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American scholar: China and the United States are too important and the Government don’t treat China as an enemy

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/4/6 16:40:37 Browse times: 94 Comment times: 0

American scholar: China and the United States are too important and the Government don’t treat China as an enemy(美国学者:中国和美国关系太重要,政府别把中国当敌人)

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American scholars: relations between China and the United States are too important Government don't treat China as an enemy | | | China and the United States _ Trump news

[Global network military April 6 reported] American Washington Post recently published Rhodes scholars, and in Oxford University Research China history of zhulian·geweierci entitled don't again put China considered enemy, thousand new generation not of articles said, Trump of "American priority" theory increased has world of tension atmosphere, but maximum of challenge yet coming: he also no stated on China this he repeatedly condemned of national of policy. According to the authors as a 27 year old, are growing up to the China trip and the young people to learn Chinese language, he worried about Trump's radical action to China will be his long-term generation to the world security and prosperity the biggest potential threat. Overturns decades of stable relations between China and the United States reckless and provocative policy toward China is that most of their generation who do not want to see.

According to the authors Trump described China as potential competitors in the United States. Trump tough anti-China remarks that called for more opposition unleashed against the policy. According to 2016 by the Pew Research Center surveys, only about 37% of Americans attracted to China.

But that's not all. If according to age-specific data will show a clear pattern: ages 18 to 29 among Americans than Americans over the age of 50 's affection for China is much more intense. Similarly, impression of the United States, China is the Pew in the generational gap in the world's largest, nearly 60% people in the United States between the ages 18 to 29 years old good impression (is 1 time times the percentage of people over the age of 50).

According to the authors this confusing gap evident in both shall be used as reference. According to the authors Trump seems to China as its enemy, but if the rupture of relations between China and the United States, their generation will live in a world of depression and more dangerous. Authors wish to deliver this information to seniors: don't give up: give up resolutely to seek more cooperation and look to the future of China and the United States is too important and too fast.

Author says, China is not abstract to him. He is 8 years old started to learn Chinese language, then began to study Chinese, and living and working in China for quite some time. Author says that China is part of his: know more about China and its complexity, also began to learn about themselves and the location.

These experiences began at a new generation of young Chinese-American representative. Author says his links with China may be much closer than others, but all with their Chinese counterparts: in 1989 when he was born that year, China's gross domestic product was US $348 billion in 2015, this figure had grown to $11 trillion, in second place in the world.

Authors, as adults, they seem to be more and more to live in a country that regards China as a rival. There is no doubt that China's economic boom makes some Americans lose jobs, while rescue workers transferred to the new position of the United States policy has not kept up with the times. As China's military might grows, many Chinese are willing to see the United States as China's competitors.

The author believes that China is not monolithic. China and the United States political system does not allow the two countries to seek areas where you can build strong relationships. Of course, these areas exist in between the two Governments, cooperation in the fight against climate change to advance Iran's nuclear agreement. But they also exist in a deeper personal level---let us eliminate distrust and conducive to personal independence between the two countries.

Author, the correct path is not dovish line or flattering policies, but sought to achieve strength in the US and know we need to work with China to address major global problems on the basis of building relations between China and the United States. This should, of course, include more reciprocity in economic fields, especially to further open to American investment in China to resolve any military challenge and vigorously to protect America's interests and values. But relations between China and the United States are too important, cannot by virtue of behind decades of economic punishment nor eager to look for enemies to the world stage as a guide. America's leaders must work to eliminate differences between the and the young people should also contribute to the good future for China and the United States.

>: Tang Liu Guangbo

Article keywords:
Trump the Government of China and the United States

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