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Secret CCTV Liaoning first voyage

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Secret CCTV Liaoning first voyage(央视揭秘辽宁舰首次远航)

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Secret CCTV Liaoning Liaoning ship voyages | | | Navy halal food for the first time _ news

(Legal evening news reporter Zhang Ying editor Xiong Yingqi) set sail on December 20 last year, the Liaoning formations across the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China sea areas, such as through the Miyako Strait, the Bashi Channel, the Taiwan Strait. After 24 days, on January 13, 2017, formed by the Liaoning and frigate ship aircraft carrier fleet, upon successful completion of cross-sea training and testing missions return, docked a carrier naval base in Qingdao.

> Liaoning on the carrier

CCTV reported that the Liaoning sail training ship realizes the first island chain, across the sea carrier carrier tactical training, organized according to typical combat into an aircraft carrier all elements, overall training process formation and many other historic breakthrough.

Liaoning through this central media interviews, again opened its mystery, many of whom first disclosure of details do you read? Naval officers and men of the three showed up and what's the background? View of the sea by the reporters give you a solution level annotations.

  Aircraft carriers are not "Otaku" after three years out of the first island chain

View sea solved reporters report found that China's "aircraft carrier sailing" desire to share the three-year period. On April 25, 2013, the Chinese Defense Ministry held a regular press conference, in response to a reporter on the Liaoning when when the issue was timing the voyage, Defence Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun, China cited "fish enjoy a good swim in broad Ocean, sky high flying bird" this old saying. He said, the carrier is not "Otaku", is bound to go on the voyage.

Now, 3 years later, China's aircraft carrier began sailing for the first time. On December 24 last year, Liang Yang, spokesman of the Navy declared that formation of Liaoning in China's first aircraft carrier formation to Western Pacific waters for offshore training, this is the first time the Liaoning offshore training. This is the Liaoning in China's offshore for a long period of testing, testing for the first time since voyage.

It is reported that this voyage, over more than 20 aircraft carrier battle groups were equipped with fighter aircraft, helicopter, across the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, eastern waters through Bashi Channel into the South China Sea from Taiwan, the cumulative 5858 nautical miles, have achieved aircraft carrier battle groups out of the first island chain sail training. Across the sea carrier carrier tactical training, organized according to typical combat into an aircraft carrier all elements, overall training process formation and many other historic breakthrough.

  Master Commander straight: train like war

In the CCTV interview, three crew members showed up in Liaoning province. First came into the picture is the Liaoning carrier task group Commander Rear Admiral Chen Yueqi.

> Chen Yueqi

According to media reports, Chen Yueqi is Liaoning second Commander of the aircraft carrier formation. On September 25, 2012, Liaoning into the transfer of ships official, major-General Wang as the Liaoning first Commander of the aircraft carrier formation. In July 2015, according to the people's Navy showed, major-General Wang take up post of Deputy Commander of the Navy, and listed among the army of Deputy District Officer.

Wang's replacement is the original long detachment of a destroyer detachment of the South China Sea fleet Chen Yueqi. On May 26, 2016, the network appears on the "Malaysian Navy Chief visited the Liaoning" text messaging, in this picture, Chen Yueqi also appears in pictures of Malaysia's Navy commander visited the Liaoning.

According to media reports, China's first aircraft carrier warship, Liaoning ship crew has a Bachelor of military officers over 98%, Dr masters also has more than 50 employees, Chen Yueqi is one of them. According to military reports, Chen Yueqi master's degree granted by the University of national defense.

Addition, according to PLA in standard entitled Navy new century "talent carrier" sail a paper in the reported, March 2001, army of 3 by University are came to Navy sea fleet a destroyer detachment admissions, and only has 3 a index, at 33 age of Chen Yueqi was detachment party sent into has school, this also makes Chen Yueqi became Defense University Division command class most young of students.

On July 20, 2015, by the rank of Senior Colonel was promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Navy.

