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Foreign Media: 30 years after rising living standards in China will catch up with Europe and the United States

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/3/18 8:34:40 Browse times: 55 Comment times: 0

Foreign Media: 30 years after rising living standards in China will catch up with Europe and the United States(外媒:30年后中国人生活水平会追上欧美国家)

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Foreign Media: 30 years rising living standards in China will catch up with Europe and the United States _ | | | Europe and development news


French media said, and soon after, the Chinese will reach the French standard of living, Turks and Russians will live as well with the Italian, Vietnamese people's purchasing power will be increased from the current four times, Saudis are richer than the Americans! This is the PricewaterhouseCoopers accounting firm predictions for 2050 GDP per capita.

According to French newspaper Les Echos reported on March 16, 2050 seems very far away, but the rest of the year it is a little more than a generation. Seen from the time from 2050 than the election of former French President Francois Mitterrand also in close proximity.

Of course, the world's poorest countries does not become the world's richest countries: starting from a distance runner won fewer opportunities, but they can speed up, Chase became a powerful lever for growth, as the French glory "30" as shown (from 1947 to 1974, the annual growth rate of almost 6%).

Since is what happened in the 1990 of the 20th century, particularly in Asia, the next decades will continue this trend, this is PWC's Chief Economist yuehan·huokesiwosi, head of the conclusions of the expert team. In Vietnam and Bangladesh, income will be increased from the current four times, and now the growth in developed countries will only have 50%-70%.

Seven major emerging economies (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and Turkey) and the Group of seven's annual growth rate will be 3.5% and 1.6% respectively. Results: the convergence of living standards will continue to be substantial. The PWC study among 32 countries, living standards gap between the best and worst countries will decrease by half, from 14 to 7.

The gap between the United States and China will narrow the margin of almost (from 3.7 to 2). Hierarchy between the countries will not be reversed, but may be upset. Just imagine South Korean and Malaysian purchasing power than the French (French people's purchasing power will also increase 56%), Poland than Japanese earn more, Russians are earning more than Italians.

Reports should look at these numbers, education, improvement of living standards depends on the investment climate, such as fair distribution and technology assumptions. In terms of technological progress, labour productivity growth in the United States 1.5%, although this is PWC experts forecast dropped the number from a previous 2%, but is still low.

"We assume that the overall policy to (but not perfect) growth, and there is no threat to civilization's major catastrophic events. "There are many things to do in emerging countries. In addition to training and configuration effort, they should diversify their economies, so as to reduce dependency on raw materials (now is the case with Nigeria and Saudi Arabia), strengthened the country's political institutions and the judiciary.

Reports, maintain the continuity of these policies will not be easy. And even if the implementation of these policies, "is also the premise of the above policy can continue, forecasts on future potential growth, rather than true prophecies for the future".

Reported, "Black Swan" event nature can break these prospects. PricewaterhouseCoopers experts, like other forecasters, failed to predict the opening up of China and the collapse of the Soviet Union, nuclear accident or the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. They are very aware of the risks: "times have changed, when emerging economies mature, short-term political turmoil and economic dislocation that will inevitably occur. ”

But they were still optimistic: "if companies and other investors have the patience, then will gain significant benefit over the longer term. "In other words, future crises will not break the main price trends.

Reports, if you accept this, then there is another problem. If nearly 1.4 billion Chinese living standards is now 65 million French living standards comparable to how it's going to be a planet? The answer is obvious: a larger planet than Earth, has more minerals and gas emissions and the greenhouse effect is not very sensitive ecosystems. After a generation, the living standards of billions of people may be much higher, this is wonderful news. However, this requires that all people taking different kind of way.

Source: references

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Europe and the development

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