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Secret Chinese civil service exams training: teachers ’ daily wage of 5,000

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/3/21 3:26:20 Browse times: 131 Comment times: 0

Secret Chinese civil service exams training: teachers ’ daily wage of 5,000(揭秘中国公务员考试培训班:教师每日工资五千)

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Secret Chinese civil service exams training: teachers ' daily 5,000 | | | interview training for civil servants _ news


With the advent of civil service examinations, exam training is also entering a long period. 2017 exam has entered the end of the interview, provincial exams, provincial exams begin kicked off, shutting many candidates running in different kinds of counselling agencies. After a first round of cruel quiz portion of the candidates from the "Army" emerged into the interview. For the final, "male", many candidates are entered for the various types of interview training course.

Different from general education and training institutions, public examination of interview training course prices on the market today are tens of thousands of Yuan, up to a hundred thousand of Yuan. Do a job interview courses really need such a high cost? "Sky-high training costs" is formed by what? Current operating costs and profits of various training institutions how big is space? The economic information newspaper investigating this.

A few days of training fees tens of thousands

Public education in an interview training teacher told journalists, training institutions, current public exam training is nothing more than the cost of advertising costs, teachers ' salaries, rental etc. However, interview, select closed interview training at the hotel become rule within the industry, so the hotel accommodation rental in interview training is a lot of money. However, reporters learned that accommodation costs in proportion of total charges of training is not significant.

Passing students at Renmin University, told reporters that this year, she called the Hua Tu education interview red led a 12-day state exam course fee 17800. During the training, 16 students in a class they were arranged to live in shunyi district, Beijing Hotel, two to a room. According to the theory of Qu Tong hotel name, journalist enquiries on the public comments learn that the hotel room price is about 250 to more than 300 yuan/night and one or two people.

Burt also revealed that they eat meals are Hotel buffet, buffet and the hotel's external charging is 30 yuan/person, meals about 90 yuan a day. According to estimates, one student per day room and Board costs a maximum of no more than 240 Yuan, 12 days of room and Board costs up to a maximum of 3000 Yuan.

Wang participated in the Beijing civil service exam this year, Beijing Normal University, in order to win in the 1:3 interview, she reported that a four-day training course on public education in the four nights of interviews, actual charges more than 5,300 yuan. According to Wang introduced, training sites are located in Beijing's Fengtai District, a business hotel. Reporter phoned the hotel to the hotel standard room price from about 200 to more than 300 yuan/night and groups booking price discount. Between two and four days down Wang's accommodation costs up more than more than 600 Yuan. "During the course of the meal, three or four dishes for lunch and dinner don't spend much money. "Theory of Wang Tong.

Apply for public education in Zhejiang last interview training course Chu students told reporters that last year the whole protocol class, total price from 19800 RMB. As a whole class of students, as long as the public interview on the written tests will be free of course. He chose seven days and seven nights of interviews the protocol classes, in agreement to the class, he don't have to pay, but the rest of the students, the price is 19800 RMB. If passed, the one not returned; if you don't pass, refunds 12800.

He gave reporters an account: training hotel costs more than 300 yuan a night, double accommodation, accommodation is more than 150 yuan per person per night. Hotel is only responsible for breakfast, lunch and dinner is the students own takeout. So each participant will only produce more than 150 yuan a day accommodation. Even if the interview refund 12800, removed seven days accommodation, training institutions from each candidate who can still earn thousands of Yuan.

Rent booster paid advertising "super price"

Interview candidates for Board and lodging during the training in interview training costs accounted for more than small, various "super price" of training is how to come about?

Public education in an interview training teacher told reporters that in addition to trainees during the training room and Board costs, advertising costs, and teachers ' salaries, rental etc courses for an interview "astronomical" costs play a greater role in boosting. "Teachers ' welfare promotion in recent years a lot of, or unable to retain talent. In addition, teacher training in this piece is also very expensive, all needed each year to its Beijing headquarters training, living, food, the cost is not small. ”

"Some veteran interview training teacher salaries up to five thousand or six thousand Yuan a day. "Lao Wu said Wu Hongmin, head public examination, in particular, to the examination, the provincial exams this interview training peak, insufficient teacher training institutions, training institutions need to hire more teachers, teacher costs is naturally very high. In addition, the teachers also needed during the peak season to make up for the cost of the off-season. Teacher training institutions are now permanent, agency regardless of whether the business will give the teachers get paid.

