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Party Secretary of China’s outstanding travel Liao Junbo who was killed in car accident

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/3/21 3:26:17 Browse times: 62 Comment times: 0

Party Secretary of China’s outstanding travel Liao Junbo who was killed in car accident(中国优秀县委书记廖俊波出差遇车祸殉职)

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Party Secretary of China's outstanding travel Liao Junbo who was killed in car accident | Liao Junbo | | duty _ the car accident news

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The evening of March 18, municipal Committee, Vice Mayor Liao Junbo gay road accident, rescue is not valid because duty.

Liao Junbo, born in August 1968, served in Nanping city, Fujian province and Party Secretary. In June 2015, won the title of China's outstanding Secretary of County party Committee.

Personal resume

Liao Junbo, male, born in August 1968, Pucheng, Fujian people to work in August 1990, and joined the CPC in July 1992, postgraduate degree (Central Party school, majoring in). Former Shaowu, Deputy Director of the municipal office, Deputy Secretary, Mayor of the town, Shaowu, Secretary of (of which: 2002 08-2002 year 10 in attachment to exercise in Quzhou, Zhejiang). In October 2003, assistant researcher of the Government and the Communist Party of the town, Shaowu, Deputy Mayor of Shaowu in February 2004, the Government, in May 2006, Deputy Secretary-General of the Nanping City Government, Rong Huashan, Nanping, Nanping city, in October 2007, Deputy Secretary-General, Director of industry group Management Committee (positive level), in June 2011, Party Secretary of governance and, in November 2015, Vice Mayor of Nanping city.

>: Tang Wu Yan

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Liao Junbo accident killed

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  廖俊波,男,1968年8月出生,福建浦城人,1990年8月参加工作,1992年7月加入中国共产党,在职研究生学历(中央党校经济管理专业)。曾任邵 武市委办公室副主任,邵武市拿口镇党委副书记、镇长,党委书记(其间:2002年08—2002年10在浙江衢州挂职锻炼)。2003年10月任邵武市政 府助理调研员、拿口镇党委书记,2004年2月任邵武市政府副市长,2006年5月任南平市政府副秘书长,2007年10月任南平市政府副秘书长、南平市 荣华山产业组团管理委员会主任(正处级),2011年6月任政和县委书记,2015年11月任南平市人民政府副市长。


廖俊波 车祸 因公殉职


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