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Datong County of Qinghai province the family of four were killed, police investigating

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 10:01:48 Browse times: 246 Comment times: 0

Datong County of Qinghai province the family of four were killed, police investigating(青海大通一家四口被杀,警方正调查)

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Datong County of Qinghai province was killed four police investigating | in Datong County of Qinghai | murdered | family of four was killed _ news

    "Qinghai is going all out to chase the family of four was killed the police investigation", February 9, Xining City Public Security Bureau received a public alarm, Datonghz County town, Wu Shi Zhuang Cun, 114th, a family of four were killed in their homes. After the alarm, disposal police had rushed to the scene, at present, the civilian police are to conduct on-site surveys.

    (Edit: SN064)

    February 09, 2014 Xinhua News Agency


    青海大通一家四口被杀 警方正调查|青海大通|灭门|一家四口被杀_新闻资讯

        【青海大通一家四口被杀 警方正全力调查】2月9日12时30分许,西宁市公安局接到群众报警称,大通回族土族自治县多林镇吴仕庄村114号一家四口被杀死在家中。接警后,警方已迅速赶赴现场处置,目前,民警正在进行现场勘查。





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