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Guangzhou officials send drivers with cars to send his wife and daughter to work under investigation, had used public money to buy foreign wines

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/3/21 3:26:06 Browse times: 36 Comment times: 0

Guangzhou officials send drivers with cars to send his wife and daughter to work under investigation, had used public money to buy foreign wines(广州官员派司机用公务车送妻女上下班被调查,曾经用公款买外国酒)

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Guangzhou officials send drivers with cars to send his wife and daughter to work under investigation, had used public money to buy foreign private anti-corruption | | | bus discipline _ news


The Guangzhou daily news (Media reporter Tang Nan correspondent sui Ji Xuan) illegal funds of domestic tourism, accept private entrepreneurs free roundtrip business class ticket, personal invites public to pay received under the annual "honor" gifts, gifts ... ... Yesterday afternoon, the Guangzhou City Commission for discipline inspection report at the press conference, the four leading under the Central eight moral issues.

Yuexiu District Committee original CPC Standing Committee, Qi Xiaoping violations public funds to domestic tourism, cars for private purposes, public consumption

From January 13 to 16th last year, Qi Xiaoping in order to attend on behalf of the Hong Kong Federation of yuexiu learning exchange, travel to Changbai mountain in Jilin, 4220 public money to reimburse travel costs. From 2013 to 2015, Qi Xiaoping successfully drivers to use public transport to their wives and daughters to and from work. Last year, before the Spring Festival, Qi Xiaoping asked district 5624 head of staff in the use of public funds to buy luxury wine and spirits.

The conghua city people's Congress Deputy Director Lai Zhiying violation receiving gifts gifts

2008 to 2013 Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Lai Zhiying served as the original during the Finance Bureau, the former Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the conghua in conghua city, has 10 receiving private gifts of gold totaling 50,000 yuan. In July 2013, Lai Zhiying accept private gifts in business class ticket to and from Sydney, Australia, 4, total value 39,000 yuan.

Huangpu district of Guangzhou development zone, and Planning Bureau of land and resources, former Director General, Party Secretary Deng Xiaobing fee for using public funds to pay private banquets, in high-end establishments accept private banquets, accepting cash gifts

At noon on February 23 last year, Deng Xiaobing 989.2 using public money, huihua Doubletree by Hilton in the zone, received junior middle school students and their families. That night, Deng Xiaobing, Tianhe district, aussino wine diet, accept private organizations may affect the impartiality of official banquets, 8074 total consumption. During the Spring Festival in 2016, Deng Xiaobing sent to receive gifts at home 80,000 yuan.

Guangzhou International Engineering Consulting Corporation General Manager Lai Buke receiving gifts gifts

From 2002 to 2014, Lai Buke as Guangzhou International Engineering Consulting Corporation General Manager and presided over the full working duties, in electrical engineering consulting business, establishment of a consultancy company for the benefit of others, accept sent by someone else's property. During the 1999 to 2016, Lai Buke occasions received under the year-end bonuses to departments on behalf of sent Spring Festival greetings and gifts, gift amounts to 230,000 yuan.

>: Tang Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Gongchesiyong anti-corruption discipline

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Ocean excursions, Guangzhou daily

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  2002年至2014年,赖布克利用担任广州市国际工程咨询公司总经理及主持公司全面工作的职务便利,在承接工程咨询业务、设立咨询公司分公司等方面为 他人谋取利益,先后收受他人所送财物。1999年至2016年期间,赖布克先后多次收受下属以部门年终奖奖金名义和春节拜年所送礼金、礼品共计23万元。


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