase. Chief know noted that many officials to buy a House but rather will pick the place.

In the typical case of Chenzhou City Commission for discipline inspection announced, former Director General of Bureau of financial supervision and inspection of Quan Liange, Chenzhou city was disciplined for not truthfully report property. She hid with Shaw's actual holdings of from 2009 to 2013 with the name of another person in Chenzhou city, Sanya city, Hainan Province, for buying the real estate situation.

To avoid suspicions, the name of another person to buy a House. Not only in their place of residence, and also went to Sanya, Hainan Province, Sanya live more comfortable, it is needless to say.

Examples for many years ago. In 2011, Shanxi province, the original Director Hao Pengjun was found to involve violation of coal capital of up to 305 million Yuan, in Beijing and Hainan to 35 properties contract prices reached 170 million Yuan. Within the third ring road in Beijing, Xuanwumen outer Street 92nd International building, buying a House, is that many people do not dare to dream. Such a cuntucunjin community, there are 13 suites are Hao Pengjun, 4 in his wife's name.

Buy so many houses do, to live or invest, or hidden money?

Not just in TV dramas, even if in reality, House money is the choice of some corrupt officials, such as the CPPCC Chairman Zhu mingguo, Guangdong. Zhu mingguo was built in his hometown of Hainan wuzhi mountain two villas. In November 2014, Zhu mingguo surveyed by announced the next day, the locals saw dozens of police surrounded the home of Zhu mingguo villa for four weeks. "Investigators at his home in the seizure of large amounts of gold, banknotes, with boxes packed together, took over more than 10 cars. Some of these notes were damp musty. ”

  Personal matters

In the example above, there is the completion of personal matter, omitted concealing property. Why would they be doing that? Officials explained that the thought that this is "trivial".

Work safety of shidian, Yunnan province Party Secretary Yang Zhengyu in 2015 and bought townhouses and residence accommodation resold to others. In 2016, Yang Zhengyu in completing the personal concerns of leading cadres do not report the property changes, completing the property has been sold, were given disciplinary sanctions. "Thought it just a small thing, no reports in a timely manner, but make a big mistake. "Yang Zhengyu said.

Both consider themselves small, still guilty, but very serious consequences, not truthfully reported. 2015 annual checks of 439,200 Deputy Department level cadres, for failing to report personal matters related to issues such as cancellation promoting qualified more than 3,900 people, out of position, became non-leadership positions, such as dismissal, demotion process 124, check verification problems found by party disciplines dispose of 160 people.

Also said that Hunan, local officials conceal the disposition of the property already has many examples of missing reports.

On December 5, 2016, xiangyin, Yueyang city, Hunan province, discipline Inspection Commission of the first former President of professional secondary school (pair)-Liao Shuqing a serious warning inside the party: "Liao Shuqing breaches of discipline, 2014, 2015, leading cadres in matters related to the individual reports, hide should report real estate 534.86 square".

September 2016, the Hunan provincial party Committee inspection group assigned by the discipline Inspection Commission, former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Gan Lingjie, xiangyin, Yueyang city for clues. Yueyang city discipline Inspection Commission immediately to examination, Gan Lingjie 2015 found violations of the provisions did not truthfully report and his spouse owns property 79.62 square meters, and there are other problems. Gan Lingjie administrative demerit is bigger than, and was cancelled in xiangyin County Committee election nomination.

  Reporting requirements

There is no doubt that real estate is the focus of matters related to the personal checks to verify.

According to the Department's requirements of residential, commercial, factory, warehouse, House and garage (parking places and storage rooms) must be reported. Fill in the property's specific address, area of the filling and property, in accordance with property rights registration and complete the contents of and address details to the number, area, price should include the specific figures, can't be "XX million or so" vague words.

Among them, the less reports of House area (with property, real estate registration certificate or construction area of the House dealing contract records prevail) accumulated in the 50 square metre as false negatives; today less reports of House area in more than 50 square metres and for the cover-up.

Individuals have more or less number of the House. When low in chongzhou, Sichuan province Party Secretary Zhao Haoyu, reporting, only purchased a set of 62.32 meters House, attracted a lot of people questioned. In Chengdu, Sichuan province, discipline Inspection Commission recently held 12 plenary meeting, who invited the chongzhou city Party Secretary Zhao Haoyu, asked: "Secretary, you really only have a House? "Zhao Haoyu replied:" I did only get a room, an organization can verify. ”

So are reports a problem of housing a large number is it?

Chengdu food and Drug Administration Director Zhou Wansheng said he currently has 6 houses. "These houses are legitimate sources, can be verified. "He said.

  Information | Discipline inspection reported surging Beijing, China Central Commission for discipline inspection site news

  Proofreading | Xiang Zhan

(Editors: Liu Cheng UN649)
2017-04-09 08:46:51
撰文 | 冯雨 编辑 | 张伟


































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(责任编辑:刘盛钱 UN649)
2017-04-09 08:46:51

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