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Former Secretary of Zhuhai Li surveyed, 4 provincial and ministerial level officials in Guangdong Lok

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Former Secretary of Zhuhai Li surveyed, 4 provincial and ministerial level officials in Guangdong Lok(珠海原书记李嘉被调查,广东4名省部级官员落马)

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Li, former Secretary of Zhuhai Guangdong surveyed 4 provincial Lok officials Lok | right | |-corruption _ news

> Li (information above)

Justice Network Beijing, March 17 (Song Shumin) according to the official website of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China News, recently reviewed, the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China decided, in accordance with the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the original Standing Committee, Secretary of the Zhuhai municipal Committee of the original Li on suspicion of bribery investigation and coercive measures. Investigation is in progress.

Indulgent relatives using their position for huge profits

March 2016, and Li accepted organization investigation; a year later, Li serious disciplinary violations were "double".

By check, Li serious violation political discipline and political rules, responded,, and clique, and clique, for non-organization activities; on Central eight items provides spirit fell on deaf ears, wind disciplinary, with public funds for upscale entertainment activities, with public funds arrangements family and the others tourism, times accept private main arrangements of tourism, in corporate reception in the make luxury of wind; serious violation discipline, in organization talk letter polling Shi not truthfully description problem, tampered with I archives and to organization provides false description, violations selection appointments cadres Serious breach of integrity discipline, relatives of connivance and tacit approval of its terms of reference and the influence of duty taking big interest right color Exchange, money exchange, serious breach of work discipline, abuse of power, causing adverse effects using his position to seek benefits for others and receiving property suspected of bribery.

Has 4 provincial and ministerial level officials in Guangdong Lok

Li earlier work in Meizhou city, Meizhou, while serving as Party Secretary, its "partner", Mayor Zhu Zejun Meizhou in March 2016, was "double", reported "with a number of women's rights." Subsequently, the "Guangdong 3 crazy bite each other" message of concern, one of them is Zhu Zejun. August 2016 Zhu Zejun bribery charges were filed for investigation by procuratorial organs.

Guangdong 4 provincial and ministerial level officials have been checked, 3 others except Li are the former Party Secretary of Guangzhou Wan qingliang, Guangdong provincial CPPCC Chairman Zhu mingguo, former Vice Governor of Guangdong Province Liu zhigeng. Li and Wan qingliang, Zhu mingguo, Zhu Zejun has different degree intersection. September 2016, Wan qingliang trial was sentenced to life imprisonment in November, Zhu mingguo trial received a suspended death sentence on February 24, 2017, and Liu zhigeng bribery case Court of first instance.

Li resumes

Li, male, born in September 1964, origin from xiangyin, master's degree, doctoral degree, to work in July 1987, and joined the CPC in May 1985, the current Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Committee, Secretary of the Zhuhai municipal Committee, first Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhuhai garrison.

September 1983 to July 1987 study in the Electronics Department of Zhongshan University in electronics;

July 1987-September 1991 as Sun Yat-sen University Communist Youth League officers;

September 1991-December 1994 Sun Yat-sen University Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth League (March 1993-May 1994 pair);

December 1994-January 1996 its provincial Committee, Vice Minister of the propaganda Department;

January 1996-November 1996 provincial party Committee propaganda Department;

November 1996-December 1998 Minister of propaganda Department of CPC (course: September 1994-December 1997 at Sun Yat-sen University Professional on-the-job postgraduate study of the world economy; green in September 1996 to January 1997 in the provincial party school classes);

December 1998-July 2001 as Deputy Secretary of the provincial party Committee and party member;

July 2001 – May 2003 appointed Deputy Secretary of the provincial party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the leading party group;

May 2003-in December 2005, Mei Zhou, Vice Secretary of municipal party Committee Organization Department;

December 2005-January 2006, Vice Secretary of municipal party Committee Organization Department in Meizhou, Deputy Mayor;

January 2006-January 2007 as Deputy Secretary of the municipal Committee, Vice Mayor of Meizhou;

January 2007-July 2010 as Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Mayor of Meizhou (course: September 1999-July 2007 at Sun Yat-sen University study of philosophy in China, received a doctor of philosophy degree from);

July 2010 to January 2011 in Meizhou municipal party Committee Secretary, Director of the municipal people's Congress candidate January 2011-February 2012 Meizhou municipal party Committee Secretary, Director of the municipal people's Congress;

February 2012-May 2012, Party Secretary of Zhuhai, Director of the municipal people's Congress candidate, first Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhuhai garrison;

May 2012 in November 2012, Standing Committee of the Guangdong provincial party Committee, Secretary of the Zhuhai municipal Committee, Director of the municipal people's Congress candidate, first Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhuhai garrison;

November 2012-March 2016, the Standing Committee of the Guangdong provincial party Committee, Secretary of the Zhuhai municipal Committee, first Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhuhai garrison.

>: Tang Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Rights trading Lok anti-corruption

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珠海原书记李嘉被调查 广东4名省部级官员落马|权色交易|落马|反腐_新闻资讯


























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