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Doctor unmask the emergency room disputes is the norm: were patients with concussion

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:01:56 Browse times: 238 Comment times: 0

Doctor unmask the emergency room disputes is the norm: were patients with concussion(医生自曝急诊室里纠纷是常态:曾被患者打脑震荡)

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Doctor unmask the emergency room disputes is the norm: there has been conflicts between doctors and patients by patients with concussion | | | doctor bonus _ medical dispute news

  "Year" slipping away, the people who give up family reunions to keep it should not be forgotten

  On new year's Eve emergency room stories

Reporter nyinde

"I don't remember this ordinal is on duty on new year's Eve. "Sitting across from reporters is the Harbin hospital emergency physician, King pine, he has worked for 12 years in the emergency room.

"From the perspective of the situation in previous years, often after midnight new year's Eve with many fewer patients in the Middle before. "Wang Songbai explained, late at night, suffering from sudden increase in the incidence of cardio-cerebro-vascular diseases in elderly, number of patients injured by firecrackers that need attention. "Cold fever patients in too long, it could not support would have come to see the doctor. "Wang Songbai say such things in less than ten minutes, two patients of fever treatment.

Emergency room nurse Han Pengfei told reporters that the two first floor outpatient nurses on duty is the size of the night alternating, also from 4:30 P.M. to nine the next morning, Saya is 4:30 P.M. until one o'clock in the morning the next day. Also can break four hours, but in reality, busy at night when two people are fully employed, the so-called provisions of the night is often broken.

The doctor on duty has no such "treatment". Three different sections of the doctor on duty that night. King Cypress mobile phone saved more than more than 500 family members of patients with phone numbers in the address book, some patients who frequently call and King pine and to remember that their conditions in order to make quick judgments in case of an emergency.

  Calm is a required course for medical personnel

On new year's Eve 20:20, Han Pengfei rang the clinic of internal medicine for nurses. "120 delivered a patient with renal failure. ”

"Heartbeat and wasn't breathing when I come. "Han Pengfei inserted in the patient monitoring equipment, he told Wang Songbai patient vital signs.

"How long has kidney disease? "Wang Songbai asked the families of patients in the past medical history, and save press the heart patients.

Nurse Zhang Chen soon came first-aid medication cart, according to Wang Songbai physician choose pharmaceutical drugs for a patient. A glass bottle cap scorer fast break, taking the chemicals added to the infusion bag.

At this point, Hall TV Spring Festival evening songs originally had been hurried footsteps and cries of the families covered. About 30 minutes later, King pine regret and his family said that they have tried.

This is the first ambulance sent to patients on the night, was also the first failed to end on new year's eve of the deceased.

"Send the patient, the Han Pengfei brow wrinkled, face the families of the deceased until the cry, the more than 30-year old male nurses are routinely told to pay fees, the times hesitantly.

"The mood will certainly heavy, especially on new year's day, but we can't have too many emotions. "Zhang Chen said that if a rescue personnel don't know how to regulate their emotions, that show the next second the patient what should I do? In the eyes of the 25-year old male nurse, remained calm and reason is the required course for medical personnel.

Before long, 120 ambulances whisked one after another and 3 patients. During the process of rescuing, the reporter saw, although family members of patients with emotional, but doctors could not stop them and reporters stood next to it. Wang Songbai said, when salvage is required in Hong Kong, families waiting outside, but on the Mainland, under normal circumstances, emergency rooms in addition to ICU would not stand waiting next to the family. Doing this is to make the rescue process more transparent, reduce disputes between doctors and patients.

