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Hunan: drugs with the anti-drug police, Deputy Director of the police station was dismissed

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/3/18 8:34:53 Browse times: 110 Comment times: 0

Hunan: drugs with the anti-drug police, Deputy Director of the police station was dismissed(湖南:派出所副所长与禁毒民警一起吸毒被开除)

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Hunan: Deputy Director of the police station and the Police Narcotics drug abuse drug-fired | | | discipline of the police station _ news


Hengyang City zhuhui district, Dong Feng Lu, former Vice Director of the police station Jiang Yuchun, Zhuhui original police police anti-drug Brigade Guan Zhengguo, who drug abuse. On December 22, 2015, Jiang Yuchun and Chenzhou city, Guan Zhengguo went to my friends house party with friends at a hotel in Chenzhou 1419 room, during which the drug crystal meth addiction and Ma old. Jiang Yuchun, and Guan Zhengguo was expelled from the party, dismissed from disciplinary action.

Shigu district, sand pine Bay Street area songmeicun (formerly friendship service) former head of Chohan, former Deputy Secretary (Deputy Director of the village Committee) land weary, accounting, Yang Wuyuan violates the Central eight moral issues. Chohan province, and land tired health, and Yang Wuyuan in July 2013 to August 2015 during, organization others and participation public funds foot bath, and KTV, entertainment leisure consumption activities, claims costs 18285 Yuan; with public funds purchase cigarettes, amounted to 186749 Yuan; using positions Shang of convenience, not right perform land land compensation paragraph of management duties, use 40 million Yuan land compensation paragraph purchase bank short-term financial products; forged false project agreement, and project payment led article, accounting voucher, Offset the original management of the friendship hospitality, the granting of subsidies to village cadres and the Chinese new year, holiday welfare costs, amounted to 355014; financial administration expenses related to white in the original friendship, a total of 439100 Yuan. Land, Chohan, tired student placed on probation within a year, Yang Wuyuan is a serious warning within the party. Proceeds of a disciplinary offence pursuant to the relevant provisions shall be recovered.

Hengnan Mao town and original members, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee, Liu Fang Zhen original Quan Qingshan, Deputy Director of finance, town of financial accounting 3 people work play issues such as Deng Zhengming. On February 6, 2017 (Monday) 14:38, Liu Fang and Quan Qingshan, Deng Zhengming breach of work discipline, in Castle Peak office typing. Liu Fang is a serious warning inside the party, and was removed from Mao Shi town, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee members, post; Castle Peak was a demerit, and Mao municipal finance, was removed from the post of Deputy Director; Deng Zhengming demerit. Mao municipal party Secretary Luo Wensheng subjects lack of responsibility, lack of discipline Inspection Commission Secretary Tang Zhijun in discharging its oversight responsibilities, and Luo Wensheng, Tang Zhijun commandments talk.

Tea mountain outang town village, the original branch Secretary, zhuhui district Xiong Zhongjia, former Deputy Secretary of the party branch (Director of the village Committee) has German violation payment subsidies issue. Since June 2005, Xiong Zhongjia, bin Jiang district, from project construction expropriated land of tea in the mountain town of headquarters draw 1.5 million Yuan, since standard illegal issuance of subsidized a total of 1.063 million Yuan. In command of the town urged repayment cases, drafting false road hardening agreement contract and arrange false contracts virtual columns from the village collective account expenditures 1.063 million Yuan. Zeng Dejun informed about deficiency incurred by false contracts and raised no objections, and signed at the false road hardening contract party. Xiong Zhongjia placed on probation within a year, had the Germans been a serious warning within the party. Proceeds of a disciplinary offence pursuant to the relevant provisions shall be recovered.

> Editor: Zhang di

Article keywords:
Drug police disciplinary

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  衡南县茅市镇原党委委员、副书记刘芳,镇财政所原副所长全青山,镇财政所会计邓争鸣等3人工作时间打牌问题。2017年2月6日(星期一)14时38分,刘芳和全青山、邓争鸣违反工作纪律,在全青山办公室打字牌。刘芳受到党内严重警告处分,并被免去茅市镇党委委员、副书记职务;全青山受到记过处分,并被免 去茅市镇财政所副所长职务;邓争鸣受到记大过处分。茅市镇党委书记罗文生履行主体责任不力,纪委书记唐志君履行监督责任不力,罗文生、唐志君受到诫勉谈话处理。



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