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Mobilization of cadres in Jiangxi province killed demolition, forensic head repeatedly hit

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Mobilization of cadres in Jiangxi province killed demolition, forensic head repeatedly hit(江西干部动员拆迁身亡,法医鉴定头部遭多次击打)

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Mobilization of cadres in Jiangxi province killed demolition forensic head repeatedly hitting | remove | | cadre murder _ news

> Shi shi BA Tang Xiang NPC Chairman Zhuo Yu by villagers after the hit on his head with a sickle shovel down on the sand (user photo)

China Jiangxi Web Reporter Peng Jinliang said Nam Hong Shi shi BA Tang Xiang, Ganzhou city people's Congress Chairman Zhuo Yu in the village zhangfangcun was attacked and killed by villagers shovel Ming Jingguo falx. On March 19, the reporter learned from the Nankang District Public Security Bureau criminal investigation Brigade: according to the forensic autopsy, Zhuo Yu death comminuted fracture in the head repeatedly struck in the head by a hard object, Ming Jingguo criminal suspects on suspicion of murder are under criminal detention by public security organs.

  Witness: victim was sickle shovel several times while answering a phone call strike

On March 19, gray skies rain rain rain, accompanied by bursts of spring from time to time. Nan Kang Shi shi BA Tang Xiang zhangfangcun, the reporter saw Katie one of the witnesses to the day of the incident. Mention the day of the incident, and Katie have a lingering fear.

Katie introduced March 17, Chairman of the Township people's Congress Zhuo Yu and the four-Member cadres in the village mobilisation "hollow room" demolition work. At 9 o'clock, Zhuo Yu, who reached suspects out next to the old House. At this time, the Ming Jingguo leaving the table playing cards, carrying a shovel with their younger son Ming Moulong sickle arrived on the scene, seeing their old house parked next to an excavator, construction workers should be immediately dismantled its old houses, so emotionally asked in a loud voice said, "why do want to tear my House today? It still has debris. "The presence of Zhuo Yu and four village officials immediately clear after explanation, suggested that he put the clutter inside, as soon as" hollow "removed.

At about 10 o'clock in the morning, and Zhuo Yu to communicate in and out the country happened to answer the phone. Suddenly, Ming Zhuo Yu Chiang answers the phone, swung his sickle shovel to Zhuo Yu Heads hit.

"It was completely without warning, we suddenly panicked, in the next village officials stepped forward to take Ming Jingguo, tackles the sickle in his hand away, but he waved his sickle shovel, not let village in front, then shovel swung falx to Zhuo Yu was hit on the head a few times. "Katie said.

Katie said, at the scene of panic, some cadres to take Ming Jingguo sickle in his hand shovel, dial 120 emergency phone and report back to the village, fled in disarray at this time out the country. For about 20 minutes, the 120 emergency personnel arrived at the scene, seriously injured lying in the sand of Zhuo Yu sent to hospital for medical treatment. Zhuo Yu after sent to Nankang District people's Hospital, at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the same day died.

  The scene: day of the suspect's House is not removed

At the crime scene, the reporter saw a Adobe has not been removed, hut next to a sand Zhuo Yu attacked the day after lying about.

According to local village Director, this has not been dismantled kitchen House was out of the country, has for many years not used, usually only used to pile up some sticks and other debris. Reporters on the scene saw from about 15 meters out the old houses here have a new red brick house, was out the country, completed in May 2013, House, is its regular place to live.

> Not demolished in the figure is out of the country's dilapidated House, covering an area of about 40 square meters, piles of debris. Next has been dismantled for the villagers of Ming Moubing Ming fu and sty

Adjacent to the Ming Jingguo old House, has been demolished two mud-brick structures of the old rooms of one villager Ming Moubing sty, another is that a blessing of a pigsty. Ming Moubing told reporters on March 16, he received to dismantle his cousin called to say the village pigsties, because he lived and worked in the field, usually less home immediately after receiving the notice agreed to dismantle this pigsty.

Reporter then call other pigpen owners out of a fortune, displays the phone shut.

The afternoon of March 19, reporters learned at the crime scene, completed construction of Ming Moubing Ming fu and two pig farms demolition excavators in question has been withdrawn.