"Say not affected was impossible, because family members are often in the treatment of doctors in the process of pulling, and even some ordinary people appear to be justifiable, it is going to affect the course of treatment. ”

In the rescue process, one of the families asked doctors to patients electric shock defibrillation, but was rejected by Wang Songbai. Afterwards, Wang Songbai told reporters that sometimes family members do not know the correct first aid treatment, not all patients can be used as television play that electric shock method to cure, it is only valid for patients with heart is still trembling, had no heartbeat when he was sent to rescue people, electric shocks will only hurt. "Even during the rescue process, not just claim, we need to explain to the family in a timely manner, so as to avoid misunderstanding about our behavior. ”

  He dared not tell MOM

"In the emergency room, medical malpractice doesn't happen very often, but the medical disputes is the norm. "Wang Songbai said sometimes he felt helpless. For example, when patients see a doctor, and occasionally got a call from some family members of patients, that cause patients ' dissatisfaction. "The side of the phone are patient, end of this phone is also a patient, in order to help people, we also very embarrassing. ”

Born in 1988, Huang Bo in the emergency work for 4 years, 1.8 meters in height he sunshine, cheerful, likes sports, good food. Listen to other nurses, if not, it could not be imagined that the boy had been knocked to the ground by patients.

Huang Bo said that last year celebrated the night of the forth day of every month, a patient requires blood tests and intravenous infusion, Huang Bo tells to accompany him to a male family members sent blood samples to the second floor, receiving the medicine.

"Look at the patient's family knew he had had too much to drink. "Huang Bo did not expect that a dozen minutes later, the families have not got infusions of the drugs, found in guiding patients to work in Taiwan, Huang Bo, asked Huang Bo to go upstairs and bring their own medication.

Although Huang Bo has done a lot to explain, but the other side has been very emotional, fist on heavily hit Huang Bo in the left brain.

"I could hear some colleagues to save my voice and put me to bed, but I was in a daze was blinded eye. "Huang Bo says, this is the result of a punch, his scalp contusions, and accompanied by a mild concussion, rested for a month. In order not to let his family worried he didn't dare tell his mother, revealed the truth until the home to recover.

While the Huang Bo in the police involved received compensation, but that left a shadow boxing in his mind.

  Pay and reward, disproportionate

Rest well, wages are not high, the doctor-patient relationship tense is considered by medical staff is placed in front of three big mountains.

On new year's Eve night, after a two-hour rescue operation, scorer in the clothing in white coats are almost wet. Because every day to talk to many patients, guiding patients in Taiwan, nearly all nurses hold a water bottle, when to stop and stop to drink water and wet the throat, and some nurses lozenges ready in my pocket.

Under the influence of cold climate in the North and living habits, northern cities suffered from cardiac and cerebral vascular diseases in elderly patients. Neurology doctor chichunling told reporters that the cerebral thrombosis disease has something called the "progressive cerebral infarction". Doctors are afraid of the patients suffer from such illnesses, because the patient's condition will be exacerbated as the disease advances, many patients cannot understand why doctors treating more has led to suspicion and distrust, multifaceted but many times doctors are still unable to prevent the illness. Patients do not match the desire to use and the level of medical is one of the reasons resulted in the doctor-patient contradiction.

Referring doctors are the most sensitive "red envelopes" problem, chichunling said, easily mistaken for patients with a doctor will give a red envelope with a good treatment, for not having a red envelope with distinction. "Actually the vast majority of doctors will normally treat each patient, will not let him suffer. As a doctor who does not hope that something happens to their treatment of patients. "Now we hope that the understanding and support. ”

Mention would be given to children after inheriting his ideals continue to practice medicine, Wang Songbai shook his head with frustration, possibly forget it.

Zhang Chen, "said while the work intensity, psychological pressure, but I still loved it."

23:45, come to the clinic's patients have been leaving, at this time, King pine, and other caregivers was able to take a break, come to the Hall to see "Spring Festival", and waiting for care workers out hot dumplings, although these dumplings was just bought from the supermarket frozen goods.

After the new year bells, they eat the dumplings. When leaving the emergency room, again came from the yard of the hospital ambulance sounds.

Staff writer, Haerbin, February 9-

(Edit: SN069)February 10, 2014 China Youth daily(医生自曝急诊室里纠纷是常态:曾被患者打脑震荡|医患冲突|医疗纠纷|医生收红包_新闻资讯



  本报记者 宁迪




































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