According to the China National Defense News reported in 2002, master Captain Chen Yueqi told sailors: "Battleship is a kind of equipment, as well as a country's level of science and technology, culture window. "In one of his ships, forever within the corridor carpets covered with a clean and elegant, living cabins and public rooms without tobacco, alcohol and really smell. This is a captain on the ship to create a quality environment.

In addition, Captain Chen Yueqi when set a rule: train like war. In the training of a missile attack, winds, and waves waves. Chen Yueqi request contract training ship the electronic interference. Reminder: parent training programmes are only issued by the missile attack, conducted in an electronic jamming is not required, it will affect the performance ... ... Chen Yueqi but pulled down the face: high-tech wars are Omni-directional, who can guarantee you fired missiles at the enemy without interfering? I want to fight the real ability, not unrealistic results!

  Air Force Chief of staff, took part in the victory day parade

Immediately after Chen Yueqi Zhang ye, Chief of the carrier aviation forces. According to public reports, was born in August 1973, Zhang ye, 45, a native of qianjiang city, Hubei province.


In 1991, 29 year old Zhang ye were recruited for the pilot. In 2012, when he was Deputy Head of air and sea eagle Zhang ye is selected into the carrier aviation forces, as Chief of the fighter. That year, Zhang ye, 40, from the former flying fighter planes to fly carrier aircraft, Zhang ye faces a choice.

It is understood that the "Sea Eagle" under the East China Sea fleet aviation Division, is a distinguished exploits, legendary team, have emerged a large number of heroes and "ACE" pilots. Air and sea eagles also have a zero shot down enemy planes and other air combat history of the world "8."

Zhang ye in the program said that entering the shipborne air unit is facing the first plane, you have to learn this, a lot of knowledge to learn flight theories, principles, and then faces the flight characteristics of the aircraft carrier.

But for Zhang Yelai said, has long been the norm. He said that as a fighter pilot, I had to fly the best aircraft, this was my pilot dream.

As early as 2012, "carrier fighter hero pilots" Deming au and other test pilots, the Liaoning into row. After just two months, driving f-15 ship-borne fighter successfully blocked at the aircraft carrier landing and ski-jump takeoff, Zhang ye great encouragement. He feels "to the carrier aircraft is awesome, this mode of flight is so cool."

According to Xinhua News Agency, September 3, 2015, Zhang ye, China's 4th carrier-borne fighter pilots, who had participated in shipborne Echelon parade for the victory day parade. Previously he had been in the Navy a shipborne air unit over 3 years of training. After the end of the parade, Zhang ye also for the first time in the Liaoning held the drive f-15 on ship and ski-jump takeoff training.

Navy carrier aviation forces troops Zhang Shaobing Navy said that to achieve the carrier on the parade and "never miss" forces persist in combining technical training ship on the parade and, each parade training sorties on the landing ship technical training, strict compliance with the "precision, discipline, zero tolerance," the iron law of ship-borne flying.

  Food halal cooks working for change to the crew for advice menu

From the reports, Liaoning has more than 2000 people from 19 different nationalities, such as Uygur, Kazak, Tajik and Hui, in national crew dining alone there are 9 ethnic groups of more than 30 people, eating is a big problem.

According to Chen Yueqi introduces, through continuous research and exploration, naval officers and men to achieve a "shunt peak" work, rest, watch, eat, and everyone apart. In order to meet the food supply, the Liaoning has 10 restaurants, which are special sets of ethnic restaurants.

> Lv Jiadong

This entered the cooks Lv Jiadong CCTV lens from ethnic restaurants. According to Kingdom network television reported that corporal Lv Jiadong from Guangdong, was a junior Cook. He was Han Chinese, but to work in national sailors restaurant or eat halal. Lv Jiadong restaurant can accommodate up to 25 people for dinner.