Rising advertising costs of training institutions should not be ignored. Wu Hongmin said, because of information asymmetry, many interview candidates within the training industry are not familiar with, so candidates in selected training institutions is easy to rely on advertising and propaganda activities of all kinds. In order to attract students, large large training funds are spent annually in railway stations, airports, schools and other places to advertise, some of the Agency's annual advertising costs reached tens of millions of Yuan.

Insiders also revealed that candidates of some irrational consumer psychology will push interview training course prices. Some candidates prior to the interview Office place, whose large office space, beautiful decorated, they feel that training body strong, willing to report. Some candidates are also organized lectures, activities focused on training institutions at the local, that more similar activities, training institutions, the better. To attract these students, many much-decorated venue of interview training institutions, often organized propaganda activities, but all of these costs are "wool grows on the sheep's back", eventually will be reflected in the training fees for students.

"Some candidates which Ban Gui which class, although the high price of course teachers might be better, but the effect is limited, this psychological interview training courses will continue to push up the current prices, increased costs of candidates. "Worked test interview question and interviewer's National School of administration press editor-in-Chief Qiao Bing told reporters, many interview interview training course of the corporations are in fact cheaper every year, but in the" cheap things always have bad quality "mental drive, few candidates are willing to sign up for this class.

 Market rationalized needs together

"Interview training market prices remain high, and lies in unbalanced market supply and demand. Large groups of candidates and that interview training less ' gruel ' situation, training institutions enjoy greater pricing initiative. "Qiao Bing said. In his view, the current "super price" interview training is mainly driven by the market, to make interviews and training industry return to reason, it is necessary to introduce more competition in the market and provide more variety of choices for the students.

Liu junhai, Director of the Institute of commercial law of the University of the Chinese people shared the view that the interview training market is somewhat similar to the public exam in economics "oligopoly", individual large training companies hold most of the resources in the industry, enjoy a large degree of pricing power. In addition to relying on market competition gradually break the monopoly situation, relevant departments should also be monitoring to prevent abuse of monopoly position of certain public examination interview training institutions, and should strive to create an enabling legal environment for fair competition. "The lifeblood of the market economy is competition, if there are more and more entering the public get interview training, training prices will be reduced. ”

"The past two years, some new public examination interview training institutions, the introduction of a cheaper online interview course, favored by many candidates. If the trend continues, ' price ' or interview training market will become more rational. "Qiao Bing said.

History students at Renmin University, told reporters that she has no traditional job interview training course this year, but called the "chalk public examination" 2680 online interview training course. "The interview process and can listen to teacher online answer, mock interviews next to links to find classmates for help on the line, the overall feeling good, save a lot of money, I know of many students this year have opted for this kind of online training. ”

In addition to encouraging competition, the rational choice of candidates is also important. Zhang ming, a professor at the Renmin University, sky-high interview training course and the irrationality of many candidates employment Outlook has a lot. "There is still a lot of candidates in the civil service as ' iron rice bowl ', if more and more candidates to establish a correct view of employment, reducing blind pursuit of civil service posts, then test heat will cool, expensive training courses there will also be no city. ”

Break industry information asymmetry is also urgent. Wu Hongmin believes that the future, if civil servants interviewed greater knowledge can be obtained via the Internet-wide popularity, the candidates will be less dependent on the training courses, interview training prices also declined.

Liu junhai also recommended that regulatory authorities should strengthen coordination to eliminate regulatory blind spot, strive to build cross-regional, cross-sector, information sharing, fast and efficient, seamless regulatory cooperation mechanisms. "If the invisible hand of the market failure, the visible hand of the Government should take responsibility, by means of administrative sanctions, access to ' fix the market ', protect the legal rights of candidates. ”

>: Tang Wu Yan

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Civil service job interview training

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  “面试培训市场价格居高不下,根源在于不平衡的市场供求关系。庞大的考生群体与较少的面试培训机构这种‘僧多粥少’的局面,使得培训机构在定价方面享有更大主动权。” 乔兵说。他认为,当前的“天价”面试培训主要由市场驱动,欲使面试培训行业回归理性,就需引入更多市场竞争,并为考生提供更加多元化的选择。








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