  Police: crime suspects within 24 hours after arrest

On March 18, the reporter in the letter public, "Nan Kang publish" information published by learned that suspects Ming Jingguo on March 18 at about 11 o'clock in the morning were caught by local police.

Nankang District Public Security Bureau criminal investigation Brigade official told reporters, after sickle shovel after attacking Zhuo Yu ming, fled the scene. Then, Ganzhou city, Nankang District level police quickly set up more than more than 200 arrests of the group, rounded up. The morning of March 18, capturing groups when searching for a steep mountain to the village, locking out the country's tracks. After a day and a night of criminal suspects fleeing Ming Jingguo found being rounded up by police staff, aware of kome Ming Jingguo immediately picked up the stone on the ground, his head knocked down for self-mutilation. Capturing group will capture, and after the downhill was quick to bandage the injured out the country to hospitals for medical treatment, and then sent to the Nankang District people's Hospital of head CT examination, after confirmed the injury is not serious, on March 18 at 22 o'clock on suspicion of manslaughter to be detained.

Dissemination on the Internet of a video capture displays, Ming Jingguo was arrested, the waist was wrapped in Snake skins, forehead flowing with blood.

  Behind the tragedy: a middle-aged cadres in the fall, two families the pain

Nan Kang Tang Township, District 18, March 19 an interview with reporters, according to Zhuo Yu former colleague, Xiang Huang, Zhuo Yu Heng was born in October 1970 in Nankang village, since August 1994, Zhu Fang Xiang Jing BA town, ten Shi BA Tang Xiang from 2011 to 2016, in June members, Deputy Head of the Party Committee, in July 2016 and has been Chairman of the Township people's Congress. Colleague, Zhuo Yu rooted in rural towns and communities for 23 years, was a remarkable "old towns", but he is good at all to rural work. Zhuo Yu's wife is 47 years old, after being laid off, doing odd jobs at the local private school son is 19 years old, grade students, Zhuo Yu's father and mother is nearly 80 years old, living in Heng Xiang Huang, Zhai, sickly and needed medication all year round.

Suspect Ming Jingguo was born in 1955, aged 62 years and has two sons. Zhu introduced, according to the villagers, which usually has a more fiery temper, had happened before the dispute, had threatened to cut her out the country. And talk about the day's events, some villagers choose silence, said they did not know why.

> Figure named after a resident of the House, reporters learned that the houses built in May 2013

The afternoon of March 19, Jiangxi network reporter in Ming China after the interview at home, saw a more than 80-year old man, it is understood that her mother-in-law is prescribed by the State. Old man some inaudible due to the ear, not described to reporters. Reporters noted that the elderly face failing to hide her sorrow and grave, silent ... ....

Reporters at the local Bureau of land and resources published on the official website of the Ganzhou city rural "hollow room" aware of regulation implementation plan, for economical and intensive use of land resources, and further improve the living environment in rural areas, accelerating the process of well-off society in rural areas, the local Government starting in 2016, three years of rural "hollow room" comprehensive river training. The land management law 62nd article: rural household can own a House, the Homestead area shall not exceed the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the standards.

Nankang District 18 Tang Xiang cadre described to reporters, local finds "hollow room" criteria based on three points: first, according to the law on land management principles of rural household, one housing; the second is that the House is idle for a long time; the third is whether there is a safety hazard. The village cadres to introduce, in line with the above principles the villagers "empty room" was removed, land use rights are still owned by villagers all, arable land can also grow vegetables and other uses, but not on the basis of the original building.

According to local police, because the case is still pending, will further the merits. China Jiangxi Web journalists covering the case.

Source: China's Jiangxi province network

> Editor: Zhang di

Article keywords:
Cadre demolition case

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  中国江西网讯 记者彭津梁报道:赣州市南康区十八塘乡人大主席卓宇在该乡樟坊村被村民明经国用镰铲袭击身亡。3月19日,记者从南康区公安局刑侦大队获悉:据法医尸检鉴定,卓宇死亡前头部遭硬物多次击打致使头部粉碎性骨折,犯罪嫌疑人明经国因涉嫌故意杀人罪已被公安机关刑事拘留。





















> 图为明经国一家常住的房屋,记者了解到,该房屋于2013年5月报建







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