Master Lv Jiadong was one of the first crew to the Liaoning Zhu Kejun. According to Zhu Kejun introduction, "Although he has nearly 10 years experience in cooking, but specializes in halal food or a girl sitting in a car – the first time. "He had a lot of work, there is no ready-made materials, he would search the Internet, checking a dish, Cook a meal, through practice continuous improvement. Meanwhile, he also often seek for advice from minority sailors.

> Liaoning restaurant on

Although minority sailors eat halal kitchen, but different people have different tastes. Zhu Kejun said: "the Uygur crew taste more like hot, while most Muslim sailors like light. So, we are in the process of developing recipes and cooking, we must both take care of the. In addition, the national sailors restaurant majority of female sailors, they were more focused on keeping slim figure, so we have to take into account the special needs of their diet. For example, the original meat and three are three elements, to two meat dishes, four vegetarian now. Sometimes on the weekend, and let them Cook, Cook and serve their ethnic home cooking. ”

  Upgraded version of "carrier-style" guides more secure

Concerned with the Liaoning must also remember in 2012-popular "carrier-Style". On November 24, 2012, China's first aircraft carrier, "Liaoning" successfully complete the carrier landing training. F-15 taking off, two back with "take off" Guide at the same time conductor of the yellow vest. After the pictures and videos in the media, has fueled the crowd rapidly and mimic, this position was known as "carrier-Style".

> New "carrier-Style"

View sea solved the reporter noted that Liaoning ships cruising the exposure of the scene, this upgraded version of the posture. The new "carrier-style", the Guide to the left knee, left brace, his right hand raised.

Major General Chen Yueqi introduced, if compared to a carrier, then the carrier is the carrier of the fist. How to have checks on ships fusion, is a very complex subject. Liaoning has gradually changed the thinking of the original land-protection from the hazards of refueling, flight deck ammunition controls, transit carrier aircraft, is found out from the actual ship integration and effective way.

For example, in order to achieve safer ship integration, when referred to as "you", popular in China "carrier-style" has been improved.

Chen Yueqi said such improvements are mainly taken into account, guide very close to the aircraft, which is two or three meters away, when the plane, hot air guide is influential, the plume of spray from planes can reach temperatures up to 1800 degrees. So now, called "three-point support" after pilots hand down, head down low down, mainly for protection.

Source: legal evening news

> Editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
Liaoning Navy halal food

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  (法制晚报记者 张莹 编辑 熊颖琪)从去年12月20日起航,辽宁舰编队跨越渤海、黄海、东海和南海等海区,穿越了宫古海峡、巴士海峡、台湾海峡。历时24天,2017年1月13日,由辽宁舰与多艘驱护舰组成的航母编队,顺利完成跨海区训练和试验任务后返航,停靠青岛某航母军港。




  航母不是“宅男” 三年后冲出第一岛链


  如今,3年多过去了,中国航母终于开始了首次远航。去年12月24日, 海军新闻发言人梁阳宣告,中国首支航母编队辽宁舰编队赴西太平洋海域开展远海训练,这是辽宁舰首次出远海训练。这也是辽宁舰在在中国近海进行长时间的测试、试验后的首次远航。






  接替王海的就是南海舰队原某驱逐舰支队的支队长陈岳琪。2016年5月26日,网络上出现“马来西亚海军司令参观辽宁舰 ”的图文消息,这张图片中,陈岳琪也出现在马来西亚海军司令参观辽宁舰的图片中。
















  炊事员为工作改食清真 向舰员求教菜谱








  升级版“航母style” 引导员更安全

  关注辽宁舰的人一定都还记得2012年红极一时的“航母Style” 。2012年11月24日,中国首艘航母“辽宁舰”成功完成舰载机起降训练。歼-15起飞时,有两名身穿背部印有“起飞”字样黄色马甲的引导员同时指挥。在媒体报道的图片和视频后,迅速引起网友围观并纷纷模仿,这个姿势被称为“航母Style”。








辽宁舰 海军 清真食